- get
Navigate between screens, display snackbars, dialogs and bottomSheets, from anywhere in your code without context with Get.
- FlutterVisualizers
A Flutter Plugin to visualize audio in android
- flutter-native-ads
Flutter plugin for AdMob Native Ads. Compatible with Android and iOS using PlatformView.
- flutter-string-encryption
Cross-platform string encryption using common best-practices (AES/CBC/PKCS5/Random IVs/HMAC-SHA256 Integrity Check).
- flutter-appavailability
A Flutter plugin that allows you to check if an app is installed/enabled, launch an app and get the list of installed apps.
- k-chart
Maybe this is the best k chart in Flutter.Support drag,scale,long press,fling.And easy to use.
- flutter-plugin-circular-profile-avatar
a Flutter package which allows developers to implement circular profile avatar with border, overlay, initialsText and many other awesome features, which simplifies developers job.
- Flutter-Credit-Card-Input-Form
This package provides visually beautiful UX through animation of credit card information input form.
- flutter-firebase-auth-starter
flutter firebase auth starter project
- flutter-radio
A Flutter audio plugin for Android to play remote audio files using ExoPlayer
- flutter-zoom-plugin
A Flutter plugin for the Zoom SDK.
- flutter-auth-buttons
Flutter widget library containing buttons for authenticating with popular social networks: Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft.
- dart-rnd
Extension methods & helpers for Random in Dart, and a globally accessible instance. Ex. rnd(10), rnd.getItem(list), rnd.getBit(0.8).
- golden-layout
Flutter Golden Layout
- app-settings
Flutter plugin for accessing app phone settings for iOS and Android
- clickabletextpackage
Find Hashtag and Mention seperately and both together.This package work for both android and IOS just use it as child of richtext.
- mapbox-geocoding
A Flutter package Mapbox Geocoding API. Package is not official product of mapbox.
- flutter-group-list-view
A ListView that allows you to group list items and support headers like iOS UITableView section.
- flutter-logger-android-like
A simple logger that uses quite the same API as Android one.
- dart-pdf
Pdf creation module for dart/flutte
- launch-review
A Flutter plugin to assist in leaving user reviews/ratings in the Google Play Store. Supports both Android and iOS.
- flutter-paystack
A robust Flutter plugin for making payments via Paystack Payment Gateway. Completely supports Android and iOS
- firebase-dart-sdk
Unofficial Firebase Dart SDK
- get-version
Get the Version Name, Version Code, Platform and OS Version, and App ID on iOS and Android.
- stereo
A Flutter plugin for playing music on iOS and Android.
- flutter-custom-tabs
A Flutter plugin to use Chrome Custom Tabs.
- beacons
Flutter beacons plugin for Android and iOS.
- youtube-extractor
a library for Dart (and Flutter) that provides an interface to resolve and download YouTube video and audio streams
- reader-sdk-flutter-plugin
Flutter Plugin for Square Reader SDK
- x5-webview-flutter
一个基于腾讯x5引擎的webview flutter插件,简化集成,一行代码打开视频播放,暂时只支持android使用
- flutter-install-plugin
A flutter plugin for install apk for android; and using url to go to app store for iOS.
- r-scan
- background-locator
A Flutter plugin for updating location in background.
- Flutter-Apps-Collection
This is a repository of a collection of apps made in flutter for learning purpose
- impossiblocks
a complicated game but with very simple rules made in Flutter
- PortfolioX
Responsive Portfolio App Made With Flutter With VelocityX
- flutter-ctrip
- flutterhole
A third party Android application for the Pi-Hole® dashboard.
- flutter-samsung-remote
Flutter remote controller for Samsung TV
- flutter-remote-compiler
Remote Flutter/Dart Compiler for CloudRun and Docker
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