Chapter 4: Tomcat Default Connector 第 4 章:Tomcat 默认连接器


The connector in Chapter 3 worked fine and could have been perfected to achieve much more. However, it was designed as an educational tool, an introduction to Tomcat 4's default connector. Understanding the connector in Chapter 3 is key to understanding the default connector that comes with Tomcat 4. Chapter 4 will now discuss what it takes to build a real Tomcat connector by dissecting the code of Tomcat 4's default connector.


然而,它被设计为一种教育工具,用于介绍Tomcat 4的默认连接器。

理解第三章中的连接器对于理解Tomcat 4附带的默认连接器至关重要。

第四章将通过解剖Tomcat 4的默认连接器的代码来讨论构建真正的Tomcat连接器所需的内容。

Note The "default connector" in this chapter refers to Tomcat 4's default connector. Even though the default connector has now been deprecated, replaced by a faster connector code-named Coyote, it is still a great learning tool.

注意 本章中的“默认连接器”指的是Tomcat 4的默认连接器。尽管默认连接器现在已被废弃,被一个更快的代号为Coyote的连接器取代,但它仍然是一个很好的学习工具。

A Tomcat connector is an independent module that can be plugged into a servlet container. There are already many connectors in existence. Examples include Coyote, mod_jk, mod_jk2, and mod_webapp. A Tomcat connector must meet the following requirements:



  1. It must implement the org.apache.catalina.Connector interface.
  2. It must create request objects whose class implements the org.apache.catalina.Request interface.
  3. It must create response objects whose class implements the org.apache.catalina.Response interface
  4. 它必须实现org.apache.catalina.Connector接口。
  5. 它必须创建实现org.apache.catalina.Request接口的请求对象。
  6. 它必须创建实现org.apache.catalina.Response接口的响应对象。

Tomcat 4's default connector works similarly to the simple connector in Chapter 3. It waits for incoming HTTP requests, creates request and response objects, then passes the request and response objects to the container. A connector passes the request and response objects to the container by calling the org.apache.catalina.Container interface's invoke method, which has the following signature.

Tomcat 4的默认连接器的工作方式与第三章中的简单连接器类似。



public void invoke(

org.apache.catalina.Request request

org.apache.catalina.Response response);

Inside the invoke method, the container loads the servlet class, call its service method, manage sessions, log error messages, etc.


The default connector also employs a few optimizations not used in Chapter 3's connector. The first is to provide a pool of various objects to avoid the expensive object creation. Secondly, in many places it uses char arrays instead of strings.




The application in this chapter is a simple container that will be associated with the default connector. However, the focus of this chapter is not this simple container but the default connector. Containers will be discussed in Chapter 5. Nevertheless, the simple container will be discussed in the section "The Simple Container Application" towards the end of this chapter, to show how to use the default connector.





Another point that needs attention is that the default connector implements all features new to HTTP 1.1 as well as able to serve HTTP 0.9 and HTTP 1.0 clients.

还需要注意的一点是,默认连接器实现了HTTP 1.1中的所有新功能,并能为HTTP 0.9和HTTP 1.0的客户端提供服务。

To understand the new features in HTTP 1.1, you first need to understand these features, which we will explain in the first section of this chapter. Thereafter, we discuss the org.apache.catalina.Connector, interface and how to create the request and response objects. If you understand how the connector in Chapter 3 works, you should not find any problem understanding the default connector.

要理解HTTP 1.1中的新功能,首先需要理解这些功能,我们将在本章的第一节中解释。



This chapter starts with three new features in HTTP 1.1. Understanding them is crucial to understanding the internal working of the default connector. Afterwards, it introduces org.apache.catalina.Connector, the interface that all connectors must implement. You then will find classes you have encountered in Chapter 3, such as HttpConnector, HttpProcessor, etc. This time, however, they are more advanced than the similar classes in Chapter 3.

本章从HTTP 1.1中的三个新功能开始。





HTTP 1.1 New Features

This section explains three new features of HTTP 1.1. Understanding them is crucial to understanding how the default connector processes HTTP requests.

本节将解释 HTTP 1.1 的三个新特性。

要了解默认连接器如何处理 HTTP 请求,了解它们至关重要。

Persistent Connections

Prior to HTTP 1.1, whenever a browser connected to a web server, the connection was closed by the server right after the requested resource was sent. However, an Internet page can contain other resources, such as image files, applets, etc. Therefore, when a page is requested, the browser also needs to download the resources referenced by the page. If the page and all resources it references are downloaded using different connections, the process will be very slow. That's why HTTP 1.1 introduced persistent connections. With a persistent connection, when a page is downloaded, the server does not close the connection straight away. Instead, it waits for the web client to request all resources referenced by the page. This way, the page and referenced resources can be downloaded using the same connection. This saves a lot of work and time for the web server, client, and the network, considering that establishing and tearing down HTTP connections are expensive operations.

