Source: From Java 8 to Java 15 in Ten Minutes | by Philipp Gysel | The Startup | Medium

 From Java8 to Java 15, Java now fully supports::
· Functional Programming (Java 8)
· Streams (Java 8)
· Optional (Java 8)
· JShell (Java 9)
· Factory Methods for Immutable Collections (Java 9)
· Type Inference with _var_ (Java 10)
· Single Source File Launch (Java 11)
· Switch Expression (Java 12: experimental, full feature: Java 14)
· Multi-line Strings (Java 13: experimental, full feature: Java 15)
· Data Classes(Data Classes: record (Java 14))
· _instanceof_ without Cast (Java 14: experimental)
· Sealed classes (Java 15: experimental)
· Bonus: Updated Licensing Terms Starting with Java 8
· Wrap up

Bonus: Updated Licensing Terms Starting with Java 8

意外收获,从Java 8开始更新的许可条款。

One last topic for this article: licensing. Most of you heard that Oracle stopped updates for Java 8 (for the free commercial version). So here are your options:
  • Use a newer Oracle JDK version (Oracle offers free security updates for only 6 months after each release)
  • Use and old JDK version at your own risk(风险自负)
  • Use an old OpenJDK Java version, those still get security updates from the open source community or a third party vendor
  • Pay Oracle for premier support (e.g. Java 8: support until 2030)
Oracle will bring out a new Java version every 6 months.


Functional Programming (Java 8)

In Java 8, functional programming and lambdas were added as language features.

JDK8 中正式引入了 函数表达式。

The two core paradigms of functional programming are immutable values and elevating functions to first class citizens.


Data goes through a pipeline of modification steps, where each step takes some input and maps it to a new output.


Streams (Java 8)

For your average computer program, you often have to work with a list of values and perform a given transformation on each value. Prior(先行) to Java 8, you had to use a for loop for this transformation(转变), but from now on, you can use Streams as follows:

在过去如果想要对于List进行操作,需要依赖循环完成转变,但是现在可以使用JAVA 8 的Stream。

The map function takes as input a lambda, which will be applied to all elements in the stream.


Streams can work on ListsSets, and Maps (via transformation).


Stream.of("hello", "great")
.map(s -> s + " world")

> hello world
> great world


Another common problem in Java were Null Pointer Exceptions. So, Java introduced Optional — a monad that wraps a reference which might or might not be null



// 防止为空,增加默认随机AES对称密钥  
String shiroValue = Optional.ofNullable(shiroConfig).map(ShiroConfig::getShiroValue).orElse("xxxxxxxx");

当然,我们也可以利用Optional 做更多灵活操作:

Optional.of(new Random().nextInt(10))
.filter(i -> i % 2 == 0)
.map(i -> "number is even: " + i)
> number is even: 6
In the snippet above, we create a random number, wrap it inside an Optional object, and then only print the number if it is even(偶数).



Finally, we have a REPL for Java, and its name is JShell!😊 In a nutshell, JShell allows to experiment with Java snippets without writing and compiling a full Java class. Instead, you can execute one command at a time, and you immediately see the result. Here’s a simple example:



jshell> 3+1
$1 ==> 4
jshell> 13%7
$2 ==> 6
jshell> $2
$2 ==> 6

Oracle 的官方简单介绍:

JShell allows to define variables, but also more complex entities like multi-line functions, classes, and perform loops. Moreover, JShell supports auto-completion, which comes in handy if you don’t know the exact methods offered by a given Java class.


Factory Methods for Immutable Collections (Java 9)


Simple initialization of Lists has been missing in Java for a long time, but those times are over now. 😅 Previously you had to do something like this:

简单的集合初始化在Jdk9中出现。现在Arrays.asList 可以使用List.of替换。

jshell> List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4)
list ==> [1, 2, 3, 4]
jshell> List<Integer> list = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4)

b ==> [1, 2, 3, 4]
This fancy of(...) method exists for ListSet and Map.

