
  1. 网易支付-高性能NEJFlutter小程序动态化架构实践
  2. Flutter卡顿问题的监控与思考
  3. 构建健全的空安全
  4. Flutter 上的内存泄漏监控


  1. dynamic-theme

    Dynamically changing your theme without hassle

  2. flutter-p2p

    A Wi-Fi Direct Plugin for Flutter

  3. FIDL

    FIDL 即 Flutter 接口定义语言,类似于AIDL(Android Interface Definition Language)。您可以利用它定义不同平台(不限于 Android/iOS/Web)都可以识别的统一接口fidl.json文件,再通过静态代码生成的方式,自动化生成平台原生接口,进而快速/高效实现 Flutter 和原生之间的通信。

  4. flutter-concentric-transition

    A Flutter plugin to create views using Concentric Transition Clipper. Useful for onboarding, page transitions, custom clippers, painters etc.

  5. phone-number

    Flutter plugin for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers.

  6. flag-flutter

    A flag Flutter package for Android and iOS.

  7. flutter-mailer

    A wrapper on top of MFMailComposeViewController from iOS and Mail Intent on android

  8. flutter-freshchat

    A Flutter plugin for integrating Freshchat in your mobile app.


  1. FlutterMidiCommand

    A Flutter plugin to send and receive MIDI

  2. flutter-wasm

    WebAssembly interpreter for Flutter apps.

  3. bmnav

    A very flexible Flutter implementation of the Bottom Navigation Bar.

  4. FlutterRxBus

    A Flutter EventBus using RxDar

  5. pusher-websocket-flutter

    An unofficial Flutter plugin that wraps pusher-websocket-java on Android and pusher-websocket-swift on iOS

  6. simple-gesture-detector

    Easy to use, reliable and lightweight gesture detector for Flutter apps, exposing simple API for basic gestures

  7. flutter-color-plugin

    A color parse package for flutter,it works on iOS and Android.

  8. flutter-countdown

    A simple countdown plugin for flutter ⌛

  9. pda-scanner

    A Flutter plugin to scanning. Ready for PDA

  10. SystemAlertWindow

    A flutter plugin to show Truecaller like overlay window, over all other apps along with callback events (which also works in background).

  11. flutter-cameraview

    A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS allowing access to the device cameras, a bit deeper!!

  12. flutter-reorderable-list

    iOS-like proof of concept reorderable list with animations

  13. simple-color-picker

    A simple HSV color picker without any glitz or glamour.

  14. flutter-material-color-picker

    Material color picker, you can customize colors. Selection in two step, first main color and after shades.


  1. flutter-example

    A starter example of a Flutter + Mobx + Notifications

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