
The preparation work has been done three times. Now, immediately, immediately, we enter the analysis of the construction process!

Build entry

This process is still in the compiler.compiler function,

    // 在这之前new了一个 compilation 对象
    this.hooks.make.callAsync(compilation, err => {
            logger.timeEnd("make hook");
            if (err) return callback(err);
            logger.time("finish make hook");
            this.hooks.finishMake.callAsync(compilation, err => {
                logger.timeEnd("finish make hook");
                if (err) return callback(err);
                process.nextTick(() => {
                    logger.time("finish compilation");
                    compilation.finish(err => {
                        logger.timeEnd("finish compilation");                                  if (err) return callback(err);
                        logger.time("seal compilation");
                        compilation.seal(err => {

Here triggered make callback hook registered, remember me in initialization mentioned in section EntryPlugin it? A hook callback is registered here, which triggers compilation.addEntry

compilation.addEntry(context, dependency, name, callback); //其中 dependency 为 EntryDependency 实例。


addEntry does several things:

  • Generate EntryData
  • Call compilation hook addEntry
  • Execute compilation.addModule


addModule gets the corresponding moduleFactory according to dep, and then executes handleModuleCreation , and dependency data such as moduleFactory factorizeQueue

Get moduleFactory

const Dep = /** @type {DepConstructor} */ (dependency.constructor);
const moduleFactory = this.dependencyFactories.get(Dep);

this.dependencyFactories is a Map, so when was it set? The answer is in initialization mentioned in section EntryPlugin in.

** Stuffed into the queue

After obtaining the compilation method of the dependencies and modules, factorizeQueue into the 0616d0668b55e8 queue

    factoryResult: true,
() => { // dosomethine})
// Workaround for typescript as it doesn't support function overloading in jsdoc within a class
Compilation.prototype.factorizeModule = 
/** @type {{
    (options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult?: false }, callback: ModuleCallback): void;
    (options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult: true }, callback: ModuleFactoryResultCallback): void;
}} */ 
    function (options, callback) {
        this.factorizeQueue.add(options, callback);

Seeing this, I have no clue. After compilation , I did not find similar to 1616d0668b564a factorizeQueue.start and in the entire 0616d0668b5644. factorizeQueue see what's done inside 0616d0668b5646


this.factorizeQueue = new AsyncQueue({
    name: "factorize",
    parent: this.addModuleQueue,
    processor: this._factorizeModule.bind(this)

factorizeQueue is an example AsyncQueue AsyncQueue mainly to do a queue control. The queue length is controlled parallelism passed in from the outside factorizeQueue not transmitted, and the default is 1 here.

If the condition is ok, AsyncQueue will be called _processor

this._processor(entry.item, (e, r) => {
    inCallback = true;
    this._handleResult(entry, e, r);

Call _factorizeModule here, then execute factory.create , start reslove!

Concluding remarks

So far we have learned webpack entry attribute in the configuration to obtain the modulefactory. The next article will introduce the reslove process.

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