
好奇: Kotlin Symbol Processing API


Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) is an API that you can use to develop lightweight compiler plugins. KSP provides a simplified compiler plugin API that leverages the power of Kotlin while keeping the learning curve at a minimum. KSP is designed to hide compiler changes, minimizing maintenance efforts for processors that use it. KSP is designed not to be tied to the JVM so that it can be adapted to other platforms more easily in the future. KSP is also designed to minimize build times. For some processors, such as Glide, KSP reduces full compilation times by up to 25% when compared to KAPT.

啥玩意?比kapt快25% 喜大普奔...

KAPT is a remarkable solution which makes a large amount of Java annotation processors work for Kotlin programs out-of-box. The major advantages of KSP over KAPT are improved build performance, not tied to JVM, a more idiomatic Kotlin API, and the ability to understand Kotlin-only symbols.

To run Java annotation processors unmodified, KAPT compiles Kotlin code into Java stubs that retain information that Java annotation processors care about. To create these stubs, KAPT needs to resolve all symbols in the Kotlin program. The stub generation costs roughly 1/3 of a full kotlinc analysis and the same order of kotlinc code-generation. For many annotation processors, this is much longer than the time spent in the processors themselves. For example, Glide looks at a very limited number of classes with a predefined annotation, and its code generation is fairly quick. Almost all of the build overhead resides in the stub generation phase. Switching to KSP would immediately reduce the time spent in the compiler by 25%.

For performance evaluation, we implemented a simplified version of Glide in KSP to make it generate code for the Tachiyomi project. While the total Kotlin compilation time of the project is 21.55 seconds on our test device, it took 8.67 seconds for KAPT to generate the code, and it took 1.15 seconds for our KSP implementation to generate the code.

Unlike KAPT, processors in KSP do not see input programs from Java's point of view. The API is more natural to Kotlin, especially for Kotlin-specific features such as top-level functions. Because KSP doesn't delegate to javac like KAPT, it doesn't assume JVM-specific behaviors and can be used with other platforms potentially.

抓重点: 不依赖javac

目前需要kotlin 1.4-M1支持


plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.4-M1" apply false

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath(kotlin("gradle-plugin", version = "1.4-M1"))

    repositories {


 * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.ksp.processing

 * [SymbolProcessor] is the interface used by plugins to integrate into Kotlin Symbol Processing.
interface SymbolProcessor {
     * Called by Kotlin Symbol Processing to initialize the processor.
     * @param options passed from command line, Gradle, etc.
     * @param kotlinVersion language version of compilation environment.
     * @param codeGenerator creates managed files.
    fun init(options: Map<String, String>, kotlinVersion: KotlinVersion, codeGenerator: CodeGenerator)

     * Called by Kotlin Symbol Processing to run the processing task.
     * @param resolver provides [SymbolProcessor] with access to compiler details such as Symbols.
    fun process(resolver: Resolver)

     * Called by Kotlin Symbol Processing to finalize the processing of a compilation.
    fun finish()
  • init()作为初始化提供一些工具,例如options,CodeGenerator(KSP版本的Filer)和正在运行的Kotlin的版本(KotlinVersion)。
  • process()提供了Resolver,这是javax中的Types和Elements API的替代。



val symbols = resolver.getSymbolsWithAnnotation("tt.reducto.eventbus.annotation.TTModuleEvents")

返回的是一个 List<KSAnnotated>


fun KSClassDeclaration.getDeclaredFunctions(): List<KSFunctionDeclaration> {
    return this.declarations.filterIsInstance<KSFunctionDeclaration>()
val type: KSType =
                ?: error("没有找到指定注解类型")


kapt 生成 Kotlin 代码,是将生成的 Kotlin 源文件写入processingEnv.options["kapt.kotlin.generated"] 所指定的目录,这些文件会与主源代码一起编译。


 // 类似于getEnclosingElement
val parent = function.parentDeclaration as KSClassDeclaration
val packageName = parent.containingFile!!.packageName.asString()
 val file = codeGenerator.createNewFile(packageName , className)
 file.appendText("package $packageName\n\n")
 file.appendText("class $className{\n")