在HTTP 1.1之前,每当浏览器连接到Web服务器时,服务器在发送请求的资源后立即关闭连接。



这就是为什么HTTP 1.1引入了持久连接





The persistent connection is the default connection of HTTP 1.1. Also, to make it explicit, a browser can send the request header connection with the value keep-alive:

持久连接是HTTP 1.1的默认连接方式。


connection: keep-alive

Chunked Encoding

The consequence of establishing a persistent connection is that the server can send byte streams from multiple resources, and the client can send multiple requests using the same connection. As a result, the sender must send the content length header of each request or response so that the recipient would know how to interpret the bytes. However, often the case is that the sender does not know how many bytes it will send. For example, a servlet container can start sending the response when the first few bytes become available and not wait until all of them ready. This means, there must be a way to tell the recipient how to interpret the byte stream in the case that the content-length header cannot be known earlier.






Even without having to send multiple requests or many responses, a server or a client does not necessarily know how much data it will send. In HTTP 1.0, a server could just leave out the content-length header and keep writing to the connection. When it was finished, it would simply close the connection. In this case, the client would keep reading until it got a -1 as an indication that the end of file had been reached.


在HTTP 1.0中,服务器可以省略内容长度头,并继续写入连接。



HTTP 1.1 employs a special header called transfer-encoding to indicate that the byte stream will be sent in chunks. For every chunk, the length (in hexadecimal) followed by CR/LF is sent prior to the data. A transaction is marked with a zero length chunk. Suppose you want to send the following 38 bytes in 2 chunks, the first with the length of 29 and the second 9.

HTTP 1.1使用了一个特殊的头部字段称为传输编码(transfer-encoding),用于指示字节流将以块的形式发送。




I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree.

You would send the following:


I'm as helpless as a kitten u
p a tree.

the hexadecimal of 29, indicates that the first chunk consists of 29 bytes. 0\r\n indicates the end of the transaction.

即 29 的十六进制数,表示第一个数据块由 29 个字节组成。0r\n 表示交易结束。

Use of the 100 (Continue) Status

HTTP 1.1 clients may send the Expect: 100-continue header to the server before sending the request body and wait for acknowledgement from the server. This normally happens if the client is going to send a long request body but is not sure that the server is willing to accept it. It would be a waste if the client sent the long body just to find out the server turned it down.

HTTP 1.1客户端在发送请求体之前可以向服务器发送Expect: 100-continue头部,并等待服务器的确认。



Upon receipt of the Expect: 100-continue header, the server responds with the following 100-continue header if it is willing to or can process the request, followed by two pairs of CRLF characters.

在收到Expect: 100-continue头部后,如果服务器愿意或能够处理该请求,服务器将以以下100-continue头部作为响应,并在其后附加两对CRLF字符。

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

The server should then continue reading the input stream.


The Connector Interface

A Tomcat connector must implement the org.apache.catalina.Connector interface. Of many methods in this interface, the most important are getContainer, setContainer, createRequest, and createResponse.


在这个接口中有许多方法,其中最重要的是 getContainersetContainercreateRequestcreateResponse

setContainer is used to associate the connector with a container. getContainer returns the associated container. createRequest constructs a request object for the incoming HTTP request and createResponse creates a response object.

setContainer 用于将连接器与一个容器关联起来。

getContainer 返回关联的容器。createRequest 构建用于传入的HTTP请求的请求对象,而createResponse 则创建响应对象。

The org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector class is an implementation of the Connector interface and is discussed in the next section, "The HttpConnector Class". Now, take a close look at Figure 4.1 for the UML class diagram of the default connector. Note that the implementation of the Request and Response interfaces have been omitted to keep the diagram simple. The org.apache.catalina prefix has also been omitted from the type names, except for the SimpleContainer class.





Figure 4.1: The default connector class diagram

Figure 4.1: The default connector class diagram


Therefore, Connector should be read org.apache.catalina.Connector,util.StringManager org.apache.catalina.util.StringManager, etc.

因此,Connector 应该读作org.apache.catalina.Connectorutil.StringManager应该读作org.apache.catalina.util.StringManager,等等。

A Connector has one-to-one relationship with a Container. The navigability of the arrow representing the relationship reveals that the Connector knows about the Container but not the other way around. Also note that, unlike in Chapter 3, the relationship between HttpConnector and HttpProcessor is one-to many.




The HttpConnector Class(HttpConnector 类)

You already know how tnector.http.HttpConnector was explained in Chapter 3. It implements org.apache.catalina.Connector (to make it eligible to work with Catalina), java.lang.Runnable (so that its instance can work in its own threahis class works because the simplified version of org.apache.catalina.cond), and org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle. The Lifecycle interface is used to maintain the life cycle of every Catalina component that implements it.

你已经知道这个类是如何工作的,因为第 3 章已经解释了 org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector 的简化版本。

它实现了 org.apache.catalina.Connector(使其有资格与 Catalina 一起工作)、java.lang.Runnable(使其实例可以在自己的线程中工作)和 org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle 接口。

Lifecycle 接口用于维护实现该接口的每个 Catalina 组件的生命周期。

Lifecycle is explained in Chapter 6 and for now you don't have to worry about it except to know this: by implementing Lifecycle, after you have created an instance of HttpConnector, you should call its initialize and start methods. Both methods must only called once during the life time of the component. We will now look at those aspects that are different from the HttpConnector class in Chapter 3: how HttpConnector creates a server socket, how it maintains a pool of HttpProcessor, and how it serves HTTP requests.

