`1. /**
- * @version 1.0 sqlite操作文件
- * @todo 待解决的事情: 采用面向对象实现,这样在拼接SQL的时候就不用受到上次调用同样方法的影响,这样不用再每个方法都传一个固定的object对象
- */
- (function(window){
- var u = {};
- u.trim = function(str){
- if(String.prototype.trim){
- return str == null ? "" : String.prototype.trim.call(str);
- }else{
- return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
- }
- };
- u.isArray = function(obj){
- if(Array.isArray){
- return Array.isArray(obj);
- }else{
- return obj instanceof Array;
- }
- };
- // 文件操作状态码
- u.fsCode = ['没有错误','找不到文件错误','不可读取错误','编码格式错误','无效操作错误','无效修改错误','磁盘溢出错误','文件已存在错误'];
- u.db = null; // 数据库对象
- u.dbInfo = null; // 存储了是否打开了数据库的相关信息
- // 数据库存放在widget的路径,对应要复制到fs目录下的地址固定为fs://sqlite/
- u.dbPath = {"draft" : "widget://res/draft.sqlite"};
- u.fs = null;
- u.storeArr = []; // 用于存放配置对象的数组
- u.idleIds = []; // 空闲已经被释放的optionId
- /**
- * 创建一个用于存放各种属性的对象
- */
- u.createObj = function(){
- if(u.idleIds.length > 0){
- var optionId = u.idleIds.pop();
- }else{
- var optionId = u.storeArr.length;
- }
- u.storeArr[optionId] = new Object;
- return optionId;
- };
- /**
- * 打开数据库
- * */
- u._openDb = function(optionId,success,fail){
- if(!u.db){
- u.db = api.require('db');
- }
- if (u.storeArr[optionId].dbName == '') {
- console.error('sqlite数据库名称为空');
- return false;
- }
- // 获取用户是否已经打开该数据库了
- if(!u.dbInfo){
- u.dbInfo = $api.getStorage('sqlite_dbInfo');
- if(u.dbInfo == undefined){
- u.dbInfo = {};
- }
- }
- if(u.dbInfo[u.storeArr[optionId].dbName]){
- // 该数据库已经打开了,无需重新打开
- if (typeof success == 'function'){
- success();
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (!u.fs) {
- u.fs = api.require('fs');
- }
- var filepath = u.getDbPath(u.storeArr[optionId].dbName);
- //先检查fs 有无数据库文件
- u.fs.exist({
- path: filepath
- },function(ret,err){
- if(ret.exist){
- //找到数据库了 并查询看能用不
- u._simpleOpenDb(optionId,filepath,success,fail);
- }else{
- //没有找到数据库 就拷贝一份到fs 目录
- u.fs.copyTo({
- oldPath: u.dbPath[u.storeArr[optionId].dbName],
- newPath: "fs://sqlite"
- },function(ret,err){
- if (ret.status) {
- u._simpleOpenDb(optionId,filepath,success,fail);
- }else {
- if(typeof fail == 'function'){
- if(err.code != undefined){
- var msg = u.fsCode[err.code];
- }else{
- var msg = '文件复制失败';
- }
- fail(msg);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- };
- /**
- * 打开数据库
- */
- u._simpleOpenDb = function(optionId,filepath,success,fail){
- // 打开数据库
- u.db.openDatabase({
- name : u.storeArr[optionId].dbName,
- path : filepath
- }, function(ret, err) {
- if(ret.status){
- u.dbInfo[u.storeArr[optionId].dbName] = true;
- $api.setStorage('sqlite_dbInfo',u.dbInfo);
- if(typeof success == 'function'){
- success();
- }
- } else {
- if(typeof fail == 'function'){
- fail(err.msg);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- /*
- * 判断某个数据库是否已经打开
- * */
- u.judgeDb = function(dbName){
- };
- /**
- * 关闭数据库
- */
- u.closeDb = function(optionId,callback){
- if(!u.db){
- u.db = api.require('db');
- }
- u.db.closeDatabase({
- name : u.storeArr[optionId].dbName
- }, function(ret, err){
- if(ret.status){
- u.dbInfo[u.storeArr[optionId].dbName] = true;
- $api.setStorage('sqlite_dbInfo',u.dbInfo);
- if(typeof callback == 'function'){
- callback();
- }
- }else{
- api.toast({msg:'关闭数据库'+dbName+'失败!'});
- }
- });
- };
- /**
- * 设置要连接的数据库和数据表
- */
- u.config = function(optionId,tbName,dbName){
- u.storeArr[optionId].tbName = tbName;
- u.storeArr[optionId].dbName = dbName;
- u.storeArr[optionId].fields = '*';
- u.storeArr[optionId].where_str = ''; // where条件语句
- u.storeArr[optionId].order_str = ''; // order by语句
- u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str = ''; // limit 子句
- u.storeArr[optionId].group_str = ''; // group by 子句
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = ''; // 最终的SQL语句
- u.storeArr[optionId].distinct_str = '';
- u.storeArr[optionId].having_str = '';