目前官方给的ksp例子都是JVM的,我试图移植到android项目中,没成功,等之后在4.2 canary上试试。



吐槽下:连最起码的类似javax 中的Messager 调式 API都没有


Java annotation processing to KSP reference

Program elements

Java Closest facility in KSP Notes
AnnotationMirror KSAnnotation
AnnotationValue KSValueArguments
Element KSDeclaration / KSDeclarationContainer
ExecutableElement KSFunctionDeclaration
PackageElement KSFile KSP doesn't model packages as program elements.
Parameterizable KSDeclaration
QualifiedNameable KSDeclaration
TypeElement KSClassDeclaration
TypeParameterElement KSTypeParameter
VariableElement KSVariableParameter / KSPropertyDeclaration


Because KSP requires explicit type resolution, some functionalities in Java can
only be carried out by KSType and the corresponding elements before resolution.

Java Closest facility in KSP Notes
ArrayType KSBuiltIns
DeclaredType KSType / KSClassifierReference
ErrorType null
ExecutableType KSType / KSCallableReference
IntersectionType KSType / KSTypeParameter
NoType KSBuiltIns / null
NullType KSBuiltIns
PrimitiveType KSBuiltIns
ReferenceType KSTypeReference
TypeMirror KSType
TypeVariable KSTypeParameter
UnionType N / A Kotlin has only one type per catch block. UnionType is also not observable by even Java annotation processors.
WildcardType KSType / KSTypeArgument


Java Closest facility in KSP notes
Name KSName
ElementKind ClassKind / FunctionKind
Modifier Modifier
NestingKind ClassKind / FunctionKind
ElementVisitor KSVisitor
AnnotatedConstruct KSAnnotated
TypeKind KSBuiltIns Some can be found in builtins, otherwise check KSClassDeclaration for DeclaredType
ElementFilter Collection.filterIsInstance
ElementKindVisitor KSVisitor
ElementScanner KSTopDownVisitor
SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor No needed in KSP
SimpleElementVisitor KSVisitor
Types Resolver / utils Some of the utils are also integrated into symbol interfaces
Elements Resolver / utils


How functionalities of Java annotation processing API can be carried out by KSP.


Java KSP equivalent
getAnnotationType ksAnnotation.annotationType
getElementValues ksAnnotation.arguments


Java KSP equivalent
getValue ksValueArgument.value


Java KSP equivalent
asType ksClassDeclaration.asType(...) // Only available for KSClassDeclaration. Type arguments need to be supplied.
getAnnotation // To be implemented.
getAnnotationMirrors ksDeclaration.annotations
getEnclosedElements ksDeclarationContainer.declarations
getEnclosingElements ksDeclaration.parentDeclaration
getKind is operator + ClassKind or FunctionKind
getModifiers ksDeclaration.modifiers
getSimpleName ksDeclaration.simpleName


Java KSP equivalent
getDefaultValue // To be implemented.
getParameters ksFunctionDeclaration.parameters
getReceiverType ksFunctionDeclaration.parentDeclaration
getReturnType ksFunctionDeclaration.returnType
getSimpleName ksFunctionDeclaration.simpleName
getThrownTypes // Not needed in Kotlin.
getTypeParameters ksFunctionDeclaration.typeParameters
isDefault // Check whether parent declaration is an interface or not.
isVarArgs ksFunctionDeclaration.parameters.any { it.isVarArg }