生命周期在第6章中有详细解释,目前你不需要担心它,只需要知道以下内容:在实现生命周期时,在创建 HttpConnector 实例后,应该调用它的 initializestart 方法。


现在我们来看看与第3章中的HttpConnector类不同的方面:HttpConnector 如何创建服务器套接字、如何维护HttpProcessor池以及如何提供HTTP请求服务。

Creating a Server Socket (创建服务器套接字)

The initialize method of HttpConnector calls the open private method that returns an instance of and assigns it to serverSocket. However, instead of calling the constructor, the open method obtains an instance of ServerSocket from a server socket factory. If you want to know the details of this factory, read the ServerSocketFactory interface and the DefaultServerSocketFactory class in the package. They are easy to understand.

HttpConnectorinitialize 方法调用open私有方法,该方法返回一个 实例,并将其赋值给 serverSocket

但是,open 方法不会调用的构造函数,而是从服务器套接字工厂获取ServerSocket的实例。

如果你想了解这个工厂的详细信息,请阅读org.apache.catalina.net包中的 ServerSocketFactory 接口和 DefaultServerSocketFactory 类。它们很容易理解。

Maintaining HttpProcessor Instances(维护HttpProcessor实例)

In Chapter 3, the HttpConnector instance had only one instance of HttpProcessor at a time, so it can only process one HTTP request at a time. In the default connector, the HttpConnector has a pool of HttpProcessor objects and each instance of HttpProcessor has a thread of its own. Therefore, the HttpConnector can serve multiple HTTP requests simultaneously.

在第3章中,HttpConnector 实例一次只能有一个 HttpProcessor 实例,因此它一次只能处理一个 HTTP 请求。

在默认连接器中,HttpConnector 有一个 HttpProcessor 对象池,每个HttpProcessor实例都有自己的线程。

因此,HttpConnector 可以同时处理多个 HTTP 请求。

The HttpConnector maintains a pool of HttpProcessor instances to avoid creating HttpProcessor objects all the time. The HttpProcessor instances are stored in a called processors:

HttpConnector 维护 HttpProcessor 实例的对象池,以避免频繁创建 HttpProcessor 对象。

HttpProcessor 实例存储在一个名为 中。

private Stack processors = new Stack();

In HttpConnector, the number of HttpProcessor instances created is determined by two variables: minProcessors and maxProcessors. By default, minProcessors is set to 5 and maxProcessors 20, but you can change their values through the setMinProcessors and setMaxProcessors methods.

HttpConnector 中,创建的 HttpProcessor 实例数量由两个变量决定:minProcessorsmaxProcessors

默认情况下,minProcessors 设置为 5,maxProcessors 设置为 20,但你可以通过 setMinProcessorssetMaxProcessors 方法更改它们的值。

protected int minProcessors = 5;
private int maxProcessors = 20;

Initially, the HttpConnector object creates minProcessors instances of HttpProcessor. If there are more requests than the HttpProcessor instances can serve at a time, the HttpConnector creates more HttpProcessor instances until the number of instances reaches maxProcessors. After this point is reached and there are still not enough HttpProcessor instances, the incoming HTTP requests will be ignored. If you want the HttpConnector to keep creating HttpProcessor instances, set maxProcessors to a negative number. In addition, the curProcessors variable keeps the current number of HttpProcessor instances.

最初,HttpConnector 对象会创建 HttpProcessorminProcessors 实例。

如果请求数量超过了 HttpProcessor 实例一次所能处理的数量,HttpConnector 就会创建更多的 HttpProcessor 实例,直到实例数量达到 maxProcessors

在达到这个数量后,如果仍没有足够的 HttpProcessor 实例,传入的 HTTP 请求将被忽略。

如果希望 HttpConnector 继续创建 HttpProcessor 实例,可将 maxProcessors 设为负数。

此外,curProcessors 变量会保留当前的 HttpProcessor 实例数量。

Here is the code that creates an initial number of HttpProcessor instances in the HttpConnector class's start method:

下面是在 HttpConnector 类的 start 方法中创建 HttpProcessor 实例初始数量的代码:

while (curProcessors < minProcessors) {
     if ((maxProcessors > 0) && (curProcessors >= maxProcessors))
     HttpProcessor processor = newProcessor();

The newProcessor method constructs a new HttpProcessor object and increments curProcessors. The recycle method pushes the HttpProcessor back to the stack.

newProcessor 方法会构建一个新的 HttpProcessor 对象,并递增 curProcessors

recycle 方法会将 HttpProcessor 推回堆栈。

Each HttpProcessor instance is responsible for parsing the HTTP request line and headers and populates a request object. Therefore, each instance is associated with a request object and a response object. The HttpProcessor class's constructor contains calls to the HttpConnector class's createRequest and createResponse methods.

每个 HttpProcessor 实例都负责解析 HTTP 请求行和标题,并填充一个请求对象。


HttpProcessor 类的构造函数包含对 HttpConnector 类的 createRequestcreateResponse 方法的调用。

Serving HTTP Requests

The HttpConnector class has its main logic in its run method, just like in Chapter 3. The run method contains a while loop where the server socket waits for an HTTP request until the HttpConnector is stopped.

