This is a byte stream structured serialization and deserialization library that is still under development.
jppe = { version="0.3.0", features = ["derive"] }
Simple Example
use jppe::{ByteDecode, ByteEncode};
use jppe_derive::{ByteEncode, ByteDecode};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ByteEncode, ByteDecode)]
pub struct SimpleExample {
pub length: u16,
pub value: String,
pub cmd: u8,
pub body: SimpleExampleBody,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ByteEncode, ByteDecode)]
pub enum SimpleExampleBody {
Read {
address: u8,
} = 1,
Write {
address: u8,
value: [u8; 3],
fn main() {
let input = b"\x00\x03\x31\x32\x33\x01\x05";
let (input_remain, value) = SimpleExample::decode(input, None, None).unwrap();
println!("{value:?} {input_remain:?}");
let mut buf = vec![];
value.encode(&mut buf, None, None);
assert_eq!(buf, input);
Ethernet Example
use std::str::FromStr;
use jppe::{ByteDecode, ByteEncode};
use jppe_derive::{ByteEncode, ByteDecode};
use jppe::prelude::MacAddress;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ByteEncode, ByteDecode)]
pub struct Ethernet {
pub smac: MacAddress,
pub dmac: MacAddress,
pub r#type: u16,
fn main() {
let input = b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x45\x00";
// decode
let (input_remain, value) = Ethernet::decode(input, None, None).unwrap();
println!("{value:?} {input_remain:?}");
assert_eq!(value, Ethernet {
smac: MacAddress::from_str("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff").unwrap(),
dmac: MacAddress::from_str("00:00:00:00:00:00").unwrap(),
r#type: 0x0800,
// encode
let mut buf = vec![];
value.encode(&mut buf, None, None);
assert_eq!(buf, b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00");
assert_eq!(input_remain, b"\x45\x00");
Ipv4 Example
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::str::FromStr;
use jppe::{BorrowByteDecode, BorrowByteEncode};
use jppe_derive::{BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode)]
pub struct Ipv4<'a> {
#[jppe(bits_start=0xf0, untake)]
pub version: u8,
#[jppe(bits=0x0f, value_decode="header_length << 2", value_encode="header_length >> 2")]
pub header_length: u8,
pub tos: u8,
pub total_length: u16,
pub identification: u16,
#[jppe(bits_start=0xe000, untake)]
pub flags: u16,
pub fragment_offset: u16,
pub ttl: u8,
pub protocol: u8,
pub checksum: u16,
pub src: Ipv4Addr,
pub dst: Ipv4Addr,
#[jppe(length="header_length - 20")]
pub options: &'a [u8],
fn main() {
let input = b"\x45\x00\x00\x40\xb5\xf2\x00\x00\x40\x06\xa9\x7c\x0a\x01\x01\xea\x0a\x0a\x05\x55";
// decode
let (input_remain, value) = Ipv4::decode(input, None, None).unwrap();
println!("{value:?} {input_remain:?}");
assert_eq!(value, Ipv4 {
version: 4,
header_length: 20,
tos: 0,
total_length: 64,
identification: 46578,
flags: 0,
fragment_offset: 0,
ttl: 64,
protocol: 6,
checksum: 43388,
src: Ipv4Addr::from_str("").unwrap(),
dst: Ipv4Addr::from_str("").unwrap(),
options: &[],
// encode
let mut buf = vec![];
value.encode(&mut buf, None, None);
assert_eq!(buf, input);
assert_eq!(input_remain.is_empty(), true);
Tcp Example
use jppe::{BorrowByteDecode, BorrowByteEncode};
use jppe_derive::{BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode};
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode)]
pub struct Tcp<'a> {
pub sport: u16,
pub dport: u16,
pub seq: u32,
pub ack: u32,
#[jppe(bits_start=0xf000, value_decode="header_length * 4", value_encode="header_length / 4", untake)]
pub header_length: u16,
pub flags: u16,
pub window: u16,
pub checksum: u16,
pub urgent_pointer: u16,
#[jppe(length="header_length - 20")]
pub options: &'a [u8],
fn main() {
let input = b"\xc8\xd3\x01\xf6\xe0\x76\x90\x16\xc4\x44\x9b\x5a\x80\x18\xff\xff\
// decode
let (input_remain, value) = Tcp::decode(input, None, None).unwrap();
println!("{value:?} {input_remain:?}");
assert_eq!(value, Tcp {
sport: 51411,
dport: 502,
seq: 3765866518,
ack: 3292830554,
header_length: 32,
flags: 24,
window: 65535,
checksum: 27676,
urgent_pointer: 0,
options: b"\x01\x01\x08\x0a\x37\xc4\x50\xe2\x00\xba\x7c\x1c",
} );
// encode
let mut buf = vec![];
value.encode(&mut buf, None, None);
assert_eq!(buf, input);
assert_eq!(input_remain.is_empty(), true);
HTTP Example
use std::collections::HashMap;
use jppe::{BorrowByteDecode, BorrowByteEncode};
use jppe_derive::{BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode};
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, BorrowByteEncode, BorrowByteDecode)]
pub struct Http<'a> {
pub method: &'a str,
pub uri: &'a str,
pub http: &'a str,
pub headers: HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>,
fn main() {
let input = b"GET HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
let (input_remain, value) = Http::decode(input, None, None).unwrap();
println!("{value:?} {input_remain:?}");
// encode
let mut buf = vec![];
value.encode(&mut buf, None, None);
// The headers hashmap is out of order and cannot be compared.
// assert_eq!(buf, input);
assert_eq!(input_remain.is_empty(), true);
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