本文主要描述 Cloudtop 前端性能监控日志字段的含义,用于检索和排查问题。
Github 开源项目地址:
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
pid | string | cloudtop_admin | 应用 ID 或应用标识,应用唯一值 |
type | LogType | pv | 日志类型 |
report_time | number | 1711540240461 | 日志上报时间(毫秒) |
date | number | 1711540240461 | 默认取 reportTime,其次取服务器时间 |
env | LogEnv | production | 环境 |
ct | string | 4g | 网络类型 |
http_referer | string | https://example.com | 页面 Referer |
http_user_agent | string | Mozilla/5.0***605.1.15 | 浏览器 UserAgent |
browser | string | safari | 浏览器类型 |
browser_version | string | 14.1.1 | 浏览器版本 |
device | string | mac | 设备类型 |
engine | string | webkit | 浏览器引擎 |
engine_version | string | 605.1.15 | 浏览器引擎版本 |
os | string | macos | 操作系统 |
os_version | string | 10.15.7 | 操作系统版本 |
device_type | string | pc | 设备类型 pc、mobile |
sid | string | pv | Session ID |
sr | string | 400*892 | 屏幕分辨率 |
vp | string | 400*813 | 屏幕分辨率 |
src | string | http://www.example.com | 被监控目标地址 |
pv_id | string | bkkR****2R2Xp | PV ID |
uid | string | e023f1****3de48 | 系统生成 |
page | string | /testing | 页面、页面 path |
login_id | string | 123****987 | 用户登录账号、用于匹配用户、自定义 |
ext | string | '{"a":1,"b":2}' | 扩展字段,不要超过 100 个字符 |
值 | 说明 |
pv | PV 日志 |
error | JS 错误日志 |
resource_error | 资源引用错误日志 |
perf | 性能日志 |
api | 接口日志 |
值 | 说明 |
production | 生产环境 |
staging | 预发布环境 |
testing | 测试环境 |
development | 开发环境 |
PV 日志
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
dt | string | cloudtop 性能监控面板 | 文档标题 |
dr | string | https://example.com | 文档 Referrer |
de | string | utf-8 | 文档编码类型 |
dpr | string | 1 | 屏幕像素比 |
lang | string | en | 文档语言 |
url | string | https://example.com/tools | 页面链接 |
"pid": "cloud***_admin",
"type": "pv",
"env": "production",
"report_time": 1711609330415,
"date": 1711609330415,
"ct": "4g",
"http_referer": "https://www.****.com/",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 NetType/WIFI MicroMessenger/ WindowsWechat(0x6309092b) XWEB/9079 Flue",
"browser": "WeChat",
"browser_version": "",
"device": "",
"engine": "Blink",
"engine_version": "",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"device_type": "pc",
"ip_isp": "移动",
"ip_country": "中国",
"ip_country_id": "CN",
"ip_region": "重庆",
"ip_region_id": "50",
"ip_region_name": "重庆市",
"ip_city": "重庆城区",
"ip_city_id": "5001",
"ip_city_name": "重庆城区",
"remote_addr": "",
"sid": "",
"pv_id": "eb157b0c-f557-47a8-8a90-88a86950e312",
"page": "/data/trade",
"src": "https://www.***.com/data/trade",
"sr": "1280*800",
"vp": "1280*719",
"uid": "ae3525b0-0181-4aab-97d5-eca564e7a87e",
"login_id": "138***",
"dt": "品牌云店",
"dr": "https://login.***.com/",
"de": "UTF-8",
"dpr": "1.5",
"lang": "en",
"url": "https://www.***.com/data/trade"
Error 日志
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
category | string | ReferenceError | 错误分类,默认为 CustomError |
msg | string | https://example.com | 错误消息,最大支持 1000 个字符 |
error | string | - | 错误详情 |
stack | string | - | 错误堆栈信息,最大支持 1000 个字符 |
file | string | https://example.com/assets/index.040f44f5.js:60:1844 | 报错 JS 所属文件 |
line | string | 60 | 报错发生行 |
col | string | 1844 | 报错发生列 |
"pid": "cloud***_admin",
"type": "error",
"env": "production",
"report_time": 1711608515413,
"date": 1711608515413,
"ct": "4g",
"http_referer": "https://www.***.com/",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"browser": "Chrome",
"browser_version": "",
"device": "",
"engine": "Blink",
"engine_version": "",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"device_type": "pc",
"ip_isp": "联通",
"ip_country": "中国",
"ip_country_id": "CN",
"ip_region": "上海",
"ip_region_id": "31",
"ip_region_name": "上海市",
"ip_city": "上海",
"ip_city_id": "3101",
"ip_city_name": "上海市",
"remote_addr": "",
"sid": "",
"pv_id": "e895589f-5f52-4e28-8dce-9b534626d43c",
"page": "/commission/commissionlist/commissionadd",
"src": "https://www.***.com/commission/commissionlist/commissionadd",
"sr": "1536*864",
"vp": "1536*714",
"uid": "4b6468be-fb87-4157-b31b-2d121bd36edc",
"login_id": "136****",
"category": "TypeError",
"msg": "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'bizType')",
"stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'bizType')\n at Z (https://www.***.com/assets/index.040f44f5.js:60:1844)",
"file": "",
"line": 60,
"col": 1844,
"error": {
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'bizType')",
"stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'bizType')\n at Z (https://www.***.com/assets/index.040f44f5.js:60:1844)"
ResourceError 日志
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
src | string | http://example.com/suv4/rMainB.bundle.js | 资源地址 |
node_name | string | SCRIPT | 发生错误的 HTML 节点类型 |
xpath | string | html.body.script | 发生错误位置 |
res_type | string | script | 错误资源类型 |
res_name | string | /suv4/rMainB.bundle.js | 错误资源名称 |
domain | string | example.com | 错误资源域名 |
"pid": "cloudshop_admin",
"type": "resource_error",
"env": "production",
"report_time": 1711413678276,
"date": 1711413678276,
"ct": "4g",
"http_referer": "https://www.example.com/",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"browser": "Chrome",
"browser_version": "",
"device": "",
"engine": "Blink",
"engine_version": "",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"device_type": "pc",
"ip_isp": "内网IP",
"ip_country": "",
"ip_country_id": "",
"ip_region": "",
"ip_region_id": "",
"ip_city": "",
"ip_city_id": "",
"remote_addr": "172.**.**.135",
"sid": "",
"pv_id": "0c41ee34-cd54-45df-95b9-f1b4e6a0404b",
"page": "/",
"src": "https://www.example.com/suv4/rMainB.bundle.js?md5=bc82bf95c5d2dd6abc9dec6fb91f48be",
"sr": "1280*720",
"vp": "1280*581",
"uid": "237b4fd4-2ad0-47ed-af72-4f3ed9bc5059",
"login_id": "138***",
"node_name": "SCRIPT",
"xpath": "html.body.script",
"res_type": "script",
"res_name": "/suv4/rMainB.bundle.js?md5=bc82bf95c5d2dd6abc9dec6fb91f48be",
"domain": "www.example.com"
Perf 日志
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
dns | number | 12 | DNS 连接耗时 |
tcp | number | 29 | TCP 连接耗时 |
ssl | number | 19 | SSL 连接耗时 |
ttfb | number | 280 | 网络请求耗时。等待接收响应的第一个字节所花费的时间 |
trans | number | 2 | 数据传输耗时 |
dom | number | 681 | DOM 解析耗时 |
res | number | 1 | 资源加载耗时。DOM 解析完成后到页面完全加载完所用的时间 |
firstbyte | number | 309 | First Byte 时间 |
fpt | number | 634 | 首次渲染时间。白屏时间 |
tti | number | 677 | 首次可操作时间 |
ready | number | 837 | HTML 加载完成时间,即 DOM Ready 时间 |
load | number | 838 | 从开始加载到完全加载时间 |
lcp | number | 1418 | 最大内容绘制时间 |
"pid": "cloud***",
"type": "perf",
"env": "production",
"report_time": 1711949380452,
"date": 1711949380452,
"ct": "4g",
"http_referer": "https://www.example.com/",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"browser": "Chrome",
"browser_version": "",
"device": "",
"engine": "Blink",
"engine_version": "",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"device_type": "pc",
"ip_isp": "内网IP",
"ip_country": "",
"ip_country_id": "",
"ip_region": "",
"ip_region_id": "",
"ip_city": "",
"ip_city_id": "",
"remote_addr": "172.**.**.155",
"sid": "",
"pv_id": "2d3ff32a-1b3d-4b39-b370-7af536957ddc",
"page": "/data/trade",
"src": "https://www.example.com/data/trade",
"sr": "1366*768",
"vp": "1366*641",
"uid": "dd3bb22c-e220-4c60-9ac8-cb472fe14004",
"login_id": "***",
"dns": 0,
"tcp": 29,
"ssl": 19.299999952316284,
"ttfb": 279.7999999523163,
"trans": 1.5,
"dom": 680.7999999523163,
"res": 0.6000001430511475,
"firstbyte": 309,
"fpt": 633.5999999046326,
"tti": 676.8999998569489,
"ready": 837.0999999046326,
"load": 837.7000000476837,
"lcp": 1418
Api 日志
字段 | 类型 | 示例 | 说明 |
api | string | https://www.example.com/v1/brand | API 地址时 |
success | number | 1 | 请求是否成功 1:成功 0:失败时 |
status | number | 200 | 请求返回状态码时 |
msg | string | 返回的消息体 | |
time | number | 2 | API 耗时,单位为 ms |
"pid": "cloudshop***",
"type": "api",
"env": "production",
"report_time": 1711953796402,
"date": 1711953796402,
"ct": "4g",
"http_referer": "https://www.example.com/",
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
"browser": "Edge",
"browser_version": "",
"device": "",
"engine": "Blink",
"engine_version": "",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"device_type": "pc",
"ip_isp": "联通",
"ip_country": "中国",
"ip_country_id": "CN",
"ip_region": "上海",
"ip_region_id": "31",
"ip_region_name": "上海市",
"ip_city": "上海",
"ip_city_id": "3101",
"ip_city_name": "上海市",
"remote_addr": "210.**.**.10",
"sid": "",
"pv_id": "672fd630-1793-4516-8267-a8f647e5fd58",
"page": "/task/tasklist/taskadd",
"src": "https://www.example.com/task/tasklist/taskadd",
"sr": "1536*864",
"vp": "1488*726",
"uid": "029b6c1b-f83f-475f-987c-78f43c96dfd1",
"login_id": "183***",
"api": "https://www.example.com/tiger/buttonLimit",
"success": 1,
"status": 200,
"msg": "",
"time": 230
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