Oxygen Forensic Detective 16.3 Windows Multilingual - 一体化数字取证软件

digital forensic software



Oxygen Forensic® Detective

Sherlock icon for Oxygen Forensic Detective software

An all-in-one digital forensic software designed to extract, decode, and analyze data. Extract data and artifacts from multiple devices with the capability for both mobile and computer forensic investigations.



Oxygen Forensic® Detective 的特性、工具和功能比市场上任何数字取证产品都要多。通过 100 多种受支持的服务从云中获取更多信息,并从 40,000 多个应用程序版本中提取数据。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 比市场上任何其他数字取证工具提取更多的云服务 (sysin)。访问 WhatsApp、Telegram、iCloud、Google、Samsung、Microsoft、Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 等流行的云服务。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 移动设备

    从超过 31,000 个设备中提取数据。Oxygen Forensic® Detective 支持多种 Apple iOS 和 Android 设备。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 无人机


Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 物联网设备

    从最流行的物联网设备中提取和分析数据:Amazon、Alexa 和 Google Home。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 电脑

    从 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 提取并分析数据 (sysin)。Oxygen Forensic® KeyScout 无需额外付费,可查找网络浏览器和桌面应用程序的密码和令牌。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 可穿戴设备

    摘自最流行的健康应用程序:Apple Health、Samsung Health、Huawei Health、Fitbit 等。

Oxygen Forensic Detective



从锁定的 Android 设备中提取数据并执行逻辑和物理提取。

Oxygen Forensic Detective




Oxygen Forensic Detective



简化数据分析,将与案例相关的所有条目集中到一处 (sysin)。面部和图像分类、社交绘图和合并提取功能。


Oxygen Forensic® Detective 受到全球执法部门、企业和政府机构的信赖。原因如下。

  • 应用支持

    从 800 多个独特支持的应用程序的 40,000 多个应用程序版本中提取数据。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 内置分析工具

    我们所有的分析工具都可以通过购买许可证来使用 (sysin),没有任何隐藏费用。分析工具包括:图像分类、面部分类、OCR、地图、数据搜索、标签和过滤器、CDR 分析、数据查看器和证据查看器。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 加密备份和映像的暴力破解

    内置模块,可为 iTunes 备份、华为备份以及各种 Android 备份和物理映像提供暴力破解。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 导出为各种文件格式

    将所有或选定的数据导出为多种格式,包括 PDF、RTF、XLS、
    XML、相对论、Consilio 等等。

Oxygen Forensic Detective

  • 提高效率


Oxygen Forensic Detective


System Requirements

To use and install Oxygen Forensic® Detective you must, without exception, have administrative privileges on the computer. Do not attempt installation without this right.

The recommended minimum requirements for your computer to complete the setup and run Oxygen Forensic® Detective are:

  • Minimum Memory: 16 GB DDR4 RAM
  • Processor: Intel Core i7
  • Minimum USB Ports: 2x USB 3.0
  • Storage: Minimum 500 GB SSD
  • Microsoft Windows 64-bit Operating System

Downloading Oxygen Forensic® Detective and its supporting packages will consume about 9 GB of space.

Pause Antivirus Scanning:

Oxygen Forensic® Detective contains device exploits that might be misidentified as a threat and blocked by the antivirus solution. Oxygen Forensic® Detective is safe to download and run on your computer. Pausing the Real-time Protection of Windows Security will allow you to perform a clean installation before virus scanning resumes automatically a short time later. Failure to perform this step will result in many features of Oxygen Forensic® Detective being improperly blocked during setup.

Exclude the following locations from virus scanning:

  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective\DeviceExtractor
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective\x
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective\OFEC
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective\Passware
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen Forensic Detective\DeviceExtractor\adb\adb.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Oxygen Forensics\Oxygen ForensicDetective\DeviceExtractor\adb\fastboot.exe


Oxygen Forensic Detective Windows x64 Multilingual


更多:HTTP 协议与安全

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