
Since I started writing code in 2020, I have come across many useful resources.

I have sorted out most of the resources, and some of them are still being sorted. Hope they are helpful to you too!

Resource Type

🎓=Themed complete course
🧰=Tools to make development easier
🧐=A single article or video on the topic

Resource list







resource hosting

resource optimization


MISC Web Development Resources

Career Resources

Design Resources


Alt TextExamples of alternate text are provided.🧐
HTML: <!DOCTYPE> tag Especially helpful for beginners in HTML grammar🧐
W3S HTML5 semantic element Great introduction, why nothing should be in <div> .🧐
MDN HTML element reference Are you ready to enter the next level? This guide has more in-depth introductions in many HTML elements.🧐
New structural elements in HTML5 This guide really helped me understand things like <figure> and <figcaption>🧐
HTML5 Periodic Table I like this way of interaction, but it simplifies this way of learning elements.🧐
script: asynchronous, delayed This taught me different ways to load JS into html files, which greatly improved performance.🧐
Learn HTML and CSS Participated in this course to prepare for the training camp. Great introduction to HTML.🎓
Learn advanced HTML and CSS I really like the beginner course above and hope to participate in this course.🎓
Derek Banas Tutorial Technically speaking, it is not HTML, but it can definitely help you write HTML efficiently. Looking forward to watching this tutorial.🧐
metatags.ioOne of the generators used to create meta tags for multiple social media platforms.🧰
A complete guide to links and buttons In this in-depth comparison article, it has never been more obvious to use the right tool to do the right job.🧐
getwaves.ioThis tool can generate svg waves to create curved partitions for parts of the page!🧰

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Bootstrap DocumentationEven if I don't use the framework, I like to use their documentation to inspire common web components.🧐
about the peculiarities of CSS CSS-Tricks has been categorized in detail, and exquisite graphic examples are provided at the end.🧐
CSS box model A very accessible example of how the box model works.🧐
12 tips for amazing CSS animation There are many good techniques in creating cool animations and ensuring they perform well.🧐
CSS layout and animation Haven't finished this yet, but can't wait. The course design is top-notch.🎓
Network Ninja SASS Tutorial Regarding the first course of SASS, I still refer to it from time to time.🎓
Learn Sass in 20 minutes This is very useful for the first entry into what SASS is.🎓
BEM and SASS: perfect match Introduce how to use BEM and SASS together.🧐
getbem.comAn overview of the creators of popular naming conventions.🧐
CSS Skills BEM 101 I like the button examples provided in this article on how to use BEM.🧐
BEM example This explanation about BEM is really good, but I especially like how they got the short and complete version of this article.🧐
MDN display document All you might want to know about the powerful display properties.🧐
Several use cases of Calc() calc() is one of the more powerful functions in CSS, and this article shows some good use cases.🧐
Wes Bos cssgridYou can't argue endlessly, Wes Bos is one of the best development teachers there.🎓
Wes Bos FlexboxSee above, but this time it’s Flexbox🎓
CSSmaticA powerful collection of CSS generators that can be used for gradients, border radii, noise textures and box shadows.🧰
CSS skills about position If I can only access one resource of the position property, it is it.🧐
Can I Use xxx?This site lets you know the browser's support for each of these attributes.🧰
yoksel Flex cheat sheet I like this layout and the way it can visually preview the flexbox properties.🧐
30 CSS selectors you must remember When I want to get into the weed of CSS selectors (sorry, BEM), this is the article I quoted.🧐
CSS LintThe tool will check your code and highlight any errors.🧰
System font stack A fallback stack of predefined fonts that can be inserted into the project.🧰
Neumorphism.ioThis tool makes the elements look like they are below the surface of the page.🧰
Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, grid, animation and more! Advanced css and scss tutorial!🎓
CSS scroll shadow This tool uses only CSS to generate a shadow based on the scroll position!🧰

