



  • 远端节点由于网络原因可能写入失败,此时将原本发往远端节点的points,调用hinted-handoff.WriteShard()写入本机hh队列;
// cluster/points_writer.go
// writeToShards writes points to a shard and ensures a write consistency level has been met.  If the write
// partially succeeds, ErrPartialWrite is returned.
func (w *PointsWriter) writeToShard(shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string,
    consistency models.ConsistencyLevel, points []models.Point) error {
    ch := make(chan *AsyncWriteResult, len(shard.Owners))
    // 向shard owner写shards
    for _, owner := range shard.Owners {
        go func(shardID uint64, owner meta.ShardOwner, points []models.Point) {
            // 写shard
            err := w.ShardWriter.WriteShard(shardID, owner.NodeID, points)
            if err != nil{
                // 写入失败的话,入队hh                
                hherr := w.HintedHandoff.WriteShard(shardID, owner.NodeID, points)
                if consistency == models.ConsistencyLevelAny {
                    ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, nil}
            ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, err}
        }(shard.ID, owner, points)



  • 每个远端节点由1个NodeProcessor处理写入失败的数据;
  • 由NodeProcessor将写入远端失败的points,缓存到本机目录;
// services/hh/service.go
// WriteShard queues the points write for shardID to node ownerID to handoff queue
func (s *Service) WriteShard(shardID, ownerID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
    processor, ok := s.processors[ownerID]    
    if !ok {
        if err := func() error {
            processor, ok = s.processors[ownerID]
            if !ok {
                processor = NewNodeProcessor(ownerID, s.pathforNode(ownerID), s.shardWriter, s.MetaClient, &s.cfg)
                processor.Logger = s.Logger
                if err := processor.Open(); err != nil {
                    return err
                s.processors[ownerID] = processor
            return nil
        }(); err != nil {
            return err
    if err := processor.WriteShard(shardID, points); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil


  • 8bytes: shardId;
  • point.String() + "\n";
  • point.String() + "\n";
  • .....
// services/hh/node_processor.go
// WriteShard writes hinted-handoff data for the given shard and node. Since it may manipulate
// hinted-handoff queues, and be called concurrently, it takes a lock during queue access.
func (n *NodeProcessor) WriteShard(shardID uint64, points []models.Point) error {
    b := marshalWrite(shardID, points)
    return n.queue.Append(b)
func marshalWrite(shardID uint64, points []models.Point) []byte {
    b := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, shardID)
    for _, p := range points {
        b = append(b, []byte(p.String())...)
        b = append(b, '\n')
    return b



// services/hh/node_processor.go
func (n *NodeProcessor) run() {
    for {
    case <-time.After(currInterval):
        limiter := NewRateLimiter(n.RetryRateLimit)    //限流
        for {
            c, err := n.SendWrite()


  • 首先,ping远端节点,若不通,则返回失败;
  • 然后,读本机queue中的数据,数据反序列化;
  • 然后,使用shardWriter将数据发送给远端节点;
  • 最后,将本机queue的位置向后移动;
// services/hh/node_processor.go
// SendWrite attempts to sent the current block of hinted data to the target node. If successful,
// it returns the number of bytes it sent and advances to the next block. Otherwise returns EOF
// when there is no more data or the node is inactive.
func (n *NodeProcessor) SendWrite() (int, error) {
    // ping node是否通
    active, err := n.Active()    
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    // 从队列中读出,并反序列化
    buf, err := n.queue.Current()
    // unmarshal the byte slice back to shard ID and points
    shardID, points, err := unmarshalWrite(buf)
    if err != nil {
    // 写shard
    if err := n.writer.WriteShard(shardID, n.nodeID, points); err != nil {
        atomic.AddInt64(&n.stats.WriteNodeReqFail, 1)
        return 0, err
    // queue可读的位置后移
    if err := n.queue.Advance(); err != nil {
        n.Logger.Info("failed to advance queue for node", zap.Uint64("nodeid", n.nodeID), zap.Error(err))
    return len(buf), nil

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