

Category <br>Simple selectors: id selector, class selector, tag selector,
Combined selectors: descendant selector (space), child selector (>), sibling selector (+), common selector (~)
Pseudo-class (:hover)
Pseudo-elements (::before, ::firt-child, ::not())
attribute selector

ps. Brother selector (+) and general selector (~): "+" refers to "own" adjacent siblings, "~" applies to all siblings

!important up to 1000 points inline
id selector 100 Category selector, attribute selector, pseudo-class 10-point label selector, combination selector, pseudo-element 1-point priority is calculated by accumulation, the higher the value, the higher the priority.

 <!-- 优先级 -->
p {
    color: red;
.p {
    color: grey;
div > p {
    color: green;
    <p class="p">1111</p>
<p class="p">222</p>
 <!-- 兄弟选择器与通用选择器 -->
div~p {
    color: red;
div+p {
    color: green;


English full inline formatting context, inline formatting context.

  • Arrange from left to right
  • The height is determined by the line height line-height , that is, calculated by inline-level box, but with IFC with multiple inline-level boxes, the typesetting is determined by vertical-align.
  • When the length is too large, it will automatically wrap, and a line is an inline-level box (ie, line-level box model).

ps. related settings for newline

Indicate how to break a sentence: word-break: break-all direct line break | break-word According to the word, encounter a space break | keep-all does not break a line | normal The default browser behavior indicates whether to break a sentence: word-wrap: break-word | normal
Mark the space segment: white-space: normal Browser default behavior | pre-wrap is the same as html editing line break | nowrap does not wrap | pre-line removes spaces and keeps line breaks | pre is the same as <pre>

English block formatting context, block-level formatting context.

  • A BFC occupies one line and is arranged vertically, forming a block-level box (ie, block-level box model)
  • BFC Internal Isolation
  • Under the same BFC, they influence each other, and margin overlap occurs.
  • The ways to trigger BFC are: float, set overflow, set margin, absolute positioning, fixed positioning, display: flex

box model

Standard Mode: <!DOCTYPE > is set, id html version Weird Mode: Not set <!DOCTYPE >

Box model: The structure box model calculation method of content, padding, border, and margin can be calculated by setting the calculation method in css3 box-sizing: border-box | content-box;, among which content-box is the calculation of content to represent the length and width, border -box is to calculate content + padding + border together into the length and width, similar to the weird mode of IE6.


margin double margin

It is mainly reflected in two aspects:

  • The parent and child margins overlap, that is, the child cannot pull the margin from the parent element
  • sibling margins overlap

Parent and child clear margins overlap:

  • Add non-overflow: visible; to the parent container, such as overflow: scroll | hidden;
  • Add padding or border to the parent container
  • parent container float
  • The parent container sets position: absolute;
  • The parent container sets display: flex

Brother clear margin overlap:

  • set float
  • Parent setting display: flex

The principle is that by declaring it as BFC, it is laid out according to the BFC rules.

margin collapse

The parent element uses float.


border/bacground < z-index<0 < block-level < float < inline-level < z-index:0 < z-index>0


What layouts can you do with flex? (To be added)


To be added


Have those functions? (To be added)

common layout

Vertically Centered, Horizontally Centered


 <div class="father">
    <div class="child"></div>


 // 绝对定位
.father {
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
.child {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
// 绝对定位
// flex
// transform:
// margin: 0 auto;

Left fixed, right adapted

To be added

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