
Nested Types

Enumerations, classes or structures can be nested in another type.

struct Closh {
    enum Size: String{
        case H = "high", M = "Medium", L = "Low"
    enum Detail: Int {
        case H = 180, M = 170, L = 160
        struct Price {
            let normal: Int, discount: Int?
        var price: Price {
            switch self {
            case .H:
                return Price(normal: 100, discount: 90)
            case .M:
                return Price(normal: 90, discount: 80)
            case .L:
                return Price(normal: 80, discount: 70)
                return Price(normal: self.rawValue, discount: nil)
    let size: Size, detail: Detail
    var description: String {
        return "\(size.rawValue), PriceNormal: \(detail.price.normal) PriceDiscount: \("  

var closh = Closh(size: .M, detail: .M)
// Print: Medium, PriceNormal: 90 PriceDiscount: Optional(80)

Referring to Nested Types

var L = Closh.Size.L.rawValue
print(L)     // Low

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