最近在学习 locust 性能工具,发现locust性能工具脚本需要python基础才能写脚本,但是对于性能测试人员来说 python 是基本功夫。
在 locust 中get脚本怎么写,为了方便直接在代码运行调试,采用关闭web模式,通过参考官方文档自己实验get/post代码,参考代码如:
def get_7dTest(self):
# 定义请求头
header = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36"}
response = self.client.get("/7d/", headers=header, verify=False)
# print("Response status code:", response.status_code)
if response.status_code == 200:
# print("Response text:", response.json())
# 登陆
def get_login(self):
response = self.client.post("/login", {"userName": "7d", "passWord": "123456"})
print("Response json:", response.json())
[2021-04-24 21:36:49,495] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Run time limit set to 1 seconds
[2021-04-24 21:36:49,495] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Starting Locust 1.4.4
[2021-04-24 21:36:49,496] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: Spawning 1 users at the rate 1 users/s (0 users already running)...
[2021-04-24 21:36:49,496] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: All users spawned: webTestDunShan: 1 (1 total running)
[2021-04-24 21:36:49,496] liwen.local/INFO/root: Terminal was not a tty. Keyboard input disabled
Name # reqs # fails | Avg Min Max Median | req/s failures/s
Aggregated 0 0(0.00%) | 0 0 0 0 | 0.00 0.00
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
def get_login_json(self):
jsonData = {"userName": "7d", "passWord": "123456"}
response = self.client.post("/login/json", json=json.dumps(jsonData))
print("Response json:", response.json())
Response json: {'msg': 'success', 'code': 0, 'data': '登陆成功'}
public R indexPage() {
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("success", "欢迎来到性能实战课堂");
map.put("Data", new Date());
return R.ok().put("data", map);
* 登陆
* @param memberEntity
* @return
public R login(MemberEntity memberEntity) {
if ("7d".equals(memberEntity.getUserName()) && "123456".equals(memberEntity.getPassWord())) {
return R.ok().put("data", "登陆成功");
return R.error().put("data", "用户名或者密码失败");
* 登陆
* @param requestBody
* @return
@PostMapping(value = "/login/json", produces = "application/json")
public R login_json(@RequestBody String requestBody) {
log.info("json数据:{}", requestBody);
Object parse = JSON.parse(requestBody);
MemberEntity memberEntity = JSON.parseObject(parse.toString(), MemberEntity.class);
if ("7d".equals(memberEntity.getUserName()) && "123456".equals(memberEntity.getPassWord())) {
return R.ok().put("data", "登陆成功");
return R.error().put("data", "用户名或者密码失败");
locust直接在 python 代码调试代码关闭web页面,这样调试很方便,参考如下命令:
os.system("locust -f demoLcou.py --host= --headless -u 1 -r 1 -t 1s")
# –no-web 表示不使用Web界面运行测试。
# -c 设置虚拟用户数。
# -r 设置每秒启动虚拟用户数。
# -t 设置设置运行时间。
# 结果参考:
[2021-04-24 22:23:59,688] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Run time limit set to 1 seconds
[2021-04-24 22:23:59,688] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Starting Locust 1.4.4
[2021-04-24 22:23:59,688] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: Spawning 1 users at the rate 1 users/s (0 users already running)...
[2021-04-24 22:23:59,688] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: All users spawned: webTestDunShan: 1 (1 total running)
[2021-04-24 22:23:59,689] liwen.local/INFO/root: Terminal was not a tty. Keyboard input disabled
Name # reqs # fails | Avg Min Max Median | req/s failures/s
Aggregated 0 0(0.00%) | 0 0 0 0 | 0.00 0.00
Response json: {'msg': '未知异常,请联系管理员', 'code': 500, 'data': '用户名或者密码失败'}
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,454] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Time limit reached. Stopping Locust.
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,454] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: Stopping 1 users
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,455] liwen.local/INFO/locust.runners: 1 Users have been stopped, 0 still running
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,455] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Running teardowns...
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,455] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Shutting down (exit code 0), bye.
[2021-04-24 22:24:00,455] liwen.local/INFO/locust.main: Cleaning up runner...
Name # reqs # fails | Avg Min Max Median | req/s failures/s
GET / 166 0(0.00%) | 1 1 5 2 | 216.65 0.00
GET /7d/ 89 0(0.00%) | 1 1 12 1 | 116.16 0.00
POST /login 98 0(0.00%) | 1 1 2 1 | 127.90 0.00
POST /login/json 87 0(0.00%) | 1 1 2 2 | 113.55 0.00
Aggregated 440 0(0.00%) | 1 1 12 2 | 574.26 0.00
Response time percentiles (approximated)
Type Name 50% 66% 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.9% 99.99% 100% # reqs |
GET / 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 166
GET /7d/ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 12 12 12 89
POST /login 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 98
POST /login/json 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 87 |
None Aggregated 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 12 12 12 440
Process finished with exit code 0
locust 官方文档还是比较详细,只要慢慢看就能掌握locust工具怎么操作,但是在老师性能工程中,工具只要能发压就行。
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