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What technology is used by 90% of the world's largest game companies?

Before answering this question,
We would like to ask you as a game developer to answer a few questions first:


The above problems, Amazon cloud technology can help you solve!


Want to simplify the tedious process and build games quickly? no problem!

The virtual workstations, shared cloud storage and cloud rendering capabilities provided by Amazon Cloud Technology can help you accelerate the realization of great ideas, and you can also use Amazon's open source game engine Open 3D Engine to create large-scale 3D games with stunning graphics.


It is necessary to protect the player's experience and reduce the cost of game operation and maintenance? no problem!

Amazon Cloud's global infrastructure can provide players around the world with a low-latency, uninterrupted gaming experience, as well as built-in Shield Advance capabilities to ensure operational security. Amazon Cloud Technology also provides different levels of computing services such as Local Zone, Outposts, and Wavelength, which are highly elastic and low-cost, and further enhance the player's gaming experience.


Want to play promotion and let game growth skyrocket? no problem!

Whether it's using Amazon Twitch to bring immersion to more "cloud players", or using Amazon's cloud gaming platform Luna to really let players open the experience on the cloud, Amazon cloud technology provides more possibilities for game growth.

Want to play with data and let the game grow continuously and steadily? no problem!

In the Amazon global ecosystem, there are also customers and partners such as TapTap, NetEase Yidun, Shushu Technology, and Walker AI, which can provide powerful game analysis, big data, AI, machine learning, real-time operations and other capabilities to help you Understand, develop and retain players more easily.

All in all, from the construction, operation and growth of games, Amazon Cloud Technology and our ecological partners can provide assistance for the entire game life cycle, which is the choice of 90% of the world's largest game companies.

Do you want to be one of them?

June 16

The annual Amazon Cloud Technology Game Developers Conference will be held online.

At that time, Amazon Cloud Technology will join hands with Twitch, FunPlus, Xinxin Network, Harpy Games, Nianli Technology, Jinke Culture, GKD Game Studio, TapTap, Shushu Technology, NetEase Yidun, Mobvista Technology and Xingren AI and many other well-known industry players. The company's experts, through one keynote speech, three sub-forums, and fifteen keynote speeches, focused on the entire game life cycle of construction, operation, and growth, and deeply explained the technological power behind great games.



 2022 亚马逊云科技




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