Recently, TIOBE announced the programming language rankings for March 2022. After reaching the top in October last year, Python remains firmly at the top of the list. And this month it's worth noting: the scripting language Lua knocked out Groovy and returned to the top 20 on the TIOBE list.

During its heyday in 2011, Lua briefly entered the top 10. It's unclear if it will return again. But it's clear that Lua is trying to catch up in the game development market: easy to learn, fast to execute, and simple to interface with C, making Lua ideal for games, work. And one of the drivers of its success comes from the very popular gaming platform Roblox, which uses Lua as its primary programming language.

TIOBE March TOP 20 programming language

TOP 10 programming languages TIOBE index trend (2002-2022)

21-50 Programming Language Rank

Since this ranking is unofficial, there may be omissions, so it is for reference only.

Numbers 51-100 are as follows, listed only in text (in alphabetical order) due to the small numerical differences between them:

ABC, ActionScript, Alice, Apex, ATLAS, Bash, bc, BCPL, Boo, Bourne shell, C shell, CL(OS/400), Clipper, CLIPS, CoffeeScript, DCL, DiBOL, Dylan, ECMAScript, Eiffel, Elm, EXEC, F#, Factor, GML, Hack, Harbour, Haxe, Icon, IDL, Io, J#, Korn shell, Ladder Logic, LiveCode, LPC, ML, Monkey, OCaml, OpenCL, Oz, Processing, Q, Racket, REXX, Ring, S-PLUS, Scheme, SPARK, Tcl

in this month's index

The following changes were made to the definition of indexes this month.

Tzvetelin Katchov found that "Elisp" has been misspelled as "Elips" for years in the TIOBE index definition. This bug has now been fixed.

Historical Ranking (1987-2022)

Note that the following rankings are based on 12-month averages

There are two points to highlight here:

  • There is a difference between "Visual Basic" and "(Visual) Basic" in the above table. Before 2010, "(Visual) Basic" referred to all possible languages with Basic, including Visual Basic. After discussion, it was decided to split "(Visual) Basic" into separate languages such as Visual Basic .NET, Classic Visual Basic, PureBasic, and Small Basic, to name a few. Since Visual Basic .NET has become the primary implementation of Visual Basic, it is now called "Visual Basic".
  • The programming language SQL has not been featured in the TIOBE index for a long time. In 2018, it was pointed out that SQL is a complete language developed by Turing. From that moment on, SQL became part of the TIOBE index. So while the language is very old, it has a very short history in the index.

Programming Language "Celebrity List" (2003-2021)

The award is given to the programming language with the largest increase in ratings in a year.


The TIOBE Programming Community Index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The list is updated monthly. Ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers, courses, and third-party vendors worldwide, with utility rates calculated from popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube, and Baidu.

It's important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming languages or languages for most lines of code. This index is only used to check that your programming skills are still up to date, or to make strategic decisions about which programming language to use when starting to build a new software system.

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