"modelVersion": "5.0.0",
"description": "Please describe the basic information.",
"devDependencies": {
"@ohos/hypium": "1.0.18",
"@ohos/hamock": "1.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"@pura/harmony-utils": "^1.0.3",
"class-transformer": "^0.5.1"
"dynamicDependencies": {}
"src": [
import dataPreferences from '@ohos.data.preferences';
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import { common } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { DeviceUtil } from '@pura/harmony-utils';
import { plainToClassFromExist } from 'class-transformer'
export class MyPreferencesUtil {
private static readonly LOG: string = "====MyPreferencesUtil"
private static readonly FILENAME_AND_KEY: string = 'FILENAME_AND_KEY'
//=========单例模式,保存数据到内存实例 end=========
static formatTimestamp(timestamp: number): string {
const date = new Date(timestamp);
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); // 月份从 0 开始,所以加 1
const day = ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
const hours = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2);
const minutes = ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
const seconds = ('0' + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
* 从磁盘本地读取数据到内存,赋值给instance
* @param context 在pages中使用getContext(this),在EntryAbility中,使用this.context
public static async getData(context: Context) {
try {
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData');
let options: dataPreferences.Options = { name: MyPreferencesUtil.FILENAME_AND_KEY };
let file = await dataPreferences.getPreferences(context, options)
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData', 'file succ');
let value = file.getSync(MyPreferencesUtil.FILENAME_AND_KEY, JSON.stringify(MySetting.getInstance()))
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData', 'get succ', 'value:' + value);
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData', 'assign succ');
let bundleFlags = bundleManager.BundleFlag.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_DEFAULT;
let data = bundleManager.getBundleInfoForSelfSync(bundleFlags); //开始保存app的版本名称和版本号
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.versionName = data.versionName
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.versionCode = data.versionCode
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.deviceId = DeviceUtil.getDeviceId()
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.installTime = MyPreferencesUtil.formatTimestamp(data.installTime)
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.updateTime = MyPreferencesUtil.formatTimestamp(data.updateTime)
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData', 'set versionName and versionCode succ');
} catch (e) {
console.error(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'getData', JSON.stringify(e));
* 数据备份至磁盘本地
* @param context getContext(this)
public static async saveData(context: common.UIAbilityContext) {
try {
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'saveData');
let file = await dataPreferences.getPreferences(context, MyPreferencesUtil.FILENAME_AND_KEY)
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'saveData', 'file succ');
await file.put(MyPreferencesUtil.FILENAME_AND_KEY, JSON.stringify(MySetting.getInstance()))
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'saveData', 'put succ');
await file.flush()
console.info(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'saveData', 'flush succ');
} catch (e) {
console.error(MyPreferencesUtil.LOG, 'saveData', JSON.stringify(e));
export class MySetting {
//不希望被别人用new MySetting()造成误操作,所以这里用单例
//=========单例模式,保存数据到内存实例 start=========
private static instance: MySetting;
private constructor() {
* 通过单例,获取本地映射到内存中的实例
* @returns 内存中本地数据的实例
public static getInstance() {
if (!MySetting.instance) {
MySetting.instance = new MySetting();
return MySetting.instance;
public static updateInstance(value: string) {
// MySetting.instance = JSON.parse(value)
MySetting.instance = plainToClassFromExist(new MySetting(), JSON.parse(value))
/** 本地要保存的用户信息 */
public mUserInfo: UserInfo = new UserInfo()
// 本地要保存的环境信息
public mEnvirInfo: EnvirInfo = new EnvirInfo()
* 用户信息
export class UserInfo {
* 用户登录成功后要保存的token
public token: string = ""
memberId: string = ""
unionId: string = ""
unionCode: string = ""
* 环境信息
export class EnvirInfo {
* 首次启动的弹窗是否点击过“同意”。true:已同意,false:没同意
public isAgreement: boolean = false
public isGuideScreen: boolean = false
/** 蒙层引导页弹出次数(首页) */
private launchGuideNum: number = 0;
public getLaunchGuideNum() {
return this.launchGuideNum;
public addLaunchGuideNum() {
this.launchGuideNum += 1;
/** 蒙层引导页弹出次数(我的页面) */
private launchGuideMyNum: number = 0;
public addLaunchGuideMyNum() {
this.launchGuideMyNum += 1;
public getLaunchGuideMyNum() {
return this.launchGuideMyNum;
* 当前app的版本名称
public versionName: string = ''
* 当前app的版本号
public versionCode: number = 0
public deviceId: string = ""
public cacheSize: number = 0
public installTime: string = ""
public updateTime: string = ""
public defaultEnv: EnvInfoKey = EnvInfoKey.GCC //默认环境
