For high cardinality issues in time series databases, please refer to my previous article
Today we explain the range_query principle of the second judgment method
And explain the principle of query_log statistics
Summarize the range_query query process
- Parsing parameters
- Set timeout and set opentracing
- Initialize query and parse promql according to queryEngine
- The exec function first sets the ExecTotalTime
- The exec function enters the queue queuing settings and calculates ExecQueueTime
- The exec function sets EvalTotalTime and executes the execEvalStmt function
- The execEvalStmt function prepares the querier+select series settings on the storage and calculates the QueryPreparationTime
- The execEvalStmt function sets the InnerEvalTime, and executes the evaluator.Eval(s.Expr) in the local memory after getting the series from the storage
- The execEvalStmt function sets and calculates ResultSortTime
prometheus query_log configuration
# global段开启log即可
query_log_file: /opt/logs/prometheus_query_log
range_query_log resolution
# 请求基础信息
# 参数段
# 统计段
# 请求时间
Let's look at the query principle of range_query from the source code layer
- D:\nyy_work\go_path\pkg\mod\\prometheus\prometheus@v1.8.2-0.20210220213500-8c8de46003d1\web\api\v1\api.go
func (api *API) queryRange(r *http.Request) (result apiFuncResult) {}
step1: Parameter analysis
// 解析start
start, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("start"))
if err != nil {
return invalidParamError(err, "start")
// 解析end
end, err := parseTime(r.FormValue("end"))
if err != nil {
return invalidParamError(err, "end")
// 判断end是否早于start
if end.Before(start) {
return invalidParamError(errors.New("end timestamp must not be before start time"), "end")
// 解析 step
step, err := parseDuration(r.FormValue("step"))
if err != nil {
return invalidParamError(err, "step")
if step <= 0 {
return invalidParamError(errors.New("zero or negative query resolution step widths are not accepted. Try a positive integer"), "step")
Prevent too many points
// 这里怎么理解?
// For safety, limit the number of returned points per timeseries.
// This is sufficient for 60s resolution for a week or 1h resolution for a year.
if end.Sub(start)/step > 11000 {
err := errors.New("exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points per timeseries. Try decreasing the query resolution (?step=XX)")
return apiFuncResult{nil, &apiError{errorBadData, err}, nil, nil}
Set timeout
ctx := r.Context()
if to := r.FormValue("timeout"); to != "" {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
timeout, err := parseDuration(to)
if err != nil {
return invalidParamError(err, "timeout")
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
step2: Initialize query and parse promql according to queryEngine
func (ng *Engine) NewRangeQuery(q storage.Queryable, qs string, start, end time.Time, interval time.Duration) (Query, error) {
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(qs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expr.Type() != parser.ValueTypeVector && expr.Type() != parser.ValueTypeScalar {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid expression type %q for range query, must be Scalar or instant Vector", parser.DocumentedType(expr.Type()))
qry, err := ng.newQuery(q, expr, start, end, interval)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
qry.q = qs
return qry, nil
Where does queryEngine come from?
expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(qs)
parsing promqlinstance_query and range_query call the same newQuery
step3: execute query
// Exec implements the Query interface.
func (q *query) Exec(ctx context.Context) *Result {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
span.SetTag(queryTag, q.stmt.String())
// Exec query.
res, warnings, err :=, q)
return &Result{Err: err, Value: res, Warnings: warnings}
Use distributed tracing to track the query in stages and time-consumingCore function exec
func (ng *Engine) exec(ctx context.Context, q *query) (v parser.Value, ws storage.Warnings, err error) {
// prometheus_engine_queries 计数器,表示当前query个数
defer ng.metrics.currentQueries.Dec()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ng.timeout)
q.cancel = cancel
// 收尾函数,记录日志或者jager
defer func() {
if l := ng.queryLogger; l != nil {
params := make(map[string]interface{}, 4)
params["query"] = q.q
if eq, ok := q.Statement().(*parser.EvalStmt); ok {
params["start"] = formatDate(eq.Start)
params["end"] = formatDate(eq.End)
// The step provided by the user is in seconds.
