人工智能、WASM、平台工程、安全 ... ...
Aparna Subramanian Director of Production Engineering, Shopify
Nikhita Raghunath Software Engineer, VMware
Kasper Borg Nisssen Lead Platform Architect, Lunar
本次大会依然设置了非常多的专题,此外还有CNCF主办的16个同场活动和赞助商主办的若干同场活动。上一篇推文我们介绍了CNCF主办的同场活动【平台工程日 Platform Engineering Day】的分享主题,本文将介绍大会设置的平台工程专题的分享主题。
- 20号 设置10个分享主题
- 21号 设置12个分享主题
- 22号 设置7个分享主题
从具体内容上看,涉及的面非常广泛,GenAI等AI平台相关的,永恒的K8s相关,IDP内部开发者平台的,聚焦开发者与平台工程师的,以及传统行业数字化案例的,整体上将多元化的原则贯彻得非常彻底! 即便不去参会,也让人非常期待会后的公开视频。
有趣的看点 1 :带娃参会
“#KubeCon + #CloudNativeCon 对每个人来说都很有趣!3 月 19 日至 22 日,我们将在巴黎提供免费托儿服务。请在 2 月 22 日之前为您的孩子报名。”
有趣的看点 2:
参加云原生黑客松, 助力联合国可持续发展目标实现
Date: 19 March – 21 March
Time: 6:00 – 21:00 daily
Location: Paris Expo Port de Versailles, Paris
首届黑客马拉松将专注于推进联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)的实现。参与者将创建人工智能或网络应用程序来帮助支持 17 个可持续发展目标,因为这些挑战只能通过全球伙伴关系来解决。黑客马拉松将让开发者齐聚一堂,解决一些最紧迫的问题,并为创造一个更美好、更可持续的世界做出有意义的贡献。
Challenge 1: Comment Cleaner
Challenge 2: Heat Redirection - Development Challenge
Challenge 3: Building Repurposing - Development Challenge
Challenge 4: Heat Reuse - Data Challenge
Challenge 5: Circular Supply Chain
Challenge 6: Create a Volunteer Computing for the SDGs
Challenge 7: HIV/AIDS Awareness for Youth
Challenge 8: Open Challenge: Community Empowerment Challenge
Challenge 9: Collaborative Walking-Safety Map
Challenge 10: Online Safety Map
1.0 Relevance to Societal Challenges
The proposed project shows direct and substantial relevance to a significant societal challenge or improving people’s resiliency. The project aligns clearly with one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals.
2.0 Innovative Use of AI
The proposed use of AI is revolutionary and clearly transformative for the problem area. The description clearly addresses how the use of AI will address the whole or bring resolution to a part of the problem area while identifying assumptions or conditions and constraints in its use of AI.
3.0 Real-world Impact
The proposal lays out specific impacts of the proposal fully executed and at scale. The details convey specific causes and effects that contribute to the impact described therein.
4.0 Scalability and Sustainability
The proposal includes a section on how it could be deployed, enhanced, and maintained which conveys the expected underlying technologies, requirements, and proposed operations.
5.0 Resource Availability
Resources required to implement the proposal are open source and publicly available.
6.0 Ethical Considerations
The proposal is consistent with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation Code of Conduct. Proposals that suggest unethical use of AI, blatant violation of copyright, or not respecting peoples’ privacy will be rejected.
- 会议官网 https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-eur...
- 会议完整日程 https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-eur...
- 云原生黑客松 CloudNativeHacks https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-eur...
- 平台工程日 Platform Engineering Day https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-eur...
2024 中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 目前计划 6 月份左右在香港进行,如果你对设置同场活动【平台工程日】有兴趣,欢迎后台留言!
For Platformers !
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