​On February 18th, Python core developer Łukasz Langa announced on the Python Discourse forum:

The Python development team is working on migrating all bug data currently located in the official Python Bug website https://bugs.python.org/ (abbreviated as bpo or BPO) to GitHub. Processed in a GitHub Issue, while the official BPO website will run in read-only mode to ensure existing online URLs continue to work.

As early as at the Python Language Summit in June 2018, core developer Mariatta Wijaya proposed to "abandon the Roundup and BPO sites and switch to GitHub Issues for bug tracking", which led to the PEP 581 proposal, which was published in 2019. Approved in May.

However, due to a series of technical, legal and procedural issues in the migration process, the migration process was not rapid, and the migration work was not officially launched until 2022.

It is understood that the migration schedule is as follows:

  • Friday, February 18, 2022: The two-week public feedback collection period begins.
  • Friday, March 4th, 2022: Perform a final end-to-end test migration with the help of Github to gather the time it takes to migrate and make sure there are no blockers. (We will use 10% bugs for this test)

Assuming no blocking issues are identified during the feedback collection process, the formal migration begins:

  • Thursday, March 10, 2022: Migration begins and BPO will go into read-only mode. Data from BPO is exported and placed in a temporary repository on Github (takes about 22 hours).
  • Friday, March 11, 2022: Github starts moving bugs from staging repositories to github.com/python/cpython/.

The entire migration process is expected to take 3 to 7 days, depending on the load on Github.com.

During the migration process, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • No new issues can be created on Github or BPO;
  • Can create new PRs and interact with existing PRs on Github without interruption;
  • Interaction with migrated Issues on Github is possible, but destructive actions (change issue title, edit comment content, delete comment, delete tags) are highly discouraged as this will make migration more difficult

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