空间与运动 -- MVC架构学习
- 游戏对象运动的本质是什么?
- 请用三种方法以上方法,实现物体的抛物线运动。(如,修改Transform属性,使用向量Vector3的方法…)
- 写一个程序,实现一个完整的太阳系, 其他星球围绕太阳的转速必须不一样,且不在一个法平面上。
- 运动的本质就是改变
三个属性的(Position, Rotation, Scale
改变物体 position 的方法,由于要实现抛物线运动,我们知道在unity的界面中,垂直方向的改变也就是对y轴进行改变,根据抛物线的公式 $y=v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2$,抛物线是向下运动就可以在公式中添加负号,即可实现物体的想下运动
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { public float vx = 0.5f; // x轴方向上的速度 public float v0 = 0; // y轴方向上的初始速度 const float a = 9.8f; //加速度a // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { this.transform.position += new Vector3(vx * Time.deltaTime, (float)(-v0 * Time.deltaTime - 0.5 * a * (Time.deltaTime) * (Time.deltaTime)), 0); v0 += a * Time.deltaTime; // 每一帧改变的时候v0的速度是不一样的 } }
- 使用transform的translate函数,此函数使得物体的position移动相应的位置,具体的公式还是抛物线的公式:$y=v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2$
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
public float vx = 0.5f; // x轴方向上的速度
public float v0 = 0; // y轴方向上的初始速度
const float a = 9.8f; //加速度a
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
this.transform.Translate(new Vector3(vx * Time.deltaTime, (float)(-v0 * Time.deltaTime - 0.5 * a * (Time.deltaTime) * (Time.deltaTime)), 0));
v0 += a * Time.deltaTime;
- transform中可以调用一个函数
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
public float vx = 0.5f; // x轴方向上的速度
const float a = 9.8f; //加速度a
public float t = 0;
public float y = 10.0f; // 初始y的位置
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
this.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(vx * t, y - (float)(0.5 * a * t * t), 10), this.transform.rotation);
t += Time.deltaTime;
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Rotate : MonoBehaviour { public int v; // 旋转的速度 public Vector3 e; float x, y; // 法向量 // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // 由于在不同的法平面所以生成的法向量应该是随机的 x = Random.Range(1, 10); y = Random.Range(10, 20); e = new Vector3(x, y, 0); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(v * Time.deltaTime, e); this.transform.localPosition = q * this.transform.localPosition; } }
- 阅读以下游戏脚本
Priests and DevilsPriests and Devils is a puzzle game in which you will help the Priests and Devils to cross the river within the time limit. There are 3 priests and 3 devils at one side of the river. They all want to get to the other side of this river, but there is only one boat and this boat can only carry two persons each time. And there must be one person steering the boat from one side to the other side. In the flash game, you can click on them to move them and click the go button to move the boat to the other direction. If the priests are out numbered by the devils on either side of the river, they get killed and the game is over. You can try it in many > ways. Keep all priests alive! Good luck!
- play the game ( http://www.flash-game.net/gam... )
- 列出游戏中提及的事物(Objects)
- 用表格列出玩家动作表(规则表),注意,动作越少越好
- 请将游戏中对象做成预制
- 在场景控制器
方法中加载并初始化长方形、正方形、球及其色彩代表游戏中的对象。 - 使用 C# 集合类型有效组织对象
- 整个游戏仅主摄像机和一个 Empty 对象, 其他对象必须代码动态生成!!。 整个游戏不许出现 Find 游戏对象, SendMessage 这类突破程序结构的 通讯耦合 语句。 违背本条准则,不给分
- 请使用课件架构图编程,不接受非 MVC 结构程序
- 注意细节,例如:船未靠岸,牧师与魔鬼上下船运动中,均不能接受用户事件!
