
Flutter has released a lot of blockbuster updates on Google I/O this year. Welcome everyone to learn about the 7 highlights that should not be missed: Click here watch the 7 highlights of Flutter not to be missed video for more information.

Flutter 2.2

The first is naturally the new stable version of Flutter 2.2. In this latest version, we are focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of Flutter. Welcome to read this article , or through Flutter 2.2 update list video for more information.

Null security is enabled by default

Since Flutter 2.2, all new projects will enable null security by default. Please read Chinese document for detailed steps to migrate to air security.

Desktop version update

In order to make the Flutter desktop version more stable, we have introduced many improvements, including development tools and widgets, to help developers build better platform adaptive programs.


The DevTools team has been working to build a tool that can easily track all Flutter and Dart application errors.

After importing the Dart developer package, you can access a large number of cool debugging, performance profiling and tracing tools, including PostEvent. DevTools will be selected and embedded in the memory timeline. The improvements of these tools are aimed at improving your development efficiency and making it easier for you to find out when a particular widget was built.

Payment and profit

In order to help you monetize your application more easily, we have made some improvements to the Google Mobile Ads SDK: such as the inclusion of empty security and adaptive banner ads, the introduction of new payment plug-ins that support Google Pay and Apple Pay, and the in-app payment plug-in In App Purchase from the beta version into the production environment. For details, please visit official document .

Flutter application examples

We are also continuing to update, so that you can use more Google APIs and related services in Flutter and Dart applications. One example is the official launch of Dart on Google Cloud Run, which can containerize Dart applications with a small amount of code, and then obtain smaller binary files that can be run on the backend.

We also cooperated with Firebase to launch the I/O photo booth , and provided the source code and corresponding codelab. Welcome everyone to get started.

You can find all the Google I/O conference speeches about Flutter this year YouTube playlist more Google I/O 2021 wonderful videos .

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