



package main

import (
    _ "net/http/pprof"

func main() {
    go func() {
        http.ListenAndServe("", nil)




allocs: A sampling of all past memory allocations

block: Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives

cmdline: The command line invocation of the current program

goroutine: Stack traces of all current goroutines

heap: A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.

mutex: Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes

profile: CPU profile. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the profile file, use the go tool pprof command to investigate the profile.

threadcreate: Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threads

trace: A trace of execution of the current program. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the trace file, use the go tool trace command to investigate the trace.


1 @ 0x10390d6 0x1032357 0x1063929 0x10d0372 0x10d16da 0x10d16c8 0x1126c29 0x1135d85 0x131dc9f 0x1069921
#    0x1063928    internal/poll.runtime_pollWait+0x88        /go1.18/src/runtime/netpoll.go:302
#    0x10d0371    internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait+0x31        /go1.18/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:83
#    0x10d16d9    internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead+0x259    /go1.18/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:88
#    0x10d16c7    internal/poll.(*FD).Read+0x247            /go1.18/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:167
#    0x1126c28    net.(*netFD).Read+0x28                /go1.18/src/net/fd_posix.go:55
#    0x1135d84    net.(*conn).Read+0x44                /go1.18/src/net/net.go:183
#    0x131dc9e    net/http.(*connReader).backgroundRead+0x3e    /go1.18/src/net/http/server.go:672



func init() {
    http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", Index)

    http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", Cmdline)
    http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", Profile)
    http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", Symbol)
    http.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", Trace)



//heap profile 汇总数据: 
//10: 29728 [16: 54144] 含义为 inuse对象数目(已分配的,去除了已释放的): inuse字节 [已分配对象数目: 已分配字节] 
//heap/1048576 平均采样频率1048576字节
heap profile: 10: 29728 [16: 54144] @ heap/1048576

//1: 18432 [1: 18432] 含义同上面;该调用栈内存分配情况
1: 18432 [1: 18432] @ 0x1363bc9 0x1365cce 0x13660f8 0x1366c51 0x1366c46 0x1669517 0x1045c06 0x1045b51 0x1045b51 0x1045b51 0x1045b51 0x1045b51 0x1038c33 0x1069881
#    0x1363bc8    regexp.onePassCopy+0x48                    /go1.18/src/regexp/onepass.go:226
#    0x1365ccd    regexp.compileOnePass+0x14d                /go1.18/src/regexp/onepass.go:498


# runtime.MemStats
# Alloc = 1311912        //已分堆内存字节数,不包含已释放内存,与一致(分配时累加,释放减)
# TotalAlloc = 5007040    //总的分配堆内存字节数,包含已释放内存
# Sys = 16598024        //从操作系统申请的内存总数(包括栈,堆,还有Go的一些原生对象等)
# Mallocs = 34063        //内存分配数(分配的mspan内存块数目之和)
# Frees = 25879            //内存释放数(释放也就是回收的mspan内存块数目之和)
# HeapAlloc = 1311912    //同Alloc
# HeapSys = 7602176        //从操作系统申请的,仅用于堆
# HeapIdle = 4104192    //mspan没被分配就是idle状态,HeapIdle等于这些状态的mspan内存之和
# HeapInuse = 3497984    //mspan部分内存被分配了就是inuse状态,HeapInuse等于这些状态的mspan内存之和
# HeapReleased = 2449408    //归还给操作系统的堆内存
# HeapObjects = 8184        //堆对象数目,等于Mallocs-Frees
# Stack = 786432 / 786432    //inuse的栈内存/向操作系统申请的栈内存

# NextGC = 4194304            //下次GC结束后的堆内存目标大小
# LastGC = 1663660279482080000    //上次GC结束时间
# PauseNs = [42600 .......]        //stopTheWorld暂停时间,单位纳秒;256大小的循环数组
# PauseEnd = [1663582175653806000 ......]    //GC结束时间;256大小的循环数组
# GCCPUFraction = 2.6664927576867443e-06    //GC耗费CPU时间占整体的比例
# MaxRSS = 14467072                            //进程分配的常驻内存大小



// Called by malloc to record a profiled block.
func mProf_Malloc(p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr)
// Called when freeing a profiled block.
func mProf_Free(b *bucket, size uintptr)

  第二个问题,什么情况下才开启内存采集?当然是引入net/http/pprof包了。不过,这一逻辑还是有些复杂,全局变量runtime.disableMemoryProfiling控制是否开启内存指标采集,默认为false,但是在Go编译阶段,连接器检测到代码中没有引入 runtime.MemProfile,则设置为true,也就是禁止内存指标采集;当我们引入net/http/pprof包时,代码中也就引入了runtime.MemProfile。

