- creditcard-slider
Dart package for creating a credit card slider
- flutter-orientation
A Flutter plugin for device's orientation
- flutter-responsive-tabs
A responsive tabs demo at two different screen size namely tablet and phone.
- swipedetector
A Flutter package to detect up, down, left, right swipes.
- awesomeDialogs
A new Flutter package project for simple a awesome dialogs
- flutter-umplus
一个简单的友盟 umeng app+ 统计
- bot-toast
A really easy to use flutter toast library
- streams-channel
For Flutter plugin development: StreamsChannel is inspired from EventChannel. It allows to create streams of events between Flutter and platform side.
- flutter-custom-dialog
Semantic dialog
- flutter-desktop-plugins
Flutter desktop plugins
- extended-image-library
package library for extended_image, extended_text and extended_text_field,provide common base class.
- flutter-audio-recorder
Flutter plugin that can support audio recording and level metering
- flutter-parallax-scroll
Flutter UI challenge- Parallax scroll effect
- flutter-flavorizr
A flutter utility to easily create flavors in your flutter application
- flutter-imageview-360
A Flutter package which provides 360 view of the images with rotation and gesture customisations.
- flutter-devicelocale
A Flutter package to read and return the set device locales
- foldable-sidebar
An easy to implement Foldable Sidebar Navigation Drawer for Flutter Applications.
- flutter-launch-whatsapp
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android to open whatsApp.
- rainbow-color
RainbowColor simplifies interpolation a numerical domain onto a multi-color range.
- json-to-form
A flutter plugin to use convert Json to Form
- flutter-novel
仿追书神器,具有仿真、滑动和滚动翻页、字体大小、行高、背景、目录等功能的Flutter 阅读APP
- flutter-hrlweibo
Flutter仿微博客户端, 包含首页、视频、发现、消息(仿微博聊界面)及个人中心模块
- flutter-twitter-clone
Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage
- bazel-flutter
Sample repository with Bazel support for Flutter projects
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