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * 获取数据库对应的fs路径
- */
- u.getDbPath = function(dbName){
- return 'fs://sqlite/'+dbName + '.sqlite';
- };
- /**
- * 执行数据库操作
- */
- u._execute = function(optionId,callback,destroy){
- // 打开数据库
- u._openDb(optionId,function(){
- u.db.executeSql({
- name: u.storeArr[optionId].dbName,
- sql: u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql
- }, function(ret, err){
- if(ret.status){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- callback && callback(ret.status,'ok');
- }else{
- if(err.msg == 'Database Not Open'){
- // 重新打开一遍数据库
- var filepath = u.getDbPath(u.storeArr[optionId].dbName);
- u._simpleOpenDb(optionId,filepath,function(){
- u.db.executeSql({
- name: u.storeArr[optionId].dbName,
- sql: u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql
- }, function(ret, err){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- if(ret.status){
- callback && callback(ret.status,'ok');
- }else{
- callback && callback(false,err.msg);
- }
- });
- },function(){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- api.toast({
- msg:msg
- });
- });
- }else{
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- callback && callback(false,err.msg);
- }
- }
- });
- },function(msg){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- api.toast({
- msg:msg
- });
- });
- };
- u._query = function(optionId,callback,destroy){
- // 打开数据库
- u._openDb(optionId,function(){
- u.db.selectSql({
- name : u.storeArr[optionId].dbName,
- sql: u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql
- }, function(ret, err){
- if(ret.status){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- callback && callback(ret.status,ret.data);
- }else{
- if(err.msg == 'Database Not Open'){
- // 重新打开一遍数据库
- var filepath = u.getDbPath(u.storeArr[optionId].dbName);
- u._simpleOpenDb(optionId,filepath,function(){
- u.db.selectSql({
- name: u.storeArr[optionId].dbName,
- sql: u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql
- }, function(ret, err){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- if(ret.status){
- callback && callback(ret.status,ret.data);
- }else{
- callback && callback(false,err.msg);
- }
- });
- },function(){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- api.toast({
- msg:msg
- });
- });
- }else{
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- callback && callback(false,err.msg);
- }
- }
- });
- },function(msg){
- if(undefined == destroy || destroy){
- u.destoryObj(optionId);
- }
- api.toast({
- msg:msg
- });
- });
- };
- /**
- * 查询
- */
- u.select = function(optionId,callback,destroy){
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = 'SELECT '+u.storeArr[optionId].distinct_str+u.storeArr[optionId].fields+' FROM `'+u.storeArr[optionId].tbName+'` '+u.storeArr[optionId].where_str + u.storeArr[optionId].group_str + u.storeArr[optionId].having_str + u.storeArr[optionId].order_str + u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str;
- u._query(optionId,function(status,data){
- callback && callback(status,data);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * 更新
- * @param 是否销毁对象标识,默认不传为true
- */
- u.save = function(optionId,data,callback,destroy){
- if(undefined == data || !data ){
- console.error('请传递要更新的参数');
- return false;
- }
- if (typeof(data) == 'string') {
- var update = data;
- }else if(typeof(data) == 'object'){
- if(u.isArray(data)){
- console.error('不允许为数组类型');
- return false;
- }
- var str = [],type = '';
- for (var i in data) {
- type = typeof(data[i]);
- switch (type) {
- case "string" :
- str.push(i+'="'+u.quotesConvert(data[i])+'"');
- break;
- case "object" :
- if(undefined == data[i].type){
- console.error(i+'的type参数错误');
- return false;
- }
- if(undefined == data[i].value){
- console.error(i+'的value参数错误');
- return false;
- }
- if(isNaN(data[i].value)){
- console.error(i+'的value只允许为数字');