// disableMemoryProfiling is set by the linker if runtime.MemProfile
// is not used and the link type guarantees nobody else could use it
// elsewhere.
var disableMemoryProfiling bool


go tool pprof

//flat 申请内存大小;flat% 申请内存占用的比例;sum% 当前行前面所有行总申请内存占用的比例
//cum 累计值,该函数以及调用栈所有函数总得申请内存;cum% 申请内存占用的比例
(pprof) top
     flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 3587.94kB 87.51% 87.51%  3587.94kB 87.51%  runtime.allocm
  512.06kB 12.49%   100%   512.06kB 12.49%  sync.(*poolChain).pushHead


cpu pprofile

cpu profile分析,其可用来分析程序热点,比如发现程序中的死循环。

  为什么cpu profile可以分析程序热点呢?因为开启之后,会定时记录当然程序执行点(就是程序正在执行哪一行代码)以及调用栈,采集一段时间之后(默认30秒),根据这些数据是不是就能分析出来热点代码了?

  cpu profile的指标输出是一个文件,需要借助pprof工具分析,使用方式如下:

go tool pprof


package demo

import (

func BenchmarkStringPlus(b *testing.B) {
    s := ""
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        s += "abc"

func BenchmarkStringBuilder(b *testing.B) {
    build := strings.Builder{}
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

// -cpuprofile 采集cpu指标,并输出的文件
//go test -benchtime 100000x -cpuprofile cpu.out  -bench .


go tool pprof cpu.out

//查询耗费cpu top10的调用
//flat 耗费cpu时间;flat% 耗费cpu时间的比例;sum% 当前行前面耗费cpu时间的比例
//cum 累计值,该函数以及调用栈所有函数耗费cpu时间;cum% 耗费cpu时间的比例
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 2.72s, 88.03% of 3.09s total
Dropped 26 nodes (cum <= 0.02s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 82
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     1.02s 33.01% 33.01%      1.07s 34.63%  runtime.kevent
     0.69s 22.33% 55.34%      0.76s 24.60%  runtime.pthread_cond_wait
     0.30s  9.71% 65.05%      0.30s  9.71%  runtime.pthread_kill
     0.18s  5.83% 70.87%      0.18s  5.83%  runtime.pthread_cond_signal
     0.15s  4.85% 75.73%      0.15s  4.85%  runtime.libcCall
     0.10s  3.24% 78.96%      0.10s  3.24%  runtime.memmove
     0.10s  3.24% 82.20%      0.15s  4.85%  runtime.scanobject
     0.08s  2.59% 84.79%      0.08s  2.59%  runtime.gcFlushBgCredit
     0.07s  2.27% 87.06%      0.12s  3.88%  runtime.scanblock
     0.03s  0.97% 88.03%      0.04s  1.29%  runtime.casgstatus


(pprof) list scanobject

Total: 3.09s
ROUTINE ======================== runtime.scanobject in /go1.18/src/runtime/mgcmark.go
     100ms      150ms (flat, cum)  4.85% of Total
         .       10ms   1246:    hbits := heapBitsForAddr(b)

      70ms       80ms   1290:    for i = 0; i < n; i, hbits = i+goarch.PtrSize, hbits.next() {




// -http启动web服务
go tool pprof -http=:9999 cpu.out
Serving web UI on http://localhost:9999


//创建线程级cpu profile: 
    -timer_create(_CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &sevp, &timerid)

CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID (since Linux 2.6.12) A clock that measures (user and system) CPU time consumed by the calling thread.

锁 & 阻塞




// 第一个值是协程阻塞的cputick数,第二个值是阻塞次数,根据cycles/second就可以计算平均阻塞时间了
161357271645546 364 @ 0x1048768 0x13a4014 0x1069921
#    0x1048767    runtime.selectgo+0x407                            /go1.18/src/runtime/select.go:509
#    0x13a4013    github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/pool.(*ConnPool).reaper+0xd3    /xxx/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/pool/pool.go:485



go tool pprof

(pprof) top
Dropped 102 nodes (cum <= 0.20hrs)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
  40.97hrs   100%   100%   40.97hrs   100%  runtime.selectgo
         0     0%   100%      23hrs 56.13%  github.com/go-redis/redis/v8/internal/pool.(*ConnPool).reaper
         0     0%   100%   17.97hrs 43.85%  github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*mysqlConn).startWatcher.func1
         0     0%   100%   40.97hrs   100%  runtime.goexit

trace 概述


go tool trace
Parsing trace...
Splitting trace...
Opening browser. Trace viewer is listening on


View trace
Goroutine analysis
Network blocking profile (⬇)
Synchronization blocking profile (⬇)
Syscall blocking profile (⬇)
Scheduler latency profile (⬇)





156 声望92 粉丝