HttpConnector 类的主要逻辑在其 run 方法中,就像在第 3 章中一样。

运行方法包含一个 while 循环,服务器套接字在此循环中等待 HTTP 请求,直到 HttpConnector 停止。

while (!stopped) {
 Socket socket = null;
 try {
 socket = serverSocket.accept();

For each incoming HTTP request, it obtains an HttpProcessor instance by calling the createProcessor private method.

对于每个传入的 HTTP 请求,它都会通过调用 createProcessor 私有方法获取一个 HttpProcessor 实例。

HttpProcessor processor = createProcessor();

However, most of the time the createProcessor method does not create a new HttpProcessor object. Instead, it gets one from the pool. If there is still an HttpProcessor instance in the stack, createProcessor pops one. If the stack is empty and the maximum number of HttpProcessor instances has not been exceeded, createProcessor creates one. However, if the maximum number has been reached, createProcessor returns null. If this happens, the socket is simply closed and the incoming HTTP request is not processed.

然而,大部分情况下,createProcessor 方法并不会创建一个新的HttpProcessor对象。

相反,它会从池中获取一个对象。如果堆栈中仍然有HttpProcessor实例,createProcessor 会弹出一个。

如果堆栈为空且尚未超过最大的 HttpProcessor 实例数量,createProcesso r会创建一个新的实例。

然而,如果已达到最大数量,createProcessor 会返回null


if (processor == null) {
 try {

If createProcessor does not return null, the client socket is passed to the HttpProcessor class's assign method:

如果 createProcessor 没有返回 null,客户端套接字就会传递给 HttpProcessor 类的 assign 方法:


It's now the HttpProcessor instance's job to read the socket's input stream and parse the HTTP request. An important note is this. The assign method must return straight away and not wait until the HttpProcessor finishes the parsing, so the next incoming HTTP request can be served. Since each HttpProcessor instance has a thread of its own for the parsing, this is not very hard to achieve. You will see how this is done in the next section, "The HttpProcessor Class".


一个重要的注意事项是,assign 方法必须立即返回,而不是等待HttpProcessor完成解析,以便可以处理下一个传入的HTTP请求。



The HttpProcessor Class

The HttpProcessor class in the default connector is the full version of the similarly named class in Chapter 3. You've learned how it worked and in this chapter we're most interested in knowing how the HttpProcessor class makes its assign method asynchronous so that the HttpConnector instance can serve many HTTP requests at the same time.



Note Another important method of the HttpProcessor class is the private process method which parses the HTTP request and invoke the container's invoke method. We'll have a look at it in the section, "Processing Requests" later in this chapter.


In Chapter 3, the HttpConnector runs in its own thread. However, it has to wait for the currently processed HTTP request to finish before it can process the next: request. Here is part of the HttpConnector class's run method in Chapter 3:

在第3章中,HttpConnector 在自己的线程中运行。


以下是第3章中 HttpConnectorrun 方法的部分内容:

public void run() {
     while (!stopped) {
         Socket socket = null;
         try {
             socket = serversocket.accept();
         catch (Exception e) {
     // Hand this socket off to an Httpprocessor
         HttpProcessor processor = new Httpprocessor(this);

The process method of the HttpProcessor class in Chapter 3 is synchronous. Therefore, its run method waits until the process method finishes before accepting another request.

第三章的 HttpProcessor 类的处理方法是同步的。


In the default connector, however, the HttpProcessor class implements java.lang.Runnable and each instance of HttpProcessor runs in its own thread, which we call the "processor thread". For each HttpProcessor instance the HttpConnector creates, its start method is called, effectively starting the "processor thread" of the HttpProcessor instance. Listing 4.1 presents the run method in the HttpProcessor class in the default connector:

然而,在默认连接器中,HttpProcessor 类实现了 java.lang.Runnable 接口,每个 HttpProcessor 实例都在自己的线程中运行,我们称之为“处理器线程”。


清单4.1展示了默认连接器中 HttpProcessor 类的运行方法:

Listing 4.1: The HttpProcessor class's run method.

清单4.1:HttpProcessor 类的运行方法。

public void run() {
     // Process requests until we receive a shutdown signal
     while (!stopped) {
     // Wait for the next socket to be assigned
     Socket socket = await();
     if (socket == null)
     // Process the request from this socket
     try {
     catch (Throwable t) {
         log("process.invoke", t);
         // Finish up this request
     // Tell threadStop() we have shut ourselves down successfully
     synchronized (threadSync) {

The while loop in the run method keeps going in this order: gets a socket, process it, calls the connector's recycle method to push the current HttpProcessor instance back to the stack. Here is the HttpConenctor class's recycle method:

运行方法中的 while 循环按以下顺序进行:

  1. 获取套接字
  2. 处理套接字
  3. 调用连接器的回收方法将当前 HttpProcessor 实例推回堆栈

下面是 HttpConenctor 类的回收方法:

void recycle(HttpProcessor processor) {

Notice that the while loop in the run method stops at the await method. The await method holds the control flow of the "processor thread" until it gets a new socket from the HttpConnector. In other words, until the HttpConnector calls the HttpProcessor instance's assign method. However, the await method runs on a different thread than the assign method. The assign method is called from the run method of the HttpConnector. We name the thread that the HttpConnector instance's run method runs on the "connector thread". How does the assign method tell the await method that it has been called? By using a boolean called available, and by using the wait and notifyAll methods of java.lang.Object.