- return false;
- }
- data[i].type = data[i].type.toLowerCase();
- if(data[i].type == 'dec'){
- str.push(i+'='+i+'-'+data[i].value);
- }else if(data[i].type == 'inc'){
- str.push(i+'='+i+'+'+data[i].value);
- }else{
- console.error('更新参数'+i+'的type内容只允许为dec或inc');
- return false;
- }
- break;
- case 'number' :
- str.push(i+'='+data[i]);
- break;
- default :
- console.error('更新参数'+i+'的内容类型只能为对象、字符串或数字');
- }
- }
- if(str.length == 0){
- console.error('更新参数为空');
- return false;
- }
- var update = str.join(',');
- }else{
- console.error('更新参数类型错误');
- return false;
- }
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = 'UPDATE `'+u.storeArr[optionId].tbName+'` SET '+update+u.storeArr[optionId].where_str + u.storeArr[optionId].order_str + u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str;
- u._execute(optionId,function(status,msg){
- callback && callback(status,msg);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * 添加
- * @param obj option配置选项对象,必须传递
- * @param data 插入的数据,数组形式。
- * @param callback 程序执行结果回调函数
- */
- u.add = function(optionId,data,callback,destroy){
- // 拼接SQL
- if(!u.isArray(data) || data.length == 0){
- console.error('请传递数组或数组为空');
- return false;
- }
- var element = data.shift();
- if(u.isArray(element) && typeof(element) != 'object'){
- console.error('插入的数据类型必须是json对象');
- return false;
- }
- var fields = [];
- var values = [];
- for (var i in element) {
- fields.push(i);
- values.push(u.quotesConvert(element[i]));
- }
- var fields_str = fields.join('`,`');
- if(!fields_str){
- console.error('数据类型有误');
- return false;
- }
- var sql = ' INSERT INTO `'+u.storeArr[optionId].tbName+'`(`'+fields_str+'`) VALUES ("'+values.join('","')+'")';
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var val = [],join_str='';
- values=[];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length;++i) {
- val = [];
- for (var item in data[i]) {
- val.push(u.quotesConvert(data[i][item]));
- }
- join_str = val.join('","');
- if(join_str){
- values.push('("'+join_str+'")');
- }
- }
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = sql +','+values.join(',');
- } else {
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = sql;
- }
- // 执行SQL
- u._execute(optionId,function(status,msg){
- callback && callback(status,msg);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * 删除
- */
- u.del = function(optionId,callback,destroy){
- if(u.storeArr[optionId].where_str == ''){
- console.error('请传递where条件');
- return false;
- }
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = 'DELETE FROM `'+u.storeArr[optionId].tbName+'` '+u.storeArr[optionId].where_str + u.storeArr[optionId].order_str + u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str;
- u._execute(optionId,function(status,msg){
- callback && callback(status,msg);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * group 子句
- */
- u.group = function(optionId,group){
- if(group){
- u.storeArr[optionId].group_str = ' GROUP BY '+group+' ';
- }
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * distinct
- */
- u.distinct = function(optionId,distinct){
- if(typeof(distinct) == 'boolean' && distinct){
- u.storeArr[optionId].distinct_str = ' DISTINCT ';
- }
- };
- /**
- * having子句
- */
- u.having = function(optionId,having){
- if(typeof(having) == 'string' && having) {
- u.storeArr[optionId].having_str = ' HAVING '+having+' ';
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * order子句
- */
- u.order = function(optionId,order){
- if(order){
- u.storeArr[optionId].order_str = ' ORDER BY '+order;
- }
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * limit条件
- */
- u.limit = function(optionId,offset,length){
- if (length == undefined) {
- if(offset){
- u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str = (' LIMIT '+offset);
- }else{
