
In the development process, we often see Object.assign or Object Spread, both of which can help you get the object you want. Some people like to use Object.assign, some people like to use Object Spread, so which one is better? This article is to explore this question.

What Object.assign has in common with Object Spread


All can implement copy of object's own attributes (including Symbol attributes).


Create MyClass

 class BaseClass {
    foo() { return 1; }
  class MyClass extends BaseClass {
    bar() { return 2; }
  const obj = new MyClass();
  obj.baz = function() { return 3; };
  obj1[Symbol.for('test')] = 4;

Use Object Spread

 const clone1 = { ...obj1 };
  console.log(clone1); // { baz: [Function], [Symbol(test)]: 4 }
  console.log(clone1.constructor.name); // Object
  console.log(clone1 instanceof MyClassTwo); // false

Use Object.assign

 const clone2 = Object.assign({},obj1)

  console.log(clone2); // { baz: [Function], [Symbol(test)]: 4 }
  console.log(clone2.constructor.name); // Object
  console.log(clone2 instanceof MyClassTwo); // false


If the ---9605d4ab4722f659a3eeb3821c79e4e4--- of MyClass or BaseClass properties assigned to the new object, only the object's own attributes (including the Symbol attribute) are copied.

Difference between Object.assign and Object Spread

Object.assign triggers object setters, Object Spread does not

Trigger target object setters :

 class MyClassOne{
    set name(value){
        console.log('set name:', value);

const obj = new MyClassOne();

Object.assign(obj, { name:'hahah'}); // Prints "set name: hahah"
const newObj = {...obj,{name:'hahah'}}// Does **not** print

Trigger Object.prototype setters :

 Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'myProp', {
  set: () => console.log('Setter called');

const obj = { myProp: 42 };

Object.assign({}, obj); // Prints "Setter called"
const newObj = { ..obj }; // Does **not** print "Setter called"

Alternative implementation

Object.assign({}, obj) equals {...obj}

Compatibility comparison




Since Object.assign modifies the original object, it will trigger the setters of the original object. And Object Spread just made a shallow copy, it will not trigger setters .


  • Both of these methods are ECMAScript specification methods and can be used with confidence.
  • Object.assign compatibility will be better, Object Spread compatibility is not bad.
  • In today's days when compatibility is easy to handle, in order to avoid accidental triggering setter , it is a better choice to use Object Spread all.

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