请注意,run 方法中的 while 循环在await方法处停止。

await 方法会阻止“处理器线程”的控制流,直到从HttpConnector获取到一个新的套接字。


然而,await 方法在与assign方法不同的线程上运行。assign 方法是从 HttpConnectorrun 方法中调用的。

我们将 HttpConnector 实例的 run 方法运行的线程称为“连接器线程”。

assign 方法如何告诉 await 方法它已被调用呢?

通过使用一个名为available的布尔值,并使用java.lang.ObjectwaitnotifyAll 方法。

Note The wait method causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify or the notifyAll method for this object.


Here is the HttpProcessor class's assign and await methods:


synchronized void assign(Socket socket) {
     // Wait for the processor to get the previous socket
     while (available) {
         try {
         catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Store the newly available Socket and notify our thread
         this.socket = socket;
         available = true;
    private synchronized Socket await() {
         // Wait for the Connector to provide a new Socket
         while (!available) {
             try {
             catch (InterruptedException e) {
         // Notify the Connector that we have received this Socket
         Socket socket = this.socket;
         available = false;
         if ((debug >= 1) && (socket != null))
             log(" The incoming request has been awaited");
         return (socket);

The program flows of both methods are summarized in Table 4.1.

表 4.1 概述了这两种方法的程序流程。

Table 4.1: Summary of the await and assign method

表 4.1: await 和 assign 方法摘要

The processor thread (the await method) The connector thread (the assign method)

处理器线程(await 方法 连接器线程(assign 方法)

while (!available) { 
Socket socket = this.socket; 
available = false; 
return socket; // to the run 
// method 

The connector thread (the assign method)


while (available) { 
this.socket = socket; 
available = true; 

Initially, when the "processor thread" has just been started, available is false, so the thread waits inside the while loop (see Column 1 of Table 4.1). It will wait until another thread calls notify or notifyAll. This is to say that calling the wait method causes the "processor thread" to pause until the "connector thread" invokes the notifyAll method for the HttpProcessor instance.


它将一直等待,直到另一个线程调用 notifynotifyAll

这意味着调用wait方法会导致“处理器线程”暂停,直到“连接器线程”为 HttpProcessor 实例调用notifyAll方法。

Now, look at Column 2. When a new socket is assigned, the "connector thread" calls the HttpProcessor's assign method. The value of available is false, so the while loop is skipped and the socket is assigned to the HttpProcessor instance's socket variable:


当分配了新的套接字时,“连接器线程”会调用 HttpProcessorassign 方法。

available 的值为false,因此跳过 while 循环,并将套接字分配给 HttpProcessor 实例的socket变量:

this.socket = socket;

The "connector thread" then sets available to true and calls notifyAll. This wakes up the processor thread and now the value of available is true so the program controls goes out of the while loop: assigning the instance's socket to a local variable, sets available to false, calls notifyAll, and returns the socket, which eventually causes the socket to be processed.



Why does the await method need to use a local variable (socket) and not return the instance's socket variable? So that the instance's socket variable can be assigned to the next incoming socket before the current socket gets processed completely.

await 方法为什么需要使用一个局部变量(socket),而不是返回实例的socket变量?


Request Objects

The HTTP Request object in the default connector is represented by the org.apache.catalina.Request interface. This interface is directly implemented by the RequestBase class, which is the parent of HttpRequest. The ultimate implementation is HttpRequestImpl, which extends HttpRequest. Like in Chapter 3, there are facade classes: RequestFacade and HttpRequestFacade. The UML diagram for the Request interface and its implementation classes is given in Figure 4.2. Note that except for the types belonging to the javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages, the prefix org.apache.catalina has been omitted.







Figure 4.2: The Request interface and related types

Figure 4.2: The Request interface and related types

图 4.2:请求接口和相关类型

If you understand about the request object in Chapter 3, you should not have problems understanding the diagram.

如果你在第 3 章中了解了请求对象,那么理解本图应该不成问题。

Response Objects

Figure 4.3: The Response interface and its implementation classes

Figure 4.3: The Response interface and its implementation classes

图 4.3: 响应接口及其实现类

Processing Requests

At this point, you already understand about the request and response objects and how the HttpConnector object creates them. Now is the last bit of the process. In this section we focus on the process method of the HttpProcessor class, which is called by the HttpProcessor class's run method after a socket is assigned to it. The process method does the following:




  • parse the connection
  • parse the request
  • parse headers
  • 解析连接
  • 解析请求
  • 解析头部

Each operation is discussed in the sub-sections of this section after the process method is explained.

然后是一个 while 循环,不断读取输入流,直到 HttpProcessor 停止、出现异常或连接关闭。

The process method uses the boolean ok to indicate that there is no error during the process and the boolean finishResponse to indicate that the finishResponse method of the Response interface should be called.


boolean ok = true;
boolean finishResponse = true;

In addition, the process method also uses the instance boolean variables keepAlive, stopped, and http11.keepAlive indicates that the connection is persistent, stopped indicates that the HttpProcessor instance has been stopped by the connector so that the process method should also stop, and http11 indicates that the HTTP request is coming from a web client that supports HTTP 1.1.