- 要想使船移动,船上必须有牧师或魔鬼
- 船上最多有两个人物
- 不管哪个岸上,只要魔鬼数大于牧师数游戏失败(数量包括船只停靠时船上的人物数量)
- Materials:存放游戏中的Material
- Resources:存放游戏中的对象的预制
- Scenes:存放游戏的场景
- Scripts:存放游戏的c#代码
- Texture:存放关于物体的一些图片
- Water:水,也就是牧师与魔鬼需要渡过的,由长方体构成,并挂上网上找的图片
- Devil:魔鬼,由黑色的长方体构成
- Priest:牧师,由绿色的长方体构成
- ground:两个岸边,由长方体构成,并挂上图片
- Boat:木船,由长方体构成,并挂上图片
- 游戏对象、空间关系
- 一个场景一个主控制器
- 至少实现与玩家交互的接口(IPlayerAction)
- 实现或管理运动
- 处收 Input 事件
- 渲染 GUI ,接收事件
- 获取当前游戏的场景
- 控制场景运行、切换、入栈与出栈
- 暂停、恢复、退出
- 管理游戏全局状态
- 设定游戏的配置
- 设定游戏全局视图
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 负责实例化
public class Director : System.Object {
private static Director _instance;
public SceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }
public static Director getInstance() {
if (_instance == null) _instance = new Director ();
return _instance;
- 管理本次场景所有的游戏对象
- 协调游戏对象(预制件级别)之间的通讯
- 响应外部输入事件
- 管理本场次的规则(裁判)
- 各种杂务
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 场景管理:加载所有的资源
public interface SceneController {
void LoadResources ();
- RoleController:由类的名字就可以知道,这是对游戏人物的控制器,可以控制人物的移动,并且可以得到人物的相关信息,比如该游戏人物是牧师还是魔鬼,在船上还是在岸上,该游戏人物的名字是什么等等。不光需要以上的功能,由于人物是可以操控的所以我们还需要监控鼠标对人物的点击功能。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 对游戏人物的控制器
public class RoleController {
readonly GameObject obj;
readonly Moving mov;
readonly ClickGUI clickGUI;
readonly int PorD; // 判断是牧师(0)还是魔鬼(1)
bool _isOnBoat;
GroundController gController;
public RoleController(string r) {
if (r == "priest") {
obj = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Priest", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
PorD = 0;
} else {
obj = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Devil", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
PorD = 1;
mov = obj.AddComponent (typeof(Moving)) as Moving;
clickGUI = obj.AddComponent (typeof(ClickGUI)) as ClickGUI;
clickGUI.setController (this);
public void setName(string n) {
obj.name = n;
public void setPosition(Vector3 p) {
obj.transform.position = p;
public void Movingto(Vector3 dest) {
public int getRole() {
return PorD;
public string getName() {
return obj.name;
public void getOnBoat(BoatController b) {
gController = null;
obj.transform.parent = b.getGameobj().transform;
_isOnBoat = true;
public void getGround(GroundController coastCtrl) {
gController = coastCtrl;
obj.transform.parent = null;
_isOnBoat = false;
public bool isOnBoat() {
return _isOnBoat;
public GroundController getGroundController() {
return gController;
public void reset() {
mov.reset ();
gController = (Director.getInstance ().currentSceneController as FirstController).g1;
getGround (gController);
setPosition (gController.getEmptyPosition ());
gController.getGround (this);
- GroundController:对地面的控制器,两个只读变量
记录了两个地面的位置, 然后pos
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 陆地的控制器
public class GroundController {
readonly GameObject ground;
readonly Vector3 sPosition = new Vector3(9, 1, 0);
readonly Vector3 ePosition = new Vector3(-9, 1, 0);
readonly Vector3[] pos;
readonly int st_pos;
RoleController[] roles;
public GroundController(string ss) {
pos = new Vector3[] {new Vector3(6.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(7.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(8.5F,2.25F,0),
new Vector3(9.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(10.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(11.5F,2.25F,0)};
roles = new RoleController[6];
if (ss == "from") {
ground = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Ground", typeof(GameObject)), sPosition, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
ground.name = "from";
st_pos = 1;
} else {
ground = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Ground", typeof(GameObject)), ePosition, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
ground.name = "to";
st_pos = -1;
public int getEmptyIndex() {
for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) {
if (roles [i] == null) return i;
return -1;
public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() {
Vector3 p = pos [getEmptyIndex ()];
p.x *= st_pos;
return p;
public void getGround(RoleController r) {
int ii = getEmptyIndex ();
roles [ii] = r;
public RoleController getOffGround(string pname) { // 0->priest, 1->devil
for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) {
if (roles [i] != null && roles [i].getName () == pname) {
RoleController r = roles [i];
roles [i] = null;
