How does Linux Xiaobai get started with Linux quickly? Instead of checking CSDN or the official website for half a year, it is better to spend 10 minutes to quickly understand the relevant instructions and quickly get started with Linux.
The instructions mentioned below are relatively basic instructions, which cannot make you a Linux god, but you can quickly get started with Linux
1. Words
directory directory
make new
remove (abbreviated as rm)
move (abbreviation mv)
copy (abbreviated as cp)
list (abbreviated as ls)
link link
echo repeat; echo
2. Concept
a. Without a drive letter, the entire hard disk (ie the root directory) is /
b. File; directory (ie folder); path (absolute path, relative path); node (file or directory)
3. What the command line looks like
$ Command-option abbreviation (or --option parameter) (+Enter)
Various operations
1. Command Prompt
2. Enter the catalog
3. Enter the desktop directory, shortcut key: des+Tab
4. In the windows system, ~ means the /users/administrator/ directory (that is, a directory drawn out of the hard disk for users to use); in the Linux system ~ means the /home/administrator/ directory
a. Create a directory -mkdir command
5. Create a directory example under this directory (desktop)
6. Create a directory a containing directory b under this directory (example directory)
7. Enter the directory example
b. Create a file-touch command and echo command
8.touch to create 1.txt file
9. echo xxx> file path: write the text hahahahaha into 1.txt
10. echo xxx !> File path: Mac is mandatory coverage, that is, heiheiheiheihei overwrite hahahahaha; in Windows, a new document cd~.txt with the content heiheiheiheihei is created
11.echo xxx >>File path: append the text hehehehehe to the back of hahahahaha in file 1.txt
c. View path -ls command display files (hidden files cannot be displayed) -l(--long) Display files and detailed information -a(--all) display all files (more current directory./ and parent directory../) -al display all files and detailed information
5. For the touch command: if 1.txt itself exists, change its update time; if it does not exist, create this file
6.-rw-r--r--represents the authority, rw-represents the authority of the administrator; r--represents the authority of the current user's group; r--represents the authority of the current user
d. Copy files
1. Copy files: cp source path target path, copy 1.txt to a directory
2. Copy directory: cp -r source path target path, copy directory a to directory b
e. Mobile node
3. mv source path target path, move the c directory to the a directory
f. Delete files
4. Delete the 1.txt file in the example directory, note: rm -ra is to delete the directory a
5.rm -rf b: force to delete the b directory and all its contents recursively
6.pwd command: display the current directory
- cd ../../: Enter the parent directory of the parent directory and return to the ~C:\Users\lenovo directory from C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\example
Hope this article will help you
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