
button is the most widely used HTML element, it is recommended to use it whenever there is a click interaction. However, most websites still use div , such as a blog, almost always div


Since it is a button, why not use button directly? Here are 5 reasons to use buttons

1. Disabled features

button support is disabled. This is also the disabled form elements, you can directly set the 061adbbd05e7c6 attribute to achieve the effect of disabling

<button disabled>按钮</button>

Moreover, this disabling not only disables mouse clicks, but also disables keyboard access, which is a true disabling


If you need to change the banned style, you need to pass the :disabled pseudo-class instead of the disabled attribute


Because sometimes button is disabled, not necessarily from itself, it may be because of parent elements, such as fieldset

<fieldset disabled>


As you can see, when fieldset is disabled, all the included form elements are disabled. These form elements themselves do not have the disabled attribute, so to disable a button, you must pass the :disabled pseudo-class

In addition, in div , it is generally implemented by pointer-events: none; , but this can only disable the mouse behavior

  pointer-events: none;

Of course, for div , this method is sufficient, because div itself will not be focused on

Second, the box model and centering characteristics

button default box attribute is border-box , open to further expansion, virtually all of the properties box form elements are border-box .

So, you don’t need to set this when you set the specific size of the button.

  padding: 5px 10px;
  width: 100%;
  box-sizing: border-box; /* 不需要 */


Then, the button is vertical and horizontal centering.

Almost all buttons are centered, so you don’t need to set any centering properties to achieve the horizontal and vertical centering effect.

  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  text-align: center;  /* 不需要 */
  line-height: 50px;  /* 不需要 */


Three, keyboard access

button supports keyboard access. When using the tab key to switch the focus, there will be an obvious focus prompt ( outline ). And in the focused state, through the keyboard enter or space key can trigger the button click event

(The following is the keyboard operation, use tab focus, and then use enter or space to trigger the click)

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So, in order to maintain visibility of keyboard access, it’s best not to do this

  outline: 0; /* 最好不要这么做 */

By default, this outline will only appear when the keyboard is focused, and the mouse click will not focus. If you need to change the color of the focus, you can only change outline-color , which will not affect the default timing of the browser.

  outline-color: salmon;

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Best not to change the entire outline , this will lead to either a mouse click or keyboard focus focus will appear outline (generally do not like to design a mouse click has outline )

/* 最好不要这么做 */
  outline: 1px solid salmon;

If you want to fully control the keyboard focus style, you can use this pseudo-class :focus-visible , the compatibility is slightly worse

  outline: 5px solid salmon;

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Four, form characteristics

button some form features. Reasonable use of these features can achieve a lot of interaction without js, such as such a form

    <label>用户: </label><input name="user" required><br>
    <label>密码: </label><input name="password" type="password" required><br>
    <button type="submit">登录</button>
    <button type="reset">重置</button>

Which, type="submit" natural supports form submission, which is triggered form of submit events, but also support Enter login, so the experience is very good, and have finished the username and password, you can tap directly enter login.

type="reset" can perform the reset of the form. Note that here is reset , not clear , which may be understood as a better restoration. Then this feature has been applied in this article before: CSS for search-related interaction

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If you do not use button , you may need more javascript to achieve similar functions, and there may be unknown bugs

Five, screen reading

button supports screen reading access by default. For example, using the narration that comes with macOS, when you read a button, you can clearly understand that it is a button and the text inside.


If it is a div , if you want to achieve this effect, you may need

  1. In order to div , you need to add the tabindex=0 attribute
  2. In order for div be recognized as a button, the attribute role="button"

Sometimes there are more extreme situations, you can directly use the background image as a button without text, and you need the following operations

  1. In order for the div to be recognized, the attribute aria-label
<div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="登录2">登录</div>

In this way, screen reading can basically be accessed normally


That’s right, the way the article begins is like this. Let’s review these numerous attributes.


Since it is so troublesome, why not just use button ?

6. Why not use button

The following are some of my personal conjectures

  1. button has inconsistent style performance in various browsers
  2. button cannot contain certain tags or will be invalid, such as a tags
  3. For historical reasons, I used div achieve it before, so I don’t want to toss
  4. I don’t know that button has so many useful features
  5. I don’t care about it, it can be realized, my js is very strong
  6. No keyboard access or screen reading is required in the actual project
  7. Encapsulation of some third-party component libraries

Seven, summary and explanation

button element from the style and function, and also guesses some button is not used. Here is a summary:

  1. button supports the disabling feature, and customizes the disabling style :disabled
  2. button default box model is border-box
  3. button default horizontal and vertical centering in 061adbbd05fa60
  4. button supports keyboard access. In the focused state, click events enter or space
  5. button keyboard focus outline can outline-color , you can also customize the keyboard focus style :focus-visible
  6. button supports enter submission form in the form
  7. button has a reset function in the form
  8. button supports screen reading by default

Although there are so many useful features, there are still many reasons why they are not used in actual development. But no matter how it was before, from now on, as long as you encounter the "button", the first priority is button . You don't need to do too much modification to unknowingly improve the user experience. Finally, if you think it’s not bad, if it’s helpful to you, please like, bookmark, and forward ❤❤❤

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