Company industry: Luen Thai Technology (B+ wheel), 3D printing/small batch manufacturing/intelligent manufacturing/industrial interconnection
Work location: Caohejing Xinye Park, Xuhui District, Shanghai, near the Cao Development Metro Station of Line 9, next to Tencent Building
Business direction: Online manufacturing platform for customers at home and abroad, digital factory cloud solutions, capacity collaboration and supply chain management, intelligent manufacturing data analysis and scheduling algorithms
Technical direction: cloud native (Java/Go + Spring + K8s + Dapr + Serverless + global deployment distributed system), micro front end (React + TS + Qiankun), industrial IoT cloud platform (edge computing, distributed Image/graphics processing, industrial data analysis), intelligent manufacturing assistance (APS, automatic quotation, production feasibility analysis, live broadcast and anomaly detection), web-based online model processing (THREE.js + WASM), cross-terminal development (PC, App, applet, Electron)
Demand personnel: High-level front-end, server and test developers, salary range: 20~35K/month + quarterly/year-end performance
Contact Email: / 15851808077 Team Technical Blog:
Bonus: Macbook Pro + Github workflow, embrace open source, support technological development, and eliminate 996 and no 361. Long-term delivery of high-quality employees for large factories.
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