export enum EnvInfoKey {
GCC = "GCC",
ORD = "ORD",
CAS = "CAS",
PUB = "PUB",
MBC = "MBC",
export class EnvInfo {
static env: Record<EnvInfoKey, EnvInfo> = {
[EnvInfoKey.GCC]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.GCC, "通用环境", 'http://web.GCC.com', 'https://api.GCC.com'),
[EnvInfoKey.ORD]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.ORD, "普通环境", "https://ORD", "https://apit.ORD"),
[EnvInfoKey.CAS]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.CAS, "云服务环境", "https://CAS", "https://api.CAS"),
[EnvInfoKey.PUB]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.PUB, "公共环境", "https://mPUB", "https://api.PUB"),
[EnvInfoKey.MBC]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.MBC, "多包配置", "https://mMBC", "https://api.MBC"),
[EnvInfoKey.TPL]: new EnvInfo(EnvInfoKey.TPL, "模板环境", "https://TP", "https://api.TPL")
typeValue: EnvInfoKey
typeName: string = '普通环境'
webHost: string = 'https://xxx' //网页域名(业务域名)
apiHost: string = 'https://xxx' //接口域名
constructor(typeValue: EnvInfoKey, typeName: string, webHost: string, apiHost: string) {
this.typeValue = typeValue
this.typeName = typeName
this.webHost = webHost
this.apiHost = apiHost
import { UIAbility } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { window } from '@kit.ArkUI';
import { MyPreferencesUtil } from '../common/MyPreferencesUtil';
export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
onCreate(): void {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void {
import { EnvInfo, MyPreferencesUtil, MySetting, UserInfo } from '../common/MyPreferencesUtil';
import { common } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import deviceInfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo';
class ItemBean {
name: string = ""
value: string = ""
struct TestSetting {
private select: number = 0
private fruits: string[] = []
@State textValue: string = ''
@State dataArr: Array<ItemBean> = []
@State defaultEnvInfo: EnvInfo | undefined = undefined
onCancel() {
console.info('Callback when the first button is clicked')
onAccept() {
console.info('Callback when the second button is clicked')
exitApp() {
console.info('Click the callback in the blank area')
aboutToAppear(): void {
this.defaultEnvInfo = EnvInfo.env[MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.defaultEnv]
this.fruits.length = 0
let i = 0
for (let key of Object.keys(EnvInfo.env)) {
if (MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.defaultEnv == key) {
this.select = i
this.dataArr = [{
'name': 'versionName',
'value': MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.versionName
}, {
'name': 'versionCode',
'value': MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.versionCode.toString()
}, {
'name': 'installTime',
'value': MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.installTime
}, {
'name': 'updateTime',
'value': MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.updateTime
}, {
'name': 'deviceId',
'value': MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.deviceId
}, {
'name': '设备市场名称',
'value': deviceInfo.marketName
}, {
'name': '当前环境类型',
'value': this.defaultEnvInfo.typeName
}, {
'name': 'web业务域名',
'value': this.defaultEnvInfo.webHost
}, {
'name': 'api接口域名',
'value': this.defaultEnvInfo.apiHost
build() {
Scroll() {
Column() {
ForEach(this.dataArr, (item: ItemBean) => {
Stack() {
Column() {
.margin({ left: '50lpx' })
.margin({ top: '20lpx', left: '50lpx' })
.onClick(() => {
if (item.name == '当前环境类型') {
range: this.fruits,
selected: this.select,
disappearTextStyle: { color: Color.Red, font: { size: 15, weight: FontWeight.Lighter } },
textStyle: { color: Color.Black, font: { size: 20, weight: FontWeight.Normal } },
selectedTextStyle: { color: Color.Blue, font: { size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Bolder } },
onAccept: (value: TextPickerResult) => {
// 设置select为按下确定按钮时候的选中项index,这样当弹窗再次弹出时显示选中的是上一次确定的选项
this.select = value.index as number;
MySetting.getInstance().mUserInfo = new UserInfo()
for (let key of Object.keys(EnvInfo.env)) {
if (this.fruits[this.select] == EnvInfo.env[key].typeName) {
MySetting.getInstance().mEnvirInfo.defaultEnv = EnvInfo.env[key].typeValue
//保存内存中的信息 将内存中的所有信息写入到磁盘首选项
MyPreferencesUtil.saveData(getContext() as common.UIAbilityContext)
let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext
onCancel: () => {
onChange: (value: TextPickerResult) => {
console.info("TextPickerDialog:onChange()" + JSON.stringify(value))
}.margin({ bottom: '16lpx' })
import { router } from '@kit.ArkUI';
import { EnvInfo, MySetting } from '../common/MyPreferencesUtil';
import { bundleManager } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
struct Index {
aboutToAppear(): void {
let bundleFlags = bundleManager.BundleFlag.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_DEFAULT;
let data = bundleManager.getBundleInfoForSelfSync(bundleFlags); //开始保存app的版本名称和版本号
build() {
Column() {
Button('本地信息、环境配置页').onClick(() => {
router.pushUrl({ url: 'pages/TestSetting' })
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