
Nowadays, women are no longer confined to "keeping a good house", but are proud of the workplace, and even take a space roam! When you don’t know her, you never know how much energy she has~

On November 20th, , we provide you with such a platform: meet new partners, lead career development, and listen to the story of technology empowerment- Amazon Cloud Technology She Builds Summit welcomes you!

Amazon Cloud Technology She Builds is an inclusive program designed to encourage and empower women or advocates of global technology diversity, and leave their footprints in a world where technology is constantly evolving.

The event contains inspiring speeches, tips, guidance and suggestions. Participants will use Amazon Cloud Technology's funded projects, free training and development opportunities to win outstanding opportunities in their careers, so as to equip their skills and become innovative leaders in their fields. What is more worth looking forward to is that the sharing of Ms. Pan Juan, CTO of open source business startups, will definitely benefit you a lot!

gathers "her energy" and releases the power of science and technology

From a female developer in an open source world to CTO, it means more than just a change of title: from her views on technology, open source communities, and daily work, to the way she communicates with talented developers and investors, etc. Brought profound changes.

In this speech, Ms. Pan Juan will share becoming the CTO of an open source business start-up company, and how women in the science and technology community should deal with challenges and turn them into opportunities . I believe that after listening to her sharing, you will be motivated to think proactively, actively pursue your dreams, and leave a mark of your success!

Co-founder & CTO of SphereEx, Apache member, Apache ShardingSphere PMC, Apache brpc (incubating) & Apache AGE (incubating) mentor, Chinese Mulan open source community mentor. Former JD Technology Senior DBA, responsible for the design and development of JD Digital Technology's intelligent database platform; won the "2020 China Open Source Pioneer" award and the "2021 China OSCAR Open Source Pioneer" award; often invited in the field of database and database architecture Delivered speeches and shared insights at the conference. He is the second largest coding contributor to Apache ShardingSphere. Since 2018, he has given more than 40 speeches on technology and open source.

On November 20th, we will be there at the Amazon Cloud Technology She Builds Summit. Let us work together to make the future of technology more diversified!

Click on the link below to learn more about the conference:

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