
problem found

Recently, when using the shuttle frame component in the company's component library, it was found that the icon icons were all garbled.


analyse problem

After the investigation found that the component style file ( scss ) introduced iconfont vector font icons, build, \e601 such Unicode characters after sass compiled, it becomes a literal characters (double-byte characters), resulting in garbled

.icon-ok:before {
  content: "\e601";

Sass after compilation

.icon-ok:before {
  content: "";

Solve the problem

(1) Upgrade sass version


This problem has been fixed in the Sass@1.38.0 version. The version used in the project can be 1.38.0+ to 0616e891fda1b4. For details, see Sass update log

// index.scss
.icon-ok:before {
  content: "\e601";

Execute npx sass@1.38.0 index.scss index.css

// index.css
.icon-ok:before {
  content: "\e601";

/*# sourceMappingURL=index.css.map */

(2) Custom webpack loader

When it comes to building the analysis of the above problems Sass will Unicode characters compiled into a text character, then we can in loader queue sass-loader after adding our custom loader , the CSS text characters in translated Unicode characters? Of course it is possible

const CONTENT_MATCH_REG = /(?<!-)content\s*:\s*([^;\}]+)/g; // 找出伪元素里content那块内容
const UNICODE_MATCH_REG = /[^\x00-\xff]/g; // 找出非单字节符
function fun(source) {
  this.cacheable(); // 利用缓存来提高编译效率
  source = source.replace(CONTENT_MATCH_REG, function (m, p1) {
    return m.replace(UNICODE_MATCH_REG, function (m) {
      return "\\" + m.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); //   m.charCodeAt(0)返回字符串第一个字符的 Unicode 编码,后面再转16进制,前面加一斜杠
  return source;


let test = `.el-icon-ice-cream-square:before {
    content: "";
// 打印结果
// .el-icon-ice-cream-square:before {
//     content: "\e6da";
// }

You can refer to: https://github.com/styzhang/css-unicode-loader

(3) Custom webpack plugin

Several necessary conditions for developing the webpack

  • Obtain the compiler object, through which you can obtain information including config configuration, resource files, compilation information, hook functions, etc.
  • Compile the life cycle function of the phase, find a suitable hook function to handle the corresponding logic
  • The returned result supports both synchronous and asynchronous methods
 * 编码unicode字符串
 * encodeUnicodeChar('•') // 等价于 '\\2022';
module.exports.encodeUnicodeChar = function (str) {
  let content = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    const codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
    if (codePoint > 127) {
      content += "\\" + str.codePointAt(i).toString(16);
    } else {
      content += str.charAt(i);
  return content;

module.exports.encodeCssContentUnicodeChar = function (css) {
  return css.replace(
    (match, p1, p2, p3, offset, str) => {
      return p1 + module.exports.encodeUnicodeChar(p2) + p3;

Execute before outputting the generated resource file after the build to the target directory, emit is an asynchronous series of hooks

const { encodeCssContentUnicodeChar } = require("./utils");

class CssContentUnicodePlugin {
  apply(compiler) {
    compiler.hooks.emit.tap("CssUnicodePlugin", function (compilation) {
        .filter((filename) => /\.css$/.test(filename))
        .forEach((filename) => {
          const asset = compilation.assets[filename];
          let fileContent = asset.source();
          fileContent = encodeCssContentUnicodeChar(fileContent);
          asset.source = () => fileContent;
          asset.size = () => fileContent.length;

module.exports = CssContentUnicodePlugin;

refer to:

Sass update log

sass unicode character encoding problem

Sass: Unicode escape is not saved in the .css file

webpack articles-plugin development

How to develop a webpack loader

webpack loader development

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