【Java】We are living in a Continuous World. Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Learning, and so on.


Machines are learning faster and they are more consistent than us. They almost never fail. But we humans cannot be as consistent as machines. We tend to be lethargic and we have hiccups at times. But that’s perfectly fine and that’s the human nature


Sometimes we like to start learning new technologies but we may fail due to one of the following reasons

1. we don’t know where to start

  1. 不知道从哪儿开始

2. we think about too many things and make it complicated

  1. 想太多,做太少

3. we lack the patience in the middle of something

  1. 半途而废,缺乏耐心

4. we cannot balance our official work and learning

  1. 无法在工作和学习中找到自己的平常

This time I have spent a couple of weeks gathering the requirements for myself and then I have set clear deadlines for it.


I have made a clear roadmap using the collected requirements and I am happy that I have successfully completed it hence I am writing an article on that to help my fellow peers.


Many firms are now undergoing digital transformation using leading technologies and hence it is the perfect time to update yourself.


Technology Stack

  1. AWS / Cloud certs
  2. Java8
  3. Spring boot-microservices

SpringBoot 微服务

  1. Other full-stack technologies


  1. Data structs and Algorithms


  1. Practice in Hacker Rank and Leetcode

LeetCode 上面做些有难度的练习

  1. Design Patterns and Design Principles


  1. System Design


  1. reactjs-redux,/Angular
  2. Portfolios
  3. Methodologies
  4. Other Programming Languages

Now let’s go into detail one by one

1. AWS / Cloud certs


Why cloud-first?

I have done 2 AWS certifications in 6 months namely

a. AWS Certified Developer Associate
a. AWS认证开发者助理

b. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
b. AWS认证解决方案架构师助理

They cover a wide range of technological components like a Load balancer, API gateway, Serverless Computing, Docker Containers and Orchestration, ElasticSearch Indexing, Asynchronous Queues and Message Streaming, Storage Models, NoSQL DB, Relational DB, Caching, and so on…


Hence when you do this first, you get a grip on the full-stack technologies and everything that follows is easier


2. Java 8

It is good to have a deep understanding of Java8 concepts like Functional Programming (Lambdas), Functional Interfaces, Streams API, and so on.


But the most important thing is to make sure our understanding of Java is 100% perfect and we must be strong in Java Collections, Concurrency, and the OOPS Concepts


Whatever the technology stack and frameworks we use, Java is the backbone of the system


3. Spring boot-microservices

Microservices architecture has gained immense popularity in the industry due to many of the following benefits


  1. Highly scalable
  2. 高度可扩展性
  3. Quicker Development and Deployment
  4. 更快的开发和部署
  5. Cloud Native
  6. 云原生
  7. Polyglot programming languages
  8. 多语种编程语言
  9. Every service can have different types of databases


and so on.

Spring Boot is the framework to build microservices in Java. It is built on top of the Spring Framework and works seamlessly with Hibernate ORM framework.

Spring Boot是在Java中构建微服务的框架。它建立在Spring框架之上,与Hibernate ORM框架无缝协作。

So it is very important to learn the Spring Boot framework and understand the Microservices architecture.

因此,学习Spring Boot框架并理解微服务架构是非常重要的。

4. Docker Containers and Orchestration


Now most organizations are using Docker Containers to deploy the Microservices into the Cloud


Docker Containers provide Virtualization. They are easy to scale and are deployed to the cloud. They are cloud-native.

Docker 容器提供了虚拟化技术,它们易于扩展并被部署到云中。它们是云原生的。

So what is Container Orchestration?


When we develop microservices, we will be having a lot of services running in Docker Containers. Well, once we have so many Docker containers running in our system we need to monitor them. This is where the orchestration comes into the picture. The most popular one is Kubernetes.



So, you need to learn both Docker and Kubernetes.


5. Data structs and Algorithms

Once you are done with all the above things, you will have great confidence going forward. So this is the right time to start up with data structures and algorithms.


Before we go in, let’s answer the below question


We are not using Data Structures and Algorithms in my everyday programming. So why are interviewers asking me these and why should I learn?


Well. Only when you understand how they work, you can use them efficiently in your programs. You should know when to use an ArrayList and when to use a LinkedList. You should know the time and space complexities of the commonly used data structures. Understanding these things will make you a very good programmer and also helps to crack the big interviews.


