
In a business developed with Python, there are two specific requirements for Terraform interaction:

  • Various commands of Terraform need to be called to complete operations such as deployment and destruction of resources
  • Need to parse the content of the Terraform configuration file (HCL syntax) and analyze the components inside

For the former, there is an open source library called python-terraform, which encapsulates Terraform commands. When we call it in the code, a new process will be started behind to execute the corresponding commands of Terraform, and the command exit code and captured command will be returned. stdout and stderr. Although python-terraform is convenient to use, the biggest disadvantage is that Terraform is required to be installed in the execution environment in advance, and the new process also brings additional overhead.

For the latter, no open source Python library has been found to suffice.

I wanted to have a library that can execute Terraform commands in the current process without requiring users to install Terraform in advance, and can also parse Terraform configuration files, and py-libterraform was born.



Before explaining the implementation principle of py-libterraform, let's take a look at how to install and use it.

Its installation is very simple, just execute the pip command, support Mac, Linux and Windows, and support Python3.6 and above:

$ pip install libterraform

py-libterraform currently provides two functions: TerraformCommand for executing Terraform CLI, and TerraformConfig for parsing Terraform configuration files. These two functions are described later with examples. Assuming that there is currently a sleep folder, the main.tf file inside is as follows:

 variable "time1" {
  type = string
  default = "1s"
variable "time2" {
  type = string
  default = "1s"
resource "time_sleep" "wait1" {
  create_duration = var.time1
resource "time_sleep" "wait2" {
  create_duration = var.time2
output "wait1_id" {
  value = time_sleep.wait1.id
output "wait2_id" {
  value = time_sleep.wait2.id

▌Terraform CLI

Now in the sleep directory, you need to perform Terraform init, apply and show on it to deploy the resource and view the resource properties, you can do this:

 >>> from libterraform import TerraformCommand
>>> cli = TerraformCommand()
>>> cli.init()
<CommandResult retcode=0 json=False>
>>> _.value
'\nInitializing the backend...\n\nInitializing provider plugins...\n- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/time from the dependency lock file\n- Using previously-installed hashicorp/time v0.7.2\n\nTerraform has been successfully initialized!\n\nYou may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see\nany changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands\nshould now work.\n\nIf you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,\nrerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other\ncommands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.\n'
>>> cli.apply()
<CommandResult retcode=0 json=True>
>>> _.value
[{'@level': 'info', '@message': 'Terraform 1.1.7', '@module': 'terraform.ui', '@timestamp': '2022-04-08T19:16:59.984727+08:00', 'terraform': '1.1.7', 'type': 'version', 'ui': '1.0'}, ... ]
>>> cli.show()
<CommandResult retcode=0 json=True>
>>> _.value
{'format_version': '1.0', 'terraform_version': '1.1.7', 'values': {'outputs': {'wait1_id': {'sensitive': False, 'value': '2022-04-08T11:17:01Z'}, 'wait2_id': {'sensitive': False, 'value': '2022-04-08T11:17:01Z'}}, 'root_module': {'resources': [{'address': 'time_sleep.wait1', 'mode': 'managed', 'type': 'time_sleep', 'name': 'wait1', 'provider_name': 'registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/time', 'schema_version': 0, 'values': {'create_duration': '1s', 'destroy_duration': None, 'id': '2022-04-08T11:17:01Z', 'triggers': None}, 'sensitive_values': {}}, {'address': 'time_sleep.wait2', 'mode': 'managed', 'type': 'time_sleep', 'name': 'wait2', 'provider_name': 'registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/time', 'schema_version': 0, 'values': {'create_duration': '1s', 'destroy_duration': None, 'id': '2022-04-08T11:17:01Z', 'triggers': None}, 'sensitive_values': {}}]}}}

It can be seen from the above execution process that no matter what command is executed, a CommandResult object will be returned to represent the command execution result (including return code, output, error output, whether it is a json structure). in:

  • The value returned by init() is the standard output of the Terraform init command, a string
  • The value returned by apply() defaults to Terraform apply - the standard output of the json command is treated as json loaded data, a list showing log records. If you don't want to parse stdout, you can use apply(json=False)
  • The value returned by show() is by default the standard output of the Terraform show -jon command is treated as json loaded data, a dictionary showing the data structure of the Terraform state file

The idea of the encapsulation function of all commands is to make the results as convenient as possible for the program to process, so for Terraform commands that support -json, this option will be used by default and the results will be parsed.

The above is a simple example. In fact, TerraformCommand encapsulates all Terraform commands. You can call help(TerraformCommand) to view it.