params["step"] = int64(eq.Interval / (time.Second / time.Nanosecond))
f := []interface{}{"params", params}
if err != nil {
f = append(f, "error", err)
f = append(f, "stats", stats.NewQueryStats(q.Stats()))
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
if spanCtx, ok := span.Context().(jaeger.SpanContext); ok {
f = append(f, "spanID", spanCtx.SpanID())
if origin := ctx.Value(QueryOrigin{}); origin != nil {
for k, v := range origin.(map[string]interface{}) {
f = append(f, k, v)
if err := l.Log(f...); err != nil {
level.Error(ng.logger).Log("msg", "can't log query", "err", err)
// execTotalTime 代表exec函数执行全部耗时不算log
// defer先进后出,这个GetSpanTimer最后执行
execSpanTimer, ctx := q.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.ExecTotalTime)
defer execSpanTimer.Finish()
// ExecQueueTime代表队列中等待时间
// 命令行参数query.max-concurrency
// 如果日志中这个耗时高,考虑队列被慢查询占满了。对应在data目录下的queries.active文件
queueSpanTimer, _ := q.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.ExecQueueTime, ng.metrics.queryQueueTime)
// Log query in active log. The active log guarantees that we don't run over
// MaxConcurrent queries.
if ng.activeQueryTracker != nil {
queryIndex, err := ng.activeQueryTracker.Insert(ctx, q.q)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, contextErr(err, "query queue")
defer ng.activeQueryTracker.Delete(queryIndex)
// Cancel when execution is done or an error was raised.
defer q.cancel()
const env = "query execution"
// EvalTotalTime代表execEvalStmt函数执行时间
evalSpanTimer, ctx := q.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.EvalTotalTime)
defer evalSpanTimer.Finish()
// The base context might already be canceled on the first iteration (e.g. during shutdown).
if err := contextDone(ctx, env); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
switch s := q.Statement().(type) {
case *parser.EvalStmt:
return ng.execEvalStmt(ctx, q, s)
case parser.TestStmt:
return nil, nil, s(ctx)
panic(errors.Errorf("promql.Engine.exec: unhandled statement of type %T", q.Statement()))
Core function execEvalStmt
func (ng *Engine) execEvalStmt(ctx context.Context, query *query, s *parser.EvalStmt) (parser.Value, storage.Warnings, error) {
// QueryPreparationTime代表准备存储上的querier+select series时间
prepareSpanTimer, ctxPrepare := query.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.QueryPreparationTime, ng.metrics.queryPrepareTime)
mint, maxt := ng.findMinMaxTime(s)
querier, err := query.queryable.Querier(ctxPrepare, mint, maxt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer querier.Close()
// populateSeries调用 select返回series
ng.populateSeries(querier, s)
// InnerEvalTime代表从存储拿到series后在本地内存中执行 evaluator.Eval(s.Expr)的时间
// evaluator.Eval需要判断instance_query 还是range_query
evalSpanTimer, ctxInnerEval := query.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.InnerEvalTime, ng.metrics.queryInnerEval)
// ResultSortTime代表排序耗时
sortSpanTimer, _ := query.stats.GetSpanTimer(ctx, stats.ResultSortTime, ng.metrics.queryResultSort)
Summarize the query process
- Parsing parameters
- Set timeout and set opentracing
- Initialize query and parse promql according to queryEngine
- The exec function first sets the ExecTotalTime
- The exec function enters the queue queuing settings and calculates ExecQueueTime
- The exec function sets EvalTotalTime and executes the execEvalStmt function
- The execEvalStmt function prepares the querier+select series settings on the storage and calculates the QueryPreparationTime
- The execEvalStmt function sets the InnerEvalTime, and executes the evaluator.Eval(s.Expr) in the local memory after getting the series from the storage
- The execEvalStmt function sets and calculates ResultSortTime
So these time-consuming relationships are
- Calculated value 0.000075478+0.00024141+0.000001235=0.000318123
- Real value 0.000331799> 0.000318123
- It’s not the same, there is some code execution in the middle
- Calculated value 0.000331799+0.000012595=0.000344394
- Real value 0.000354698> 0.000344394
# 请求基础信息
# 参数段
# 统计段
# 请求时间
Several time-consuming questions
- The most re-queries are in QueryPreparationTime, which is the select series stage
If the execQueueTime is very high, do not increase query.max-concurrency easily, you should find out the slowness and solve it
- Blindly increasing the queue depth will cause more serious oom problems
- Normally, each query has a short waiting time in the queue
- innerEvalTime resultSortTime is generally not time-consuming
For the pre-aggregation scheme, please refer to the article I wrote before
- Article address: open source project pre_query: speed
- Project address:
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