Java KSP equivalent
getTypeParameters ksFunctionDeclaration.typeParameters


Java KSP equivalent
getQualifiedName ksDeclaration.qualifiedName


Java KSP equivalent
getEnclosedElements ksClassDeclaration.declarations
getEnclosingElement ksClassDeclaration.parentDeclaration
getInterfaces ksClassDeclaration.superTypes.map { it.resolve() }.filter {(it?.declaration as? KSClassDeclaration)?.classKind == ClassKind.INTERFACE} // Should be able to do without resolution.
getNestingKind // check KSClassDeclaration.parentDeclaration and inner modifier.
getQualifiedName ksClassDeclaration.qualifiedName
getSimpleName ksClassDeclaration.simpleName
getSuperclass ksClassDeclaration.superTypes.map { it.resolve() }.filter { (it?.declaration as? KSClassDeclaration)?.classKind == ClassKind.CLASS } // Should be able to do without resolution.
getTypeParameters ksClassDeclaration.typeParameters


Java KSP equivalent
getBounds ksTypeParameter.bounds
getEnclosingElement ksTypeParameter.parentDeclaration
getGenericElement ksTypeParameter.parentDeclaration


Java KSP equivalent
getConstantValue // To be implemented.
getEnclosingElement ksVariableParameter.parentDeclaration
getSimpleName ksVariableParameter.simpleName


Java KSP equivalent
getComponentType ksType.arguments.first()


Java KSP equivalent
asElement ksType.declaration
getEnclosingType ksType.declaration.parentDeclaration
getTypeArguments ksType.arguments


Note: A KSType for a function is just a signature represented by the
FunctionN<R, T1, T2, ..., TN> family.

Java KSP equivalent
getParameterTypes ksType.declaration.typeParameters, ksFunctionDeclaration.parameters.map { it.type }
getReceiverType ksFunctionDeclaration.parentDeclaration.asType(...)
getReturnType ksType.declaration.typeParameters.last()
getThrownTypes // Not needed in Kotlin.
getTypeVariables ksFunctionDeclaration.typeParameters


Java KSP equivalent
getBounds ksTypeParameter.bounds


Java KSP equivalent
getKind // Compare with types in KSBuiltIns.


Java KSP equivalent
asElement ksType.declaration
getLowerBound // To be decided. Only needed if capture is provided and explicit bound checking is needed.
getUpperBound ksTypeParameter.bounds


Java KSP equivalent
getExtendsBound if (ksTypeArgument.variance == Variance.COVARIANT) { ksTypeArgument.type } else { null }
getSuperBound if (ksTypeArgument.variance == Variance.CONTRAVARIANT) { ksTypeArgument.type } else { null }


Java KSP equivalent
getAllAnnotationMirrors KSDeclarations.annotations
getAllMembers getAllFunctions and getAllProperties, the latter is not there yet
getBinaryName // To be decided, see Java Spec
getConstantExpression we have constant value, not expression
getDocComment // To be implemented
getElementValuesWithDefaults // To be implemented.
getName resolver.getKSNameFromString
getPackageElement Package not supported, while package information can be retrieved, operation on package is not possible for KSP
getPackageOf Package not supported
getTypeElement Resolver.getClassDeclarationByName
hides // To be implemented
isDeprecated KsDeclaration.annotations.any { it.annotationType.resolve()!!.declaration.quailifiedName!!.asString() == Deprecated::class.quailifiedName }
overrides KSFunctionDeclaration.overrides // extension function defined in util.kt.
printElements // Users can implement them freely.


Java KSP equivalent
asElement ksType.declaration
asMemberOf ksClassDeclaration.typeArguments + ksClassDeclaration.asType
boxedClass // Not needed
capture // To be decided.
contains KSType.isAssignableFrom
directSuperTypes (ksType.declaration as KSClassDeclaration).superTypes
erasure ksType.starProjection()
getArrayType ksBuiltIns.arrayType.replace(...)
getDeclaredType ksClassDeclaration.asType
getNoType ksBuiltIns.nothingType / null
getNullType // depends on the context, KSType.markNullable maybe useful.
getPrimitiveType // Not needed
getWildcardType // Use Variance in places expecting KSTypeArgument
isAssignable ksType.isAssignableFrom
isSameType ksType.equals
isSubsignature functionTypeA == functionTypeB functionTypeA == functionTypeB.starProjection()
isSubtype ksType.isAssignableFrom
unboxedType // Not needed.

17 声望0 粉丝

past is the past.