- u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str = '';
- }
- }else if( undefined != offset){
- u.storeArr[optionId].limit_str = (' LIMIT '+offset+','+length);
- }
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * 转换双引号或单引号前加 \ 符号
- */
- u.quotesConvert = function(text,mark){
- if(typeof(text) != 'string' || !text){
- return text;
- }
- if(undefined == mark){
- mark = '"';
- }
- mark = mark.substr(0,1);
- if(mark == '\\'){
- mark == '\\\\';
- }
- if (mark == '"'){
- var wrapper = '\'';
- }else{
- var wrapper = '"';
- }
- var str = 'var tmp=text.replace(/\\'+mark+'/g,'+wrapper+mark+wrapper+');tmp.replace(/'+mark+'/g,'+wrapper+'\\\\'+mark+wrapper+')'
- var result = eval(str);
- return result;
- };
- /*
- * where条件
- */
- u.where = function(optionId,where){
- var type = typeof(where);
- switch(type){
- case "string" :
- if(!where){
- u.storeArr[optionId].where_str = '';
- }else{
- u.storeArr[optionId].where_str = ' WHERE '+where;
- }
- break;
- case "object" :
- var str = "";
- var exeTimes = 0; // 执行次数,用来获取是否是json对象的第一个元素
- for (var i in where) {
- i = u.trim(i);
- if(!i){
- continue;
- }
- ++exeTimes;
- if(i == ')'){
- str += ')';
- continue;
- }
- i = i.replace(/\s+/g,' ');
- var arr = i.split(' ');
- if(undefined != arr[0]){
- arr[0] = arr[0].toLowerCase();
- }
- if(undefined != arr[1]){
- arr[1] = arr[1].toLowerCase();
- }
- if(exeTimes == 1 || (arr[0] == ')' || arr[0] == '(' || arr[0] == 'and' || arr[0] == 'or' || arr[1] == 'and' || arr[1] == 'or')) {
- if(arr[arr.length - 1] == 'like' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '>' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '>=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<>' ) {
- str += (' '+i);
- } else {
- str += (' '+i+'=');
- }
- }else{
- if(arr[arr.length - 1] != undefined){
- arr[arr.length - 1] = arr[arr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
- }
- if(arr[arr.length - 1] == 'like' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '>' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '>=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<=' || arr[arr.length - 1] == '<>' ) {
- str += (' AND '+i);
- } else {
- str += (' AND '+i+'=');
- }
- }
- if (typeof(where[i]) == 'string') {
- where[i] = u.quotesConvert(where[i]);
- str += ('"'+where[i]+'"');
- } else if (!isNaN(where[i])) {
- str += where[i];
- }
- }
- if(!str){
- u.storeArr[optionId].where_str = '';
- }else{
- u.storeArr[optionId].where_str = ' WHERE '+str;
- }
- break;
- default :
- console.error('where条件错误');
- }
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * 指定要查询的字段
- */
- u.fields = function(optionId,fields){
- if(u.isArray(fields)){
- u.storeArr[optionId].fields = fields.join(',');
- }else if(typeof(fields) == 'string'){
- u.storeArr[optionId].fields = fields;
- }
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * SQL语句查询
- */
- u.query = function(optionId,sql,callback,destroy){
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = sql;
- u._query(optionId,function(status,data){
- callback && callback(status,data);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * SQL语句添加。删除、更新操作
- */
- u.exec = function(optionId,sql,callback,destroy){
- u.storeArr[optionId].last_sql = sql;
- u._execute(optionId,function(status,msg){
- callback && callback(status,msg);
- },destroy);
- };
- /**
- * 销毁对象
- */
- u.destoryObj = function(optionId){
- if(undefined != u.storeArr[optionId]){
- u.storeArr[optionId] = null;
- u.idleIds.push(optionId);
- };
- };
- window.$sqlite_api = u;
- })(window);
- var sql = 'create table goods(id integer primary key autoincrement,'+
- 'name varchar(20),price decimal(10,2),'+
- 'shop_id integer, descri varchar(100),'+
- 'updatetime datetime)';
- // 创建Db对象唯一标识,每次操作都必须创建一个新的Db操作标识,每次操作完成该对象会自动被销毁,每个方法的第一个参数都必须写这个唯一标识符