▌Terraform configuration file parsing

If you want to get Terraform's parsing results of configuration files for further processing, then TerraformConfig can meet your needs, through which you can parse the specified Terraform configuration directory and obtain information such as variables, resources, output, line numbers, etc., which is very useful for analysis configuration. Composition is helpful. You can do this (part of the output is used more... omitted):

 >>> from libterraform import TerraformConfig
>>> mod, _ = TerraformConfig.load_config_dir('.')
>>> mod
{'SourceDir': '.', 'CoreVersionConstraints': None, 'ActiveExperiments': {}, 'Backend': None, 'CloudConfig': None, 'ProviderConfigs': None, 'ProviderRequirements': {'RequiredProviders': {}, 'DeclRange': ...}, 'Variables': {'time1': ..., 'time2': ...}, 'Locals': {}, 'Outputs': {'wait1_id': ..., 'wait2_id': ...}, 'ModuleCalls': {}, 'ManagedResources': {'time_sleep.wait1': ..., 'time_sleep.wait2': ...}, 'DataResources': {}, 'Moved': None}

TerraformConfig.load_config_dir will call the LoadConfigDir method in internal/configs/parser_config_dir.go in the Terraform source code to load the Terraform configuration file directory, and the returned content is the native return result *Module, hcl.Diagnostics serialized and loaded into Python respectively 's dictionary.

Implementation principle

Since Terraform is written in GoLang, Python cannot be called directly, but fortunately it can be compiled into a dynamic link library and then loaded and called by Python. So the general idea is to do this:

  • Write Terraform's C interface file using cgo
  • Compile it as a dynamic link library, ending in .so on Linux/Unix and .dll on Windows
  • Load this dynamic link library through ctypes in Python, and implement command encapsulation on top of it. Essentially, GoLang and Python use C as a medium to complete the interaction. There are many articles on the Internet about how to use cgo and ctypes. This article focuses on the various "pits" encountered in the implementation process and how to solve them.

▌Pit 1: GoLang's internal packages mechanism blocks external calls

Starting from version 1.4, GoLang has added the Internal packages mechanism, which only allows the internal parent directory and subpackages of the parent directory to be imported, and other packages cannot be imported. In the latest version of Terraform, almost all code is placed in internal, which means that the interface file written in cgo (called libterraform.go in this project) cannot be called Terraform if it is used as an external package (for example, the package name is libterraform). code, it is impossible to achieve the encapsulation of Terraform commands.

One solution is to change the internal to public in Terraform, but this means that a lot of Terraform source code needs to be modified, which is not a good idea.

Then another idea is to use libterraform.go as a "part" of the entire Terraform project to "trick" the Go compiler. The specific process is as follows:

  • The package name of libterraform.go is consistent with the main Terraform package, namely main
  • Move libterraform.go to the Terraform source root directory before building, as a member of the Terraform project
  • When building, use the go build -buildmode=c-shared -o=libterraform.so github.com/hashicorp/terraform command to compile, so that the compiled dynamic link library can contain the logic of libterraform.go

▌Pit 2: Pay attention to managing the memory space requested by C runtime

Whether it's GoLang or Python, we don't need to worry about memory management, because they will be collected at the right time by the language's garbage collection mechanism. But when it comes to C logic, you need to pay attention to memory management. Using the interface defined in cgo may return *C.char, which is actually a memory space opened at the C level and needs to be explicitly released. For example, libterraform.go defines the method ConfigLoadConfigDir to load the Terraform configuration directory, which is implemented as follows:

 //export ConfigLoadConfigDir
func ConfigLoadConfigDir(cPath *C.char) (cMod *C.char, cDiags *C.char, cError *C.char) {
 defer func() {
 parser := configs.NewParser(nil)
 path := C.GoString(cPath)
 mod, diags := parser.LoadConfigDir(path)
 modBytes, err := json.Marshal(convertModule(mod))
 if err != nil {
  cMod = C.CString("")
  cDiags = C.CString("")
  cError = C.CString(err.Error())
  return cMod, cDiags, cError
 diagsBytes, err := json.Marshal(diags)
 if err != nil {
  cMod = C.CString(string(modBytes))
  cDiags = C.CString("")
  cError = C.CString(err.Error())
  return cMod, cDiags, cError
 cMod = C.CString(string(modBytes))
 cDiags = C.CString(string(diagsBytes))
 cError = C.CString("")
 return cMod, cDiags, cError

In the implementation of the above method, using C.CString will apply for a memory space at the C level, and return the result to the caller, then the caller (Python process) needs to explicitly release the memory after using the returned value.

