Never click OK, this will erase your existing virtual environment!


Instead, open the terminal and enter pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment

 ─➤  pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment...
 . /Users/bot/.local/share/virtualenvs/rabbit_deliverer_service-tvDaA2VB/bin/activate

Enter where python to find the path to the Python interpreter in the virtual environment

 ─➤  where python

Copy this path /Users/bot/.local/share/virtualenvs/rabbit_deliverer_service-tvDaA2VB/bin/python to the clipboard!

Then click 无解释器 in the lower right corner, select 添加解释器


Be sure to select 现有环境 , then click the three dots on the right


Copy the path and click OK


Pay attention pay attention! ! ! ! ! ! Be sure to check if the path is correct. Pycharm is very low in that it will fail 9 times out of 10. If the path is not correct, try again


If the path is correct, click OK


You can see that the interpreter is cut over!

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