此外,该处理方法还使用了实例布尔变量keepAlivestoppedhttp11.keepAlive表示连接是否持久,stopped表示HttpProcessor实例已被连接器停止,因此处理方法也应该停止,http11表示HTTP请求来自支持HTTP 1.1的Web客户端。

Like in Chapter 3, a SocketInputStream instance is used to wrap the socket's input stream. Note that, the constructor of SocketInputStream is also passed the buffer size from the connector, not from a local variable in the HttpProcessor class. This is because HttpProcessor is not accessible by the user of the default connector. By putting the buffer size in the Connector interface, this allows anyone using the connector to set the buffer size.


需要注意的是,SocketInputStream 的构造函数也从连接器传递了缓冲区大小,而不是从 HttpProcessor 类的局部变量传递。

这是因为默认连接器的用户无法访问 HttpProcessor


SocketInputStream input = null;
OutputStream output = null;
// Construct and initialize the objects we will need
 try {
     input = new SocketInputStream(socket.getInputstream(),
 catch (Exception e) {
     ok = false;

Then, there is a while loop which keeps reading the input stream until the HttpProcessor is stopped, an exception is thrown, or the connection is closed.

然后是一个 while 循环,不断读取输入流,直到 HttpProcessor 停止、出现异常或连接关闭。

keepAlive = true;
while (!stopped && ok && keepAlive) {

Inside the while loop, the process method starts by setting finishResponse to true and obtaining the output stream and performing some initialization to the request and response objects.

while 循环中,进程方法首先将 finishResponse 设置为 true,然后获取输出流,并对请求和响应对象执行一些初始化操作。

finishResponse = true;
 try {
     output = socket.getOutputStream();
     ((HttpServletResponse) response.getResponse()).setHeader
     ("Server", SERVER_INFO);
     catch (Exception e) {
         log("process.create", e); //logging is discussed in Chapter 7
         ok = false;

Afterwards, the process method start parsing the incoming HTTP request by calling the parseConnection, parseRequest, and parseHeaders methods, all of which are discussed in the sub-sections in this section.

随后,处理方法通过调用 parseConnectionparseRequestparseHeaders 方法开始解析传入的HTTP请求,所有这些方法都在本节的子部分中讨论。

try {
 if (ok) {
 parseRequest(input, output);
 if (!request.getRequest().getProtocol()

The parseConnection method obtains the value of the protocol, which can be HTTP 0.9, HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1. If the protocol is HTTP 1.0, the keepAlive boolean is set to false because HTTP 1.0 does not support persistent connections. The parseHeaders method will set the sendAck boolean to true if an Expect: 100-continue header is found in the HTTP request.

parseConnection 方法获取协议的值,该值可以是HTTP 0.9、HTTP 1.0或HTTP 1.1。

如果协议是HTTP 1.0,则将 keepAlive 布尔值设置为false,因为HTTP 1.0不支持持久连接。

如果在HTTP请求中找到Expect: 100-continue头部,parseHeaders 方法将设置 sendAck 布尔值为 true。

If the protocol is HTTP 1.1, it will respond to the Expect: 100-continue header, if the web client sent this header, by calling the ackRequest method. It will also check if chunking is allowed.

如果协议是HTTP 1.1,并且 web 客户端发送了Expect: 100-continue头部,它将通过调用ackRequest方法来响应。它还将检查是否允许分块传输。

if (http11) {
     // Sending a request acknowledge back to the client if
     // requested.
     // If the protocol is HTTP/1.1, chunking is allowed.
     if (connector.isChunkingAllowed())

The ackRequest method checks the value of sendAck and sends the following string if sendAck is true:

ackRequest 方法检查 sendAck 的值,如果sendAck为true,则发送以下字符串:

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n

During the parsing of the HTTP request, one of the many exceptions might be thrown. Any exception will set ok or finishResponse to false. After the parsing, the process method passes the request and response objects to the container's invoke method.


任何异常都会将okfinishResponse设置为false。解析完成后,process 方法将请求和响应对象传递给容器的invoke方法。

try {
     ((HttpServletResponse) response).setHeader
     ("Date", FastHttpDateFormat.getCurrentDate());
     if (ok) {
     connector.getContainer().invoke(request, response);

Afterwards, if finishResponse is still true, the response object's finishResponse method and the request's object finishRequest methods are called, and the output is flushed.


if (finishResponse) {

The last part of the while loop checks if the response's Connection header has been set to close from inside the servlet or if the protocol is HTTP 1.0. If this is the case, keepAlive is set to false. Also, the request and response objects are then recycled.

while 循环的最后一部分检查响应的 Connection 头是否已从 servlet 内部设置为关闭,或者协议是否为 HTTP 1.0。

如果是这种情况,keepAlive 就会被设置为 false


if ( "close".equals(response.getHeader("Connection")) ) {  
        keepAlive = false;  
    // End of request processing  
    status = Constants.PROCESSOR_IDLE;  
    // Recycling the request and the response objects  

At this stage, the while loop will start from the beginning if keepAlive is true, there is no error during the previous parsing and from the container's invoke method, or the HttpProcessor instance has not been stopped. Otherwise, the shutdownInput method is called and the socket is closed.