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titlemy thoughtstype
javascript.infoThis is one of the complete and detailed explanations of JS.🧐
code beautification Before entering ESlint, I really like this tool to make sure that my JS is kosher.🧰
True and False: Everything in JavaScript is different This article is a good reference for all instances where the value may be regarded as true or false.🧐
What exactly is the I haven't seen it yet, but I am looking forward to it.🧐
JavaScript loop video Watch a video to learn about common JS loops.🧐
JavaScript loop article Read an article to understand common JS loops.🧐
Codecademy JS It is completely free and contains some common JS elements and concepts.🧐
MDN js stringAll I want to know about strings and where to use them.🧐
JSON parse VS JSON Stringify These JSON functions confuse me. This article really helps explain these differences.🧐
Google hosted library jQuery Favorite link. :) It always has the latest jQuery CDN script.🧰
Public API A good list of the public APIs of the project you can use today!🧰
Javascript event delegate An excellent visual presentation of what events are and how event delegates work.🧐
Var, Let and Const-what is the difference? A good introduction to the different variable types (and why var is a trash can.)🧐
5 differences between arrow functions and regular functions I like how this exposes the usage of these two function types.🧐
JavaScript DOM Speedy Course-Part 1 Explore how to select elements in the DOM to be used with JS🎓
JavaScript DOM Speedy Course-Part 2 Learn the basics of how to traverse the DOM.🎓
JavaScript DOM Speedy Course-Part 3 Learn how to attach additional events to DOM elements.🎓
JavaScript DOM Speedy Course-Part 4 Build a small project based on the last 3 videos.🎓
Introduction to DOM This is a great resource on the DOM, this quick article will get you started and get started.🧐
Asynchronous Javascript I haven't bookmarked this until now. This great free course from Net Ninja.🧐
online coding test tool This great subject training tool allows you to practice Javascript skills.🧰
What is event bubbling in JavaScript? Another important resource on what event bubbling is and how to use it.🧐
JavaScript event delegation is easier than you think Learn how to trigger and listen to events correctly.🧐
Which HTML element is the target of the event? Find out which element has been interacted with.🧐
Understanding scope in JavaScript I like the design of this website, it is very thorough in explaining the scope.🧐
Different ways to write functions in JavaScript A quick article on how to write a "function declaration" function.🧐
JavaScript image slider for beginners This teaches how to build a simple image slider using Vanilla JS.🧐
Learn the smart and efficient way to test any JavaScript application I haven't taken this course yet, but I am looking forward to it because it is a very important topic!🎓
JavaScript Algorithm and Data Structure Master Class I don’t like algorithms, so that’s why I bookmarked this course!🧐
AJAX basic Everything you want to know about making AJAX requests to the web server.🎓
How to use JavaScript to connect to API This article really helped me understand how to use API calls in the project.🧐
JSON Tutorial: Use JavaScript or PHP to request API data It is very interesting to see how PHP and JavaScript handle JSON in different ways.🧐
The basis of the JavaScript Reduce method This short article breaks down this powerful JS method very well.🧐
Axios or fetch(): Which one should I use? I tend to contact Axios, but this article does a good job of explaining both.🧐
Learn JavaScript Introduction I participated in this 30-hour course and it was amazing. The basics are explained brilliantly.🎓
validatejs.orgAn excellent tool that can be used for registration and login forms to ensure that user data is correct.🧰
HTML5 canvas tutorial for beginners As a designer, this is an opportunity I am excited about.🧐