Type Inference with var (Java 10)

Java 10 introduced the new var keyword which allows to omit the type(省略类型) of a variable.

jdk10 出现了 var关键字允许省略类型的变量定义。

jshell> var x = new HashSet<String>()
x ==> []

jshell> x.add("apple")
$1 ==> true
In the snippet(片段) above, the type of x can be inferred to be HashSet by the compiler.

Single Source File Launch (Java 11)

Switch Expression (Java 12)

Java 12 brought us Switch expressions. Here’s a quick showcase of how the expression differs from the old switch statement.

JDK 12 带来了Switch 表达式,下面是和旧版本的区别:

jshell> var i = 3

jshell> String s;

jshell> switch(i) {

...> case 1: s = "one"; break;

...> case 2: s = "two"; break;

...> case 3: s = "three"; break;

...> default: s = "unknown number";

...> }

jshell> s

s ==> "three"

jshell> var i = 3;

jshell> var x = switch(i) {

...> case 1 -> "one";

...> case 2 -> "two";

...> case 3 -> "three";

...> default -> "unknown number";

...> };

x ==> "three"
Java has gone a long way in the last 6 years, there have actually been 8 new Java releases since then!


Notice that this new switch statement is a sort of mapping function


This is actually a pattern matching feature which helps to make Java more compatible with the functional programming principles


Multi-line Strings (Java 13)

So far, you’d probably squash everything on one line and use newline characters \n, but this makes the String much harder to read.


A couple of things to note:

  • Instead of double points, we use arrows ->
  • There’s no need for break
  • The default case can be omitted when all possible cases are considered
  • To enable this feature with Java 12, use --enable-preview --source 12


  1. 使用箭头函数。
  2. 新版switch不需要break。
  3. 尽可能考虑所有情况,可以省略default的写法.
  4. 要想在JDK12生效,可以使用启动参数--enable-preview --source 12

JDK 13开始允许下面的写法:

Sample case:
public class Main {

public static void main(String [] args) {

var s = """


"recipe": "watermelon smoothie",

"duration": "10 mins",

"items": ["watermelon", "lemon", "parsley"]





Sealed classes (Java 15)


With the sealed keyword, you can restrict which classes can extend a given class or interface.



public sealed interface Fruit permits Apple, Pear {

    String getName();


public final class Apple implements Fruit {

    public String getName() { return "Apple"; }


public final class Pear implements Fruit {

    public String getName() { return "Pear"; }

Now you know how many Fruits there are. This is actually an important step into the direction fully supported pattern matching, where you can sort of treat classes like enums


This sealed feature goes together nicely with the new switch expression explained previously.


instanceof without Cast (Java 14)

Object obj = new String("hello");

if (obj instanceof String) {

System.out.println("String length: " + ((String)obj).length());

The unfortunate part: First we check that s is of type String, then we cast it again to retrieve its length.

在传统的instanceof 操作当中,我们经常需要先判断对象类型,然后还需要把Object对象进行强转,这会产生大量不美观的强转代码。

Now with Java 14, the compiler is smart enough to infer the type automatically after the instanceof check:

现在JDK 14 的编译器支持自动检查instanceof 的对象类型,并且可以直接定义,省略了强转的操作:

Object obj = new String("hello");

if (obj instanceof String mystr) {

System.out.println("String length: " + mystr.length());


Data Classes: record (Java 14)

finally, there are data classes in Java! These classes are declared with the record keyword and have automatic Getters, a constructor, and equals() method etc. In short, you can get rid of a huge chunk of boilerplate code!


jshell> record Employee (String name, int age, String department) {}

| created record Employee

jshell> var x = new Employee("Anne", 25, "Legal");

x ==> Employee[name=Anne, age=25, department=Legal]


$2 ==> "Anne"


I had a blast writing this article🔥 Thanks for reading😊 What’s your favorite feature in a recent java release? I’d love to get a feedback from you! Cheers!

我在写这篇文章时很开心,谢谢你的阅读😊 在最近的JAVA版本中,你最喜欢的功能是什么?我很想得到你的反馈! 干杯!

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