一个shell指令,用来向dbus总线上的service发送消息,详细的用法可以使用man dbus-send
dbus-send [--system | --session | --address=ADDRESS ]
[--print-reply [=literal]]
--system | system类型 |
--session | session类型 |
--address | 发送到指定地址 |
--print-reply | 打印回应的消息.也可以写--print-reply=literal,,literal会把所有的标点和转义符号去掉 |
--reply-timeout | 响应超时,ms计算 |
--type | 消息类型 signal、method_call |
--dest | object 的 well-known Name |
OBJECT_PATH | #obj路径 |
INTERFACE.MEMBER | #要调用的接口.方法 |
[CONTENTS...] | 有些方法会有输入参数 |
下面尝试使用下dbus-send,但是好像一个method都不知道。问题来了,obj path、dest参数啥的怎么查询呢?小伙子不要慌,dbus是提供了一些标准接口的,标准接口可以在DBus-Spec中找到。我们可以使用dbus提供的标准接口进行迭代查询,查询到每个方法的输入输出参数、每个的服务名、obj路径等等。
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect(out string xml_data)
Spec中提到,它可以返回一个对象的xml描述,描述了obj path、property、接口的方法、信号等等。
The bus itself owns a special name, org.freedesktop.DBus
, with an object located at /org/freedesktop/DBus
that implements the org.freedesktop.DBus
interface. This service allows applications to make administrative requests of the bus itself. For example, applications can ask the bus to assign a name to a connection.
dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect
string "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus">
<method name="Hello">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="RequestName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="ReleaseName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="StartServiceByName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="UpdateActivationEnvironment">
<arg direction="in" type="a{ss}"/>
<method name="NameHasOwner">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="b"/>
<method name="ListNames">
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="ListActivatableNames">
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="AddMatch">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<method name="RemoveMatch">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<method name="GetNameOwner">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="ListQueuedOwners">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="GetConnectionUnixUser">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="GetConnectionUnixProcessID">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="GetAdtAuditSessionData">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="ay"/>
<method name="GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="ay"/>
<method name="ReloadConfig">
<method name="GetId">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="GetConnectionCredentials">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<property name="Features" type="as" access="read">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="const"/>
<property name="Interfaces" type="as" access="read">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="const"/>
<signal name="NameOwnerChanged">
<arg type="s"/>
<arg type="s"/>
<arg type="s"/>
<signal name="NameLost">
<arg type="s"/>
<signal name="NameAcquired">
<arg type="s"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties">
<method name="Get">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="v"/>
<method name="GetAll">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<method name="Set">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="v"/>
<signal name="PropertiesChanged">
<arg type="s" name="interface_name"/>
<arg type="a{sv}" name="changed_properties"/>
<arg type="as" name="invalidated_properties"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
<method name="Introspect">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring">
<method name="BecomeMonitor">
<arg direction="in" type="as"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Debug.Stats">
<method name="GetStats">
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<method name="GetConnectionStats">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<method name="GetAllMatchRules">
<arg direction="out" type="a{sas}"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer">
<method name="GetMachineId">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="Ping">
dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames
method return time=1596561197.569149 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=:1.1428 serial=3 reply_serial=2
array [
string "org.freedesktop.DBus"
string ":1.1428"
string ":1.700"
string ":1.106"
string "org.freedesktop.timesync1"
string ":1.701"
string ":1.8"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Fprintd"
string "org.freedesktop.systemd1"
string "org.freedesktop.ModemManager1"
string "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
string ":1.829"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Authority"
string "org.freedesktop.Accounts"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Gesture"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Timedated"
string "com.deepin.daemon.AirplaneMode"
string ":1.1291"
string ":1.61"
string "com.deepin.daemon.ImageEffect"
string "com.deepin.anything"
string ":1.1371"
string ":1.63"
string ":1.1296"
string "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1"
string ":1.1297"
string ":1.65"
string ":1.21"
string "org.bluez"
string ":1.66"
string ":1.67"
string ":1.1355"
string ":1.1113"
string ":1.68"
string ":1.1356"
string ":1.298"
string ":1.69"
string ":1.49"
string ":1.1139"
string ":1.873"
string ":1.28"
string "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
string ":1.29"
string ":1.853"
string ":1.677"
string "com.deepin.system.Network"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Accounts"
string ":1.736"
string ":1.858"
string ":1.916"
string "org.freedesktop.UDisks2"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Apps"
string "fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"
string "org.freedesktop.GeoClue2"
string ":1.70"
string "org.freedesktop.login1"
string "com.deepin.filemanager.daemon"
string "com.deepin.sync.Helper"
string ":1.1282"
string ":1.50"
string ":1.73"
string "org.freedesktop.DisplayManager"
string ":1.75"
string ":1.76"
string ":1.10"
string "com.deepin.system.Power"
string ":1.33"
string ":1.1420"
string "org.freedesktop.UPower"
string ":1.78"
string ":1.34"
string ":1.12"
string "com.deepin.daemon.SwapSchedHelper"
string ":1.1124"
string ":1.242"
string ":1.79"
string ":1.35"
string ":1.13"
string ":1.243"
string ":1.1"
string ":1.2"
string ":1.15"
string ":1.245"
string "com.deepin.lastore"
string ":1.4"
string ":1.104"
string ":1.5"
string "com.deepin.daemon.Daemon"
string ":1.18"
string ":1.6"
dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.bluez / org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects
An API can optionally make use of this interface for one or more sub-trees of objects. The root of each sub-tree implements this interface so other applications can get all objects, interfaces and properties in a single method call. It is appropriate to use this interface if users of the tree of objects are expected to be interested in all interfaces of all objects in the tree; a more granular API should be used if users of the objects are expected to be interested in a small subset of the objects, a small subset of their interfaces, or both.