We can Divide this topic further into a few sections

  1. Linear Data Structures (Arrays, List, HashMap, Stack, and Queue)
  2. 线性数据结构(Arrays, List, HashMap, Stack, and Queue)。
  3. Non-linear Data Structures (Binary Trees, AVL Trees, Heap, Graphs, Tries, etc)
  4. 非线性数据结构(二进制树、AVL树、堆、图、试等)。
  • From my experience, only Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees are enough to prepare. Other data structures are a little complicated and are only asked in top-notch companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft
  1. Sorting Algorithms (Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, Bucket Sort, Counting Sort, etc)
  2. Search Algorithms (Linear Search, Binary Search, Ternary Search, Exponential Search, etc)
  3. String Manipulations (String Manipulations and String Operations)

It is very important to have a strong understanding and hands-on with this topic. So, take your own time and do this. This is the important component of any Product Company Interview.


Arrays and Strings are the most asked and discussed data structures in Online Tests and Interviews.


6. Hackerrank, LeetCode

This is the most important component of any interview. Once you are well versed with Data Structures and Algorithms, a lot of practice is required in these 2 platforms


Hackerank is good for beginners. On this platform, you can earn badges and also take up free certificates once you complete the timed tests. Most of the companies use hacker rank platform for testing the candidates on round 1


Leetcode is a little more advanced than Hackerrank. Leetcode provides Time and Memory consumed for our programming solution and also compares us with our peers with percentile scores.


This is a very important aspect for us to get better. We can also compare our solution with others and optimize it


We always have to keep practicing these. Leetcode itself has around 2000 problems. Top companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc do ask LeetCode problems in their interviews.


7. Design patterns and Design principles

The next step must be get well-versed in all the design patterns and also the Design principles. Interviewers will definitely test your design skills based on different scenarios. Understand all the 23 design patterns and prepare an example scenario using UML diagrams.


One another important concept is the SOLID principle and Domain Driven Design (DDD)


8. System Design

This is not asked in most of the interviews but I strongly recommend it to understand the system better. This will be really helpful if you want to move into an architect role from being a developer.


A Developer is expected to understand the System and its components. You are expected to design an overall system given a requirement. For eg: design a chat application, design a meeting room booking system, design a parking lot, etc


There are a lot of videos on youtube that talk about System Design


9. reactjs-redux/ angular

Finally, if you want to be a full-stack developer then definitely you must learn either React or Angular. With this, you have come full circle.


Full Stack Developer role is the hottest in the market and is preferred more than backend engineers. The frontend is again a whole big area and hence being an expert in both frontend and backend is super difficult.


Who does not want a developer who can work on both the front end and back end?


But if you want to be a full-stack developer, you can only concentrate on reactjs/ Angular, Java8, Microservices, and Cloud. Most of the backend technologies are not expected from you as it is practically impossible.

但如果你想成为一个全栈开发者,你只能专注于reactjs/ Angular、Java8、微服务和云。大多数后端技术是不指望你的,因为这实际上是不可能的。

10. Portfolios

Another aspect for any developer is to maintain online portfolios to showcase his/her work. There are many platforms as follows


1. Github

Always do hands-on when learning new things. Once done, immediately create a repository and push the code. Write a detailed read-me file for better understanding. The following is my git hub repo



2. Hackerrank, Leetcode

This profile shows the problems solved by us and also displays badges and certificates if any. Just keep solving problems actively


3. Linkedin

The most important portfolio among all, is where employers search and filter candidates. Update all the skills here and add the certifications.


“Linkedin is the new resume”

Include links to all your portfolios on LinkedIn


11. Methodologies

Learn about the following things also and understand their concepts.


  1. Maven build


  1. Git
  2. TDD (Test Driven Development)

TDD (测试驱动开发)

  1. BDD (Behavioral Driven Development)

BDD (行为驱动开发)

  1. DDD (Domain Driven Design)

DDD (领域驱动设计)

  1. Agile


12. Other Programming Languages

Nowadays companies expect candidates to know a couple of other languages other than Java. But this is optional if you have a good experience in all the above sections


If you wish to be a polyglot programmer, then 3 important technologies to learn are


  1. Python
  2. Node
  3. Golang

Please do not get panic after reading too much information from the article. This is an overall roadmap. Start small. Just one step at a time at your own pace. It may take time but that is fine because you are getting better every day. You are your own competitor.


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