
Hi everyone, I'm Kasong.

React by official documents that are not friendly to novices, and since v16.8 appeared in Hooks , Hooks gradually become the React , and new features will be developed Hooks

But the current official document is still based on class component . So from October last year, React team Rachel Nabors began to advance to write the new document.

Regarding Rachel Nabors , you can refer to an article I wrote before From drop-out two-dimensional girl to React core member

One year later, on October 22, 21, the React new document Beta version was finally launched.

This article will introduce the difference between the new document and the old document, as well as the current progress.

Features of the new document

Summarize the difference between the new and old documents in one sentence:

If the old document is a paper, then the new document is a textbook

Specifically, the new document has three characteristics:

  1. All examples will be done with Hooks

Hooks is React . Compared with the old document using Class Component as an example, the new document fully embraces Hooks .

  1. Add a lot of interactive examples and diagrams

Just from the perspective of React at includes 6 code examples, 2 pictures, and 3 interactive examples.

  1. Provide exercises to test learning outcomes

For example, Learning JSX has an exercise at the end of this section, which requires you to fix the wrong JSX syntax:

The new document mainly includes two parts:

  • Beginner's guide
  • API Introduction

Beginner's guide

We can see from Getting Started design section of experience React intent:

  1. Install
  2. React in the way 0617a042bd1d53
  3. Description UI
  4. Increase interaction
  5. Management status
  6. How to bypass React to manually operate DOM

In short, through a large number of examples and test questions, novices can learn the basic concepts of React

Novice Getting Started current overall progress of the 1617a042bd1e97 part is: 70% completed

API introduction

API introduction revolves around Hooks , and also contains a lot of examples. The current overall progress is: 5% completed

The old class component API should not appear in the new document. This part of the API will be redirected to the old document.


Whether it is the React18 discussion group or the development of new documents, feedback channels are provided. Anyone can submit comments Github issue #3308 and anonymous forum

New document address:


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