return r;
return null;
public int get_st_pos() {
return st_pos;
public int[] getRoleNum() {
int[] cnt = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) {
if (roles [i] == null) continue;
if (roles [i].getRole () == 0) cnt[0]++;
else cnt[1]++;
return cnt;
public void reset() {
roles = new RoleController[6];
- BoatController:对船的控制器,有两个只读变量
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 船的控制器
public class BoatController {
readonly GameObject boat;
readonly Moving mov;
readonly Vector3 sPosition = new Vector3 (5, 1, 0); // 起始位置
readonly Vector3[] sPositions;
readonly Vector3 ePosition = new Vector3 (-5, 1, 0); // 到达位置
readonly Vector3[] ePositions;
int st_pos; // 起始点还是终点:-1:终点 1:起点
RoleController[] member = new RoleController[2];
public BoatController() {
st_pos = 1;
sPositions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3 (4.5F, 1.5F, 0), new Vector3 (5.5F, 1.5F, 0) };
ePositions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3 (-5.5F, 1.5F, 0), new Vector3 (-4.5F, 1.5F, 0) };
boat = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Boat", typeof(GameObject)), sPosition, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
boat.name = "boat";
mov = boat.AddComponent (typeof(Moving)) as Moving;
boat.AddComponent (typeof(ClickGUI));
public void Move() {
if (st_pos == -1) {
st_pos = 1;
} else {
st_pos = -1;
public int getEmptyIndex() {
for (int i = 0; i < member.Length; i++) {
if (member [i] == null) return i;
return -1;
public bool isEmpty() {
for (int i = 0; i < member.Length; i++) {
if (member [i] != null) return false;
return true;
public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() {
Vector3 p;
int ii = getEmptyIndex ();
if (st_pos == -1) p = ePositions[ii];
else p = sPositions[ii];
return p;
public void GetOnBoat(RoleController r) {
int ii = getEmptyIndex ();
member [ii] = r;
public RoleController GetOffBoat(string member_name) {
for (int i = 0; i < member.Length; i++) {
if (member [i] != null && member [i].getName () == member_name) {
RoleController r = member [i];
member [i] = null;
return r;
return null;
public GameObject getGameobj() {
return boat;
public int get_st_pos() {
return st_pos;
public int[] getRoleNum() {
int[] cnt = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < member.Length; i++) {
if (member [i] == null) continue;
if (member [i].getRole () == 0) cnt[0]++;
else cnt[1]++;
return cnt;
public void reset() {
mov.reset ();
if (st_pos == -1) Move ();
member = new RoleController[2];
- Moving:是一个关于对象运动的类,该类可以控制物体的移动速度
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 关于对象运动的实现
public class Moving: MonoBehaviour {
readonly float speed = 20;
int cur; // 当前运行的位置
Vector3 dest, mid; // 设置一个中间位置,使得运动不会穿模
public void setDestination(Vector3 d) {
dest = d; mid = d;
if (d.y == transform.position.y) cur = 2;
else if (d.y < transform.position.y) mid.y = transform.position.y;
else mid.x = transform.position.x;
cur = 1;
public void reset() {
cur = 0;
void Update() {
if (cur == 1) {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, mid, speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (transform.position == mid) cur = 2;
} else if (cur == 2) {
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, dest, speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (transform.position == dest) cur = 0;
- FirstController:高一层的控制器,控制着这个场景中的所有对象,包括其加载、通信、用户输入。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 总控制器
public class FirstController : MonoBehaviour, SceneController, UserAction {
readonly Vector3 p_water = new Vector3(0,0.5F,0); // 水的位置
public GroundController g1;
public GroundController g2;
public BoatController boat;
private RoleController[] roles;
private float time; // 游戏运行的时间
void Awake() {
Director d = Director.getInstance ();
d.currentSceneController = this;
uGUI = gameObject.AddComponent <UserGUI>() as UserGUI;
roles = new RoleController[6];
time = 60;
// 游戏时间的运行
void Update() {
time -= Time.deltaTime;
this.gameObject.GetComponent<UserGUI>().time = (int) time;
uGUI.isWin = isfinished ();
private void loadRole() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
RoleController r = new RoleController ("priest");
r.setName("priest" + i);
r.setPosition (g1.getEmptyPosition ());
r.getGround (g1); g1.getGround (r);
roles [i] = r;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
RoleController r = new RoleController ("devil");