The method that applications can use to get all objects and properties is GetManagedObjects:
org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects (out DICT<OBJPATH,
The return value of this method is a dict whose keys are object paths. All returned object paths are children of the object path implementing this interface, i.e. their object paths start with the ObjectManager's object path plus '/'.
method return time=1596561309.403861 sender=:1.21 -> destination=:1.1432 serial=9197 reply_serial=2
array [
dict entry(
object path "/org/bluez"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.AgentManager1"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.ProfileManager1"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.HealthManager1"
array [
dict entry(
object path "/org/bluez/hci0"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.Adapter1"
array [
dict entry(
string "Address"
variant string "C8:3D:D4:A3:A7:4E"
dict entry(
string "AddressType"
variant string "public"
dict entry(
string "Name"
variant string "kafka-PC"
dict entry(
string "Alias"
variant string "Alioth"
dict entry(
string "Class"
variant uint32 786700
dict entry(
string "Powered"
variant boolean true
dict entry(
string "Discoverable"
variant boolean true
dict entry(
string "DiscoverableTimeout"
variant uint32 0
dict entry(
string "Pairable"
variant boolean true
dict entry(
string "PairableTimeout"
variant uint32 0
dict entry(
string "Discovering"
variant boolean false
dict entry(
string "UUIDs"
variant array [
string "00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
string "00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
dict entry(
string "Modalias"
variant string "usb:v1D6Bp0246d0532"
dict entry(
string "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.GattManager1"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1"
array [
dict entry(
string "ActiveInstances"
variant byte 0
dict entry(
string "SupportedInstances"
variant byte 5
dict entry(
string "SupportedIncludes"
variant array [
string "tx-power"
string "appearance"
string "local-name"
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.Media1"
array [
dict entry(
string "org.bluez.NetworkServer1"
array [
method return time=1596563047.620415 sender=:1.21 -> destination=:1.1453 serial=9222 reply_serial=2
string "
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
<method name="Introspect">
<arg name="xml" type="s" direction="out"/>
<interface name="org.bluez.AgentManager1">
<method name="RegisterAgent">
<arg name="agent" type="o" direction="in"/>
<arg name="capability" type="s" direction="in"/>
<method name="UnregisterAgent">
<arg name="agent" type="o" direction="in"/>
<method name="RequestDefaultAgent">
<arg name="agent" type="o" direction="in"/>
<interface name="org.bluez.ProfileManager1">
<method name="RegisterProfile">
<arg name="profile" type="o" direction="in"/>
<arg name="UUID" type="s" direction="in"/>
<arg name="options" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
<method name="UnregisterProfile">
<arg name="profile" type="o" direction="in"/>
<interface name="org.bluez.HealthManager1">
<method name="CreateApplication">
<arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
<arg name="application" type="o" direction="out"/>
<method name="DestroyApplication">
<arg name="application" type="o" direction="in"/>
<node name="hci0"/></node>"
[--system | --session | --address ADDRESS]
[--profile | --monitor | --pcap | --binary]
[watch expressions]
选项 | 简介 |
--system | 监视system总线 |
--session | 监视session总线(默认) |
--address ADDRESS | 监视指定地址总线 |
--profile | 输出格式 |
--monitor | 输出格式(默认) |
--pcap | 输出格式 |
--binary | 输出格式 |
[watch expressions] | 其他筛选参数,可选 |
$ sudo dbus-monitor --profile --system "type='method_call',interface='org.bluez.Adapter1'"
#type timestamp serial sender destination path interface member
# in_reply_to
mc 1596816138.631705 1364909 :1.63 org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter1 StartDiscovery
mc 1596816143.954247 1364921 :1.63 org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter1 RemoveDevice
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