1. 初识机器学习
1. 机器学习的主要算法(Machine learning algorithm)分类:
监督学习(Supervised learning):给予学习算法示例,包括正确的答案(learns from being given right answers):
Regression(回归):试图预测一个数字,从可能的到无限多个可能的结果中得到预测(Predict a number,infinitely many possible outputs)
Classification(分类):预测分类,从一组有限的可能的输出结果中进行分类(Predict categories,small number of possible outputs)
- 无监督学习(Unsupervised learning):从一组无标签的数据中找到我们感兴趣的数据据(Find something interesting in unlabeled data,Data only come with inputs x,but not output y,algorithm has to find structure in the data)
clustering(聚类算法):将未标记的数据放置到不同的集群中(**Group similar data
points together**)
Dimensionality Reduction(降维算法):
强化学习(Reinforcement learning):待续
- 无监督学习(Unsupervised learning):从一组无标签的数据中找到我们感兴趣的数据据(Find something interesting in unlabeled data,Data only come with inputs x,but not output y,algorithm has to find structure in the data)
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