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titlemy thoughtstype
react memo Quickly and easily browse cheat sheets on common React patterns and snippets.🧰
How to use React.js and GraphQL to build a Full Stack JavaScript application The price was lower than Udemy, but no one taught like Wes Bos. Hope to buy this one soon.🎓
React Developer Tools This allows you to view props, components, renderings, etc. directly in Chrome DevTools🧰
React icon This is one of my favorite icon packs because it has almost every major icon library.🧰
React-Complete Guide (including Hooks, React Router, Redux) One of my favorite courses has prepared me for writing code in React.🎓
useReducer Hook This article/video breaks a very cool trap, allowing you to get a "Redux-like" store without downloading the library.🧐
MDX document This syntax combines JSX and Markdown!🎓
to the designer's React It provides some great courses and beginner projects to help you get started with React.🎓
React Router tutorial Mix the navigation function of React Router with the style of Bootstrap.🧰
React SEOI really want to learn this package. It allows you to add SEO meta tags to different "React pages"🧰
Use React.lazy and Suspense for code splitting This really works! After implementing it on my website, my performance score has improved.🧐
33 verification examples A great collection of React form validation and demo code.🧐
37 ReactJS basics useRef Hook UseRef, a useful video on how to use React hooks.🧐
npm React verification Powerful software package to set up form validation. It takes a more in-depth study for a day to learn all the things it can do.🧰
React form generator This package allows you to build custom forms and validate them for you.🧰
style components A favorite of React users, allowing you to create custom components that focus on CSS.🧰
Use a custom React Hook to respond to inline styles and media queries This article helped me imitate the responsive style in the JSX environment.🧐
React BootstrapVery good documentation on using Bootstrap with React.🧐
Redux uses hooks Use Redux's modern hook syntax. This saves me a lot of time!🧐
Actually, why can't I directly modify the state of the component? This explains well why setState must be used to change the state in a class component.🧐
React: Communication between components In-depth study of how React components transfer data to each other.🧐
How to identify and solve wasteful rendering in React Performance is everything, which teaches how to use rendering correctly.🧐
components propsFor me, this is one of the core and most visited pages in the React documentation.🧐
set Redux DevTools Redux DevTools is not the easiest setup for me, but it helps explain the process well.🧐
React Redux Simple Course Haven't watched this introductory course on Redux, but heard some good news.🎓
gatsbyjsI am very happy to use this static site generator soon.🧰
MERN react nodejs full stack I have purchased this course, but have not yet participated. With so much content covered, I am very happy to do so as soon as possible.🎓
React Native Practical Guide Start learning now and love all the details involved.🎓

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titlemy thoughtstype
How to create a custom WordPress theme-complete course Great introduction to custom themes in WordPress.🎓
WordPress basics All videos are well broken down.🎓
WordPress for beginners Another great playlist on the basics of WordPress.🎓
Create an advanced WordPress theme Haven't participated yet, but there are many useful video topics in this playlist.🎓
Custom WordPress A playlist that is very useful for advanced WordPress themes.🎓
WordPress Intermediate Skill I like that this course also covers the knowledge of using servers.🎓
How to install WordPress on this machine using MAMP (Mac) This video taught me how to use WordPress locally on my machine.🧐
wphierarchy.comThis website does a great job explaining all the different file types and their importance levels in WordPress.🧐
Use CSS and JavaScript in WordPress Documents using CSS and JS in WordPress.🧐

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Git & CLI

titlemy thoughtstype
Compare Git workflow This is very helpful for understanding that each team needs to have a different Git workflow.🧐
Command line advanced Can't wait to become the true terminal master of this course.🎓
Learning Git branch This interactive course is very helpful for understanding how the branches work.🎓
GITHUB PULL REQUEST, branch, merge and team workflow An overview of what it looks like to work with a team in the Git workflow.🧐
Master markdown This is a great resource for viewing general Markdown syntax and upgrading Git README🧐
The difference between add and commit This feature was very useful when I first started using Git for version control.🧐
Basic Git commands Another great cheat sheet for common git commands.🧐
GitHub Guide Hello World This very user-friendly guide to start using Github.🧐
Git command A very intuitive way of common Git commands.🧐
Short Code Git Searchable cheat sheet🧐
Command line command list Codecademy has an awesome list of many CLI terminal commands.🧐