Before that, you need to expose the method of releasing memory through cgo:

 //export Free
func Free(cString *int) {

Then, in Python, you can implement the following encapsulation:

 import os
from ctypes import cdll, c_void_p
from libterraform.common import WINDOWS
class LoadConfigDirResult(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("r0", c_void_p),
                ("r1", c_void_p),
                ("r2", c_void_p)]
_load_config_dir = _lib_tf.ConfigLoadConfigDir
_load_config_dir.argtypes = [c_char_p]
_load_config_dir.restype = LoadConfigDirResult
root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
_lib_filename = 'libterraform.dll' if WINDOWS else 'libterraform.so'
_lib_tf = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(root, _lib_filename))
_free = _lib_tf.Free
_free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
def load_config_dir(path: str) -> (dict, dict):
    ret = _load_config_dir(path.encode('utf-8'))
    r_mod = cast(ret.r0, c_char_p).value
    r_diags = cast(ret.r1, c_char_p).value
    err = cast(ret.r2, c_char_p).value

Here, after getting the returned result, call _free (that is, Free in libterraform.go) to explicitly release the memory to avoid memory leak.

▌Pit 3: Capture output

In the source code of Terraform, the output of the executed command will be printed to the standard output stdout and the standard error output stderr, then use cgo to encapsulate the RunCli interface, and when it is called by Python, it will be directly output to stdout and stderr by default. .

What could be wrong with this? If two commands are executed at the same time, the output results will be interleaved, and there is no way to distinguish which command the results are from.

The solution is to use pipes:

  • Use os.pipe in the Python process to create separate pipes for standard output and standard error output (file descriptors are generated)
  • Pass the two file descriptors into the RunCli method of libterraform.go, use os.NewFile to open the two file descriptors internally, and replace os.Stdout and os.Stderr respectively
  • Both files are closed at the end of the RunCli method and the original os.Stdout and os.Stderr are restored

In addition, when using the file descriptor obtained by os.pipe for libterraform.go, pay attention to the difference of the operating system:

  • For Linux/Unix, just pass it in and use it
  • For Windows, it is necessary to additionally convert the file descriptor into a file handle, because on Windows GoLang's os.NewFile receives a file handle

The relevant code in Python is as follows:

    import msvcrt
    w_stdout_handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(w_stdout_fd)
    w_stderr_handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(w_stderr_fd)
    retcode = _run_cli(argc, c_argv, w_stdout_handle, w_stderr_handle)
    retcode = _run_cli(argc, c_argv, w_stdout_fd, w_stderr_fd)

▌Pit 4: Pipe Hang

Since the size of the pipe is limited, if the write exceeds the limit, it will cause a Hang to be written. Therefore, you cannot read the output from the pipeline after calling RunCli (that is, writing the command output to the pipeline), otherwise you will find that it is normal to execute simple commands (such as version), and complex commands (such as apply, because there is a lot of output) Hang live.

The solution is to start two threads to read the file descriptor content of standard output and standard error output before calling RunCli, and join these two threads after calling RunCli command. The relevant code in Python is as follows:

 r_stdout_fd, w_stdout_fd = os.pipe()
r_stderr_fd, w_stderr_fd = os.pipe()
stdout_buffer = []
stderr_buffer = []
stdout_thread = Thread(target=cls._fdread, args=(r_stdout_fd, stdout_buffer))
stdout_thread.daemon = True
stderr_thread = Thread(target=cls._fdread, args=(r_stderr_fd, stderr_buffer))
stderr_thread.daemon = True
    import msvcrt
    w_stdout_handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(w_stdout_fd)
    w_stderr_handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(w_stderr_fd)
    retcode = _run_cli(argc, c_argv, w_stdout_handle, w_stderr_handle)
    retcode = _run_cli(argc, c_argv, w_stdout_fd, w_stderr_fd)
if not stdout_buffer:
    raise TerraformFdReadError(fd=r_stdout_fd)
if not stderr_buffer:
    raise TerraformFdReadError(fd=r_stderr_fd)
stdout = stdout_buffer[0]
stderr = stderr_buffer[0]


When it was found that the existing open source libraries could not meet the requirements, py-libterraform was used by hand, which basically realized the requirements of calling Terraform commands in a single process. Although various problems were encountered during the development process, and it was necessary to constantly jump between Python, GoLang, and C, it was fortunate that they were solved one by one.





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