- var optionId1 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId1,'','draft').exec(optionId1,sql,function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('sql执行成功');
- }else{
- alert(msg);
- }
- });
- //插入单条数据
- var arr = [{"name":"jim11","age":25,"address":"england","add_time":"2012-01-12 12:12:12"}];
- var optionId2 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId2,'user','draft').add(optionId2,arr,function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('插入数据成功');
- }else{
- alert('操作失败'+msg);
- }
- });
- // 插入多条数据
- var arr1 = [{"name":"lucas","age":43,"address":"England","add_time":"2011-01-12 12:12:12"},{"name":"赵老四","age":20,"address":"CHINA","add_time":"2012-01-12 12:12:12"},{"name":"李村品","age":32,"address":"重庆","add_time":"2012-03-12 12:12:12"}];
- var optionId3 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId3,'user','draft').add(optionId3,arr1,function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('插入多条数据成功');
- }else{
- alert('多条数据插入失败'+msg);
- }
- });
- // 读取全表数据
- var optionId4 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId4,'user','draft').select(optionId4,function(status,data){
- if(status){
- alert('读取成功1'+JSON.stringify({"data":data}));
- }else{
- alert('读取失败:失败原因:'+data);
- }
- });
- // 读取指定数据
- var optionId5 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId5,'user','draft').where(optionId5,{"name":"lucy","age >":10}).select(optionId5,function(status,data){
- if(status){
- alert('读取成功2'+JSON.stringify({"data":data}));
- }else{
- alert('读取失败:失败原因:'+data);
- }
- });
- //var optionId6 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId6,'user','draft').where(optionId6,{"(name LIKE":"%lucy%","age >":10,") or (name":"张三",")":""}).select(optionId6,function(status,data){
- if(status){
- alert('读取成功3'+JSON.stringify({"data":data}));
- }else{
- alert('读取失败:失败原因:'+data);
- }
- });
- //// 读取add_time在2012-01-12 12:12:12之后的用户中年龄最大的用户的姓名和地址
- var optionId7 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId7,'user','draft').order(optionId7,'age desc').limit(optionId7,1).fields(optionId7,['name','address']).where(optionId7,{"add_time >":"2012-01-12 12:12:12"}).select(optionId7,function(status,data){
- if(status){
- alert('读取成功4'+JSON.stringify({"data":data}));
- }else{
- alert('读取失败:失败原因:'+data);
- }
- });
- // 更新id=1的用户年龄往上加2,address变更为西安市
- var optionId8 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId8,'user','draft').where(optionId8,{"id":1}).save(optionId8,{"age":{"type":"inc","value":2},"address":"西安市"},function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('SQL执行成功');
- }else{
- alert('失败原因1:'+msg);
- }
- });
- // // 验证一下是不是还返回更新成功的提示
- var optionId9 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId9,'user','draft').where(optionId9,{"id":1}).save(optionId9,{"age":{"type":"inc","value":2},"address":"西安市"},function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('SQL执行成功');
- }else{
- alert('失败原因2:'+msg);
- }
- });
- // // 更新id=2的用户注册时间为2014-02-12 14:15:14
- var optionId10 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId10,'user','draft').where(optionId10,{"id":2}).save(optionId10,{"add_time":"2014-02-12 14:15:14","address":"重庆市","age":{"type":"inc","value":2}},function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('SQL执行成功');
- }else{
- alert('失败原因:'+msg);
- }
- });
- var optionId11 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId11,'user','draft').where(optionId11,{"id":2,"or id":1}).select(optionId11,function(status,data){
- if(status){
- alert('SQL执行成功'+JSON.stringify({"data":data}));
- }else{
- alert('失败原因:'+data);
- }
- });
- // 删除id为1的记录
- var optionId12 = $sqlite_api.createObj();
- $sqlite_api.config(optionId12,'user','draft').where(optionId12,{"id":1}).del(optionId12,function(status,msg){
- if(status){
- alert('SQL执行成功');
- }else{
- alert('失败原因:'+msg);
- }
- });
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