在这个阶段,如果keepAlivetrue,并且在之前的解析过程中没有错误以及从容器的调用方法中,或者HttpProcessor 实例没有被停止,那么while循环将从头开始。


try {

The shutdownInput method checks if there are any unread bytes. If there are, it skips those bytes.

shutdownInput 方法检查是否有任何未读取的字节。


Parsing the Connection

The parseConnection method obtains the Internet address from the socket and assigns it to the HttpRequestImpl object. It also checks if a proxy is used and assigns the socket to the request object. The parseConnection method is given in Listing 4.2.

parseConnection 方法从套接字中获取互联网地址,并将其分配给 HttpRequestImpl 对象。

它还检查是否使用代理,并将套接字分配给请求对象。parseConnection 方法在清单 4.2 中给出。

Listing 4.2: The parseConnection method

清单 4.2:parseConnection 方法

private void parseConnection(Socket socket)  
        throws IOException, ServletException {  
    if (debug >= 2)  
        log(" parseConnection: address=" + socket.getInetAddress() +  
                ", port=" + connector.getPort());  
    ((HttpRequestImpl) request).setInet(socket.getInetAddress());  
    if (proxyPort != 0)  
    else        request.setServerPort(serverPort);  

Parsing the Request

The parseRequest method is the full version of the similar method in Chapter 3. If you understand Chapter 3 well, you should be able to understand how this method works by reading the method.

parseRequest 方法是第3章中类似方法的完整版本。


Parsing Headers

The parseHeaders method in the default connector uses the HttpHeader and DefaultHeaders classes in the org.apache.catalina.connector.http package. The HttpHeader class represents an HTTP request header. Instead of working with strings like in Chapter 3, the HttpHeader class uses character arrays to avoid expensive string operations. The DefaultHeaders class is a final class containing the standard HTTP request headers in character arrays:

默认连接器中的 parseHeaders 方法使用org.apache.catalina.connector.http包中的HttpHeaderDefaultHeaders类。


与第3章中使用字符串不同,HttpHeader 类使用字符数组来避免昂贵的字符串操作。

DefaultHeaders 类是一个包含标准HTTP请求头字符数组的最终类:

static final char[] AUTHORIZATION_NAME =
 static final char[] ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_NAME =
 static final char[] COOKIE_NAME = "cookie".toCharArray();

The parseHeaders method contains a while loop that keeps reading the HTTP request until there is no more header to read. The while loop starts by calling the allocateHeader method of the request object to obtain an instance of empty HttpHeader. The instance is passed to the readHeader method of SocketInputStream.

parseHeaders 方法包含一个while循环,该循环不断读取HTTP请求,直到没有更多的头部可读取为止。

while循环首先调用请求对象的allocateHeader方法来获取一个空的 HttpHeader 实例。

该实例被传递给 SocketInputStreamreadHeader 方法。

HttpHeader header = request.allocateHeader();
 // Read the next header

If all headers have been read, the readHeader method will assign no name to the HttpHeader instance, and this is time for the parseHeaders method to return.

如果所有头信息都已读取,readHeader 方法将不为 HttpHeader 实例分配名称,此时就是 parseHeaders 方法返回的时间。

if (header.nameEnd == 0) {  
        if (header.valueEnd == 0) {  
        else {  
        throw new ServletException  

If there is a header name, there must also be a header value:


String value = new String(header.value, 0, header.valueEnd);

Next, like in Chapter 3, the parseHeaders method compares the header name with the standard names in DefaultHeaders. Note that comparison is performed between two character arrays, not between two strings.

接下来,与第 3 章中一样,parseHeaders 方法将标题名称与 DefaultHeaders 中的标准名称进行比较。


if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.AUTHORIZATION_NAME)) {  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_NAME)) {  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.COOKIE_NAME)) {  
        // parse cookie  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH_NAME)) {  
        // get content length  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE_NAME)) {  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.HOST_NAME)) {  
        // get host name  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.CONNECTION_NAME)) {  
        if (header.valueEquals(DefaultHeaders.CONNECTION_CLOSE_VALUE)) {  
            keepAlive = false;  
            response.setHeader("Connection", "close");  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.EXPECT_NAME)) {  
        if (header.valueEquals(DefaultHeaders.EXPECT_100_VALUE))  
            sendAck = true;  
        else            throw new ServletException(sm.getstring  
 else if (header.equals(DefaultHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING_NAME)) {  

The Simple Container Application

The main purpose of the application in this chapter is to show how to use the default connector. It consists of two classes:


ex04.pyrmont.core.SimpleContainer and ex04 pyrmont.startup.Bootstrap. The SimpleContainer class implements org.apache.catalina.container so that it can be associated with the connector. The Bootstrap class is used to start the application, we have removed the connector module and the ServletProcessor and StaticResourceProcessor classes in the application accompanying Chapter 3, so you cannot request a static page.



The SimpleContainer class is presented in Listing 4.3.