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Resource hosting

titlemy thoughtstype
Netlify build Netlify's awesome process, once a specific branch is updated, it triggers the process of building to a live site.🧰
Netlify tutorial Free course to use Netlify hosting to get up and running🎓
Use Netlify to submit a simple contact form A simple tutorial on how to set up Netlify as a mail server.🧐
PHPStorm FTP server to remote host connection A tutorial on how to use PHPStorm to connect with SFTP or FTP. (Compared with VS Code, this is very happy)🧐

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Resource optimization

titlemy thoughtstype
Front-end web optimization workflow Can’t wait to learn CDN and optimize assets🎓
rel=canonical: The final guide A good description of what canonical URLs are and where to use them.🧐
Lazy Load MDN A good place to start learning how lazy loading works.🧐
SEO Web Development Getting Started Guide A great introduction to what SEO is and how to use SEO.🧐
MOZ page loading speed detection This shows a lot of areas where the check page speed is not good.🧐
The art of debugging In-depth understanding of the process of debugging a website and tools to help.🧐

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titlemy thoughtstype
Mongoose Introduction to MongoDB This article thoroughly explains what MongoDB is and why Mongoose must be used with it.🧐
Restful RoutesBefore reading this article, I did not fully understand RESTful API calls.🧐
HTTP response status code Code 418 is the best. ;)🧐
PassportExcellent tool for full-stack user authentication🧰

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MISCWeb development resources

titlemy thoughtstype
Use code written by others Wonderful tips on how to explore a new code base.🧐
Markdown Table Generator This is how I made the table in this article ;)🧰
jestOne of the industry test frameworks for test-driven development.🧰
email basics This framework makes it easy to code responsive HTML emails.🧰
Zurb Email Basic Course Great course for the above email framework.🎓
NPM Dotenv This package allows you to protect sensitive information (such as API keys) in your project.🧰
typing I used it before training camp to practice typing code faster.🧰
Google Maps Platform document Use Google Maps Api document in the project.🧐
What is single sign-on authentication and how does it work? This is very useful in helping me understand how SSO works at a high level🧐
Subdomain and Subfolder: Which is more suitable for SEO Very interesting article on how to build loosely relevant web content.🧐
favicon.ioThis is my favorite Favicon generator (small icon in the browser tab), and it has an excellent interface.🧰
Wes Bos Eslint configuration Download Wes Bos to organize his code settings.🧐
Emmet Super useful reference to commonly used Emmet commands in multiple languages🧐
Learn about Jetbrains PHPStorm IDE This has become my favorite IDE, and I love all their resources to learn how to use it properly.🧐
Agile Scrum development process and how to adapt UI/UX design A good overview of how to set up an agile workflow.🧐

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Career resources

titlemy thoughtstype
Developer's Golden Guide An incredible guide to preparing recruitment materials, such as resumes and interview examples.🧐
learn how to learn Can't wait to learn this and learn how to be a better "learner".🎓
Glassdoor common interview questions List of 50 questions you can ask in an interview🧐
How to solve things you don’t know what to do This is one of my favorite articles, and I often refer back to it out of motivation.🧐
Whiteboard Interview Practice Useful links and guidelines for conducting whiteboard interviews.🎓
at Google-Coding/Engineering Interview Example It is very interesting to see the level of interviews at Google.🧐
Jobscan.coUseful websites to optimize cover letters and resumes.🧰

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Design resources

titlemy thoughtstype
Rapid website prototyping Learn how to quickly simulate characteristic thoughts, which covers many important aspects.🎓
Tree House UX Design This course covers many important UX topics and how to think through design.🎓
Flux Free Web Design Course 2020 One of the best free courses in the basics of web design.🎓
in Figma: Design a responsive website This video provides an in-depth introduction to how to use automatic layout in Figma.🧐
View building selection color and OpenType Haven't read this yet, but can't wait to take a look.🧐
Make data-related design decisions Such an interesting webinar on how big brands consider data when designing or making changes.🧐
Developers and designers, jointly build a design system I can't wait to see it. A truly effective team communicates clearly between design and development in the early stages of the process.🧐
in Figma: Designing responsive website navigation There are many design tidbits and Figma techniques that support this design.🧐



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