> | Any version greater than the specified version. | >3.1: any version greater than 3.1. |
< | Any version less than the specified version. | <3.1: any version less than 3.1. |
<= | Any version less than or equal to the specified version. | <=3.1: any version less than or equal to 3.1. |
>= | Any version greater than or equal to the specified version. | >=3.1: version 3.1 and greater. |
== | Exactly the specified version. | ==3.1: only 3.1. |
!= | Any version not equal to the specified version. | !=3.1: any version other than 3.1. |
~= | Any compatible release. Compatible releases are releases that are within the same major or minor version, assuming the package author is using semantic versioning. | ~=3.1: version 3.1 or later, but not version 4.0 or later. ~=3.1.2: version 3.1.2 or later, but not version 3.2.0 or later. |
* | Can be used at the end of a version number to represent all, | ==3.1.*: any version that starts with 3.1. Equivalent to ~=3.1.0. |
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