SimpleContainer 类在代码清单4.3中呈现。

Listing 4.3: The SimpleContainer class


package ex04.pyrmont.core;  
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;  
import javax.servlet.Servlet;  
import javax.servlet.ServletException;  
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;  
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;  
import org.apache.catalina.Cluster;  
import org.apache.catalina.Container;  
import org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener;  
import org.apache.catalina.Loader;  
import org.apache.catalina.Logger;  
import org.apache.catalina.Manager;  
import org.apache.catalina.Mapper;  
import org.apache.catalina.Realm;  
import org.apache.catalina.Request;  
import org.apache.catalina.Response;  
    public class SimpleContainer implements Container {  
        public static final String WEB_ROOT =  
                System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "webroot";  
        public SimpleContainer() { }  
        public String getInfo() {  
            return null;  
        public Loader getLoader() {  
            return null;  
        public void setLoader(Loader loader) { }  
        public Logger getLogger() {  
            return null;  
        public void setLogger(Logger logger) { }  
        public Manager getManager() {  
            return null;  
        public void setManager(Manager manager) { }  
        public Cluster getCluster() {  
            return null;  
        public void setCluster(Cluster cluster) { }  
        public String getName() {  
            return null;  
        public void setName(String name) { }  
        public Container getParent() {  
            return null;  
        public void setParent(Container container) { }  
        public ClassLoader getParentClassLoader() {  
            return null;  
        public void setParentClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) { }  
        public Realm getRealm() {  
            return null;  
        public void setRealm(Realm realm) { }  
        public DirContext getResources() {  
            return null;  
        public void setResources(DirContext resources) { }  
        public void addChild(Container child) { }  
        public void addContainerListener(ContainerListener listener) { }  
        public void addMapper(Mapper mapper) { }  
        public void addPropertyChangeListener(  
                PropertyChangeListener listener) { }  
        public Container findchild(String name) {  
            return null;  
        public Container[] findChildren() {  
            return null;  
        public ContainerListener[] findContainerListeners() {  
            return null;  
        public Mapper findMapper(String protocol) {  
            return null;  
        public Mapper[] findMappers() {  
            return null;  
        public void invoke(Request request, Response response)  
                throws IoException, ServletException {  
            string servletName = ( (Httpservletrequest)  
            servletName = servletName.substring(servletName.lastIndexof("/") +  
            URLClassLoader loader = null;  
            try {  
                URL[] urls = new URL[1];  
                URLStreamHandler streamHandler = null;  
                File classpath = new File(WEB_ROOT);  
                string repository = (new URL("file",null,  
                        classpath.getCanonicalpath() + File.separator)).toString();  
                urls[0] = new URL(null, repository, streamHandler);  
                loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);  
            catch (IOException e) {  
                System.out.println(e.toString() );  
            Class myClass = null;  
            try {  
                myClass = loader.loadclass(servletName);  
            catch (classNotFoundException e) {  
            servlet servlet = null;  
            try {  
                servlet = (Servlet) myClass.newInstance();  
                servlet.service((HttpServletRequest) request,  
                        (HttpServletResponse) response);  
            catch (Exception e) {  
            catch (Throwable e) {  
        public Container map(Request request, boolean update) {  
            return null;  
        public void removeChild(Container child) { }  
        public void removeContainerListener(ContainerListener listener) { }  
        public void removeMapper(Mapper mapper) { }  
        public void removoPropertyChangeListener(  
                PropertyChangeListener listener) {  

I only provide the implementation of the invoke method in the SimpleContainer class because the default connector will call this method. The invoke method creates a class loader, loads the servlet class, and calls its service method. This method is very similar to the process method in the ServletProcessor class in Chapter 3.


invoke方法创建一个类加载器,加载 servlet 类,并调用其service方法。这个方法与第3章中的ServletProcessor类中的process方法非常相似。

The Bootstrap class is given in Listing 4.4.


Listing 4.4: The ex04.pyrmont.startup.Bootstrap class


package ex04.pyrmont.startup;  
        import ex04.pyrmont.core.simplecontainer;  
        import org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector;  
public final class Bootstrap {  
    public static void main(string[] args) {  
        HttpConnector connector = new HttpConnector();  
        SimpleContainer container = new SimpleContainer();  
        try {  
            // make the application wait until we press any key.  
        catch (Exception e) {  

The main method of the Bootstrap class constructs an instance of org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector and a SimpleContainer instance. It then associates the connector with the container by calling the connector's setContainer method, passing the container. Next, it calls the connector's initialize and start methods. This will make the connector ready for processing any HTTP request on port 8080.

Bootstrap 类的主要方法构造了org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector的实例和一个SimpleContainer实例。



You can terminate the application by pressing a key on the console.


Running the Application

To run the application in Windows, from the working directory, type the following:

要在 Windows 中运行应用程序,请在工作目录中键入以下内容:

java -classpath ./lib/servlet.jar;./ ex04.pyrmont.startup.Bootstrap

In Linux, you use a colon to separate two libraries.

Linux 中,使用冒号分隔两个库。

java -classpath ./lib/servlet.jar:./ ex04.pyrmont.startup.Bootstrap

You can invoke PrimitiveServlet and ModernServlet the way you did in Chapter 3. Note that you cannot request the index.html file because there is no processor for static resources.




This chapter showed what it takes to build a Tomcat connector that can work with Catalina. It dissected the code of Tomcat 4's default connector and built a small application that used the connector. All applications in the upcoming chapters use the default connector.


它剖析了Tomcat 4默认连接器的代码,并构建了一个使用该连接器的小应用程序。


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