
Since the release of Flutter 3 , we have steadily moved forward on the path from mobile-centric to multi-platform frameworks, using the new language features of Dart 2.17 to help everyone improve work efficiency, and improving core tools, allowing you to cross-platform Be more comfortable when it comes to creating great experiences. The experience along the way has taught us the importance of understanding the demands of developers at any time. We sincerely invite you to participate in this ☟Flutter Developer Questionnaire☟ to help Flutter do better.

This survey will learn more about your satisfaction with the Flutter framework, development language, package ecosystem (including Firebase package), IDE plug-ins, and the experience of using the Material Design / Cupertino series widgets. You can leave the questionnaire page at any time and come back to continue answering at your convenience, but please note that this survey will close on August 27, 2022 .

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Flutter 为应用开发带来了革新: 只要一套代码库,即可构建、测试和发布适用于移动、Web、桌面和嵌入式平台的精美应用。Flutter 中文开发者网站 flutter.cn