
The file path in the ui5.yaml file must use the symbol / or forward slash .

framework type can choose SAPUI5 or OpenUI5 :

Information printed in the image above:

Using SAPUI5 version: 1.98.0

Because we define the version number 1.98.0 in the version field of the framework area of the ui5-local.yaml file.

But when running, we see that this version number is overridden by another setting with higher priority: namely webapp in manifest.json in minUI5Version folder: 1.66.0 :

The list of libraries that SAP UI5 depends on at runtime is listed in the libraries field in the framework area:

It is automatically installed when you run:

Installing missing package @sapui5/distribution-metadata...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.generic.template...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.generic.app...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.comp...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ushell...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.f...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.core...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.m...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.table...
info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.fe.placeholder...

If you need to exclude some irrelevant resources such as unit tests and integration tests from the final build result, you can use the following syntax:

      - "/resources/some/project/name/test_results/**"
      - "/test-resources/**"
      - "!/test-resources/some/project/name/demo-app/**"

SAP UI5 Tools uses port 8080 by default.

If you want to change the default port, use the syntax:

    httpPort: 1337
    httpsPort: 1443

Command line ui5 tree : Display the project's dependency information in a graphical interface:

Run ui5 build to generate Component-preload.js in the dist folder:

(1/8) Running task escapeNonAsciiCharacters...
info builder:builder application project1 (2/8) Running task replaceCopyright...
info builder:builder application project1 (3/8) Running task replaceVersion...
info builder:builder application project1 (4/8) Running task generateFlexChangesBundle...
info builder:builder application project1 (5/8) Running task generateComponentPreload...
info builder:builder application project1 (6/8) Running task createDebugFiles...
info builder:builder application project1 (7/8) Running task uglify...
info builder:builder application project1 (8/8) Running task generateVersionInfo...

Use ui5 build --all to build sap-ui-core.js and other dependencies into the final package.

In general, we recommend installing the UI5 CLI globally (npm install --global @ui5/cli).

However, it makes sense to add the UI5 CLI as a devDependency (npm install --save-dev @ui5/cli) to your project's package.json. This ensures that every developer working on the project is using the same version of the UI5 CLI, and your continuous integration environment also uses this version.

If you have both local and global installations in a project, UI5 CLI will always try to invoke the local installation. This is partly because npm scripts defined in package.json will always invoke the local install as well.

This behavior can be disabled by setting the environment variable UI5_CLI_NO_LOCAL.

More Jerry's original articles, all in: "Wang Zixi":

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