r.setName("devil" + i);
r.setPosition (g1.getEmptyPosition ());
r.getGround (g1); g1.getGround (r);
roles [i+3] = r;
public void LoadResources() {
GameObject water = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Water", typeof(GameObject)), p_water, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
water.name = "water";
g1 = new GroundController ("from");
g2 = new GroundController ("to");
boat = new BoatController ();
loadRole ();
public void MoveBoat() {
if (boat.isEmpty ()) return;
boat.Move ();
uGUI.isWin = isfinished ();
public void MoveRole(RoleController r) {
if (r.isOnBoat ()) {
GroundController which_g;
if (boat.get_st_pos () == -1) which_g = g2;
else which_g = g1;
boat.GetOffBoat (r.getName());
r.Movingto (which_g.getEmptyPosition ());
r.getGround (which_g);
which_g.getGround (r);
} else {
GroundController which_g = r.getGroundController ();
if (boat.getEmptyIndex () == -1) return; // 船是空的
if (which_g.get_st_pos () != boat.get_st_pos ()) return;
r.Movingto (boat.getEmptyPosition());
r.getOnBoat (boat);
boat.GetOnBoat (r);
uGUI.isWin = isfinished ();
// 判断是否结束 0:没有结束 1:输 2:赢
int isfinished() {
if (time < 0) return 1;
int p1 = 0; int d1 = 0; // 起始点牧师与魔鬼数量
int p2 = 0; int d2 = 0; // 终点牧师与魔鬼数量
int[] cnt1 = g1.getRoleNum (); // 起始点的人数
p1 += cnt1[0]; d1 += cnt1[1];
int[] cnt2 = g2.getRoleNum (); // 终点的人数
p2 += cnt2[0]; d2 += cnt2[1];
if (p2 + d2 == 6) return 2;
int[] cnt3 = boat.getRoleNum (); // 船上人的数量
if (boat.get_st_pos () == -1) {
p2 += cnt3[0]; d2 += cnt3[1];
} else {
p1 += cnt3[0]; d1 += cnt3[1];
if (p1 < d1 && p1 > 0) return 1;
if (p2 < d2 && p2 > 0) return 1;
return 0;
public void restart() {
time = 60;
boat.reset ();
g1.reset (); g2.reset ();
for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) roles [i].reset ();
- UserAction:接口,定义了玩家可以进行的操作
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 用户或玩家可以进行的操作
public interface UserAction {
void MoveBoat();
void MoveRole(RoleController r);
void restart();
- UserGUI:用户交互,来设置整个用户界面,判断游戏是否胜利,如果胜利则显示
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour {
private UserAction u;
public int isWin = 0;// 1:Gameover 2:Win
public int time; // 游戏运行时间
GUIStyle ssize, buttons, tsize;
void Start() {
u = Director.getInstance ().currentSceneController as UserAction;
// 设置字体大小
ssize = new GUIStyle(); tsize = new GUIStyle();
ssize.fontSize = 45; tsize.fontSize = 20;
ssize.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
// 设置按钮大小
buttons = new GUIStyle("button");
buttons.fontSize = 30;
// 设置游戏的时长
time = 60;
// 判断是否胜利或失败,然后重置
void OnGUI() {
GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 50), "Time: " + time, tsize);
if (isWin == 1) {
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2 - 80, 100, 50), "Gameover!", ssize);
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2-65, Screen.height / 2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttons)) {
isWin = 0; u.restart ();
} else if(isWin == 2) {
GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2 - 80, 100, 50), " Win!", ssize);
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 65, Screen.height / 2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttons)) {
isWin = 0; u.restart ();
- ClickGUI:用来监听鼠标的点击功能,并且调用
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// 鼠标点击的控制
public class ClickGUI : MonoBehaviour {
UserAction u;
RoleController roleController;
public void setController(RoleController rc) {
roleController = rc;
void Start() {
u = Director.getInstance ().currentSceneController as UserAction;
void OnMouseDown() {
if (gameObject.name == "boat") u.MoveBoat ();
else u.MoveRole (roleController);
- 使用向量与变换,实现并扩展 Tranform 提供的方法,如 Rotate、RotateAround 等
Rotates the object around the given axis by the number of degrees defined by the given angle.
Rotate has an axis, angle and the local or global parameters. The rotation axis can be in any direction.
void Rotate(Transform t, Vector3 axis, float angle) { var r = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis); t.position = r * t.position; t.rotation *= r; }
Rotates the transform about
passing throughpoint
in world coordinates byangle
void RotateAround(Transform t, Vector3 center, Vector3 axis, float angle)
var r = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
var dis = t.position - center;
dis *= r; t.position = center + dis; t.rotation *= r ;
**粗体** _斜体_ [链接](http://example.com) `代码` - 列表 > 引用