
官方下载地址:https://archive.apache.org/dist/nifi/,最新的版本是2.X,但是需要jdk版本比较高(Requires Java 21),可以下载1.X版本(Requires Java 8 or Java 11)。本系列讲解的版本是1.25.0,直接点击下载:nifi-1.25.0-bin.zip。


2. 安装

后台模式启动: 进入bin目录,linux/mac控台输入./nifi.sh start 进行启动,windows控台输入./nifi.cmd start
停止:./nifi.sh stop
查看状态:./nifi.sh status
前台方式启动: ./nifi.sh run,表示以前台模式启动 NiFi 服务,这样可以在控制台中实时查看输出信息,并且当用户按下 Ctrl-C 组合键时,可以进行优雅地关闭 NiFi 服务。这通常用于在开发、测试或调试过程中通过命令行方式启动和控制 NiFi 服务。
安装为服务: ./nifi.sh install,可以通过如下命令和服务交互.

service nifi start
service nifi stop
service nifi status

设置用户名和密码: ./nifi.sh set-single-user-credentials 用户名密码,密码需要至少12位字符,否则提示ERROR: Password must be at least 12 characters
设置匿名访问: 找到conf目录中的nifi.properties,设置nifi.security.allow.anonymous.authentication=true,nifi服务启动之后无需用户名和密码直接进入,跳过登录页面。



The default installation generates a random username and password, writing the generated values to the application log. The application log is located in logs/nifi-app.log under the installation directory. The log file will contain lines with Generated Username [USERNAME] and Generated Password [PASSWORD] indicating the credentials needed for access. Search the application log for those lines and record the generated values in a secure location.

The following command can be used to change the username and password:

$ ./bin/nifi.sh set-single-user-credentials <username> <password>

Now that NiFi has been started, we can bring up the User Interface (UI) in order to create and monitor our dataflow. To get started, open a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:8443/nifi. The port can be changed by editing the nifi.properties file in the NiFi conf directory, but the default port is 8443.

注意: 以上设备密码之后 需要重新启动nifi生效

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