Serviceability Agent
Serviceability Agent(SA)
原是 HotSpot 原码库中的 Sun 私有组件,由 HotSpot 工程师开发,用于协助调试 HotSpot OpenJDK。他们随后意识到 SA 可用于支持用户编写 serviceability tools ,因为它可以在运行中的进程以及 Core Dump 文件中检视 Java 对象以及 HotSpot 数据结构。
SA 组件有以下功能:
- 从正在执行的 Java 进程中读取内存,或读取 Java 进程生成的 core dump file。
- 从原始内存中提取所有
HotSpot VM C++ 数据结构
。 - 从
HotSpot VM C++
数据结构 中提取 Java 对象。
📖 本文摘自我在编写的开源互动图书《面向技术宅的 JVM 内幕》中的 Serviceability Agent 一节。如图片不清,请转回原文。
❔ 问题:我只是想学习 JVM Internal 原理,了解 SA API 和使用方法足够了,为何要研究 SA 原理和实现? 这个问题我后面才能回答。
注意,SA 在与目标JVM进程不同的进程中运行,并且不会在目标进程中执行代码。但是,当 SA 观察目标进程时,目标进程会停止(halted)。
SA 主要由 Java 类组成,但也包含少量 native code,用于从进程和 core dump file 中读取原始内存。在 Linux 上,SA 使用 /proc
和 ptrace
(主要是后者)的组合来读取目标进程中的原始内存。对于 core dump file,SA 直接解析 ELF 文件。
在 OpenJDK 9 以前,是 OpenJDK 自带的基于 SA 的工具是 JAVA_HOME/lib 中的 sa-jdi.jar 。OpenJDK 9 以后变成了 jhsdb (Java HotSpot DeBug) 工具。
HotSpot Serviceability Agent(SA)
是一组 Java 编程的 API,可为目标 Java HotSpot JVM 建立数据模型。与大多数动态语言调试系统不同,它们基于一种 “协作(cooperative)” 模型,需要在目标进程运行代码来协助调试过程,而 SA 不需要在目标 VM 中运行代码。相反,它使用符号查找( symbol lookup) 和读取进程内存等原语来(primitives)实现其功能。SA 可以透明地检视运行中的进程或 core dump file,使其适合调试 navtive VM code 和 Java code。
HotSpot Open JDK 采用混合模式汇编解释器(mixed-mode assembly interpreter),该解释器与编译为机器代码的 C 代码和 Java 编程语言方法(Java 方法)共享堆栈。运行时分析(Run-time profiling) 仅将编译工作集中在“热” method 上。
如果编译 method 时所依据的要素,因未来的类加载而变弱,动态反优化(Dynamic deoptimization)
技术 允许已编译的 method 恢复到解释状态。动态反优化的设计,使得编译器可以执行激进的优化和内联,而无后顾之忧。
要调试高度优化后的 JVM 程序,要解决一些挑战:
- 倾向使用生成的机器代码进行调试操作,并合并 C++ 和 Java 虚拟机堆栈(Java 堆栈)。
- 对于编译器高度优化的代码。由于内联(inlining),堆栈上的一个 Frame 可能对应于多个 Java 方法调用。
- 为节省空间,许多运行时数据结构,不是以原生格式,而会以再编码的格式记录于内存。
- 没有 C++ 数据结构调试信息,去结构描述系统运行时的数据,例如堆(heap)的布局(layout)。
简而言之,当使用传统的 C++ 调试器检视 JVM 时,要直接面对原始二进内存数据。所有高级的抽象数据类型都不能应用于检视。
HotSpot Serviceability Agent 是一组 Java 编程语言的 API,可从运行中的 HotSpot JVM 或 core dump file 中读取原始数据,并解释为高级的抽象数据类型的形式返回给使用者。
图: 基于 SA API 的对象检视器(object inspector)
使用 SA 的应用程序,可以使用其 API 编写特定于应用程序的工具、调试辅助工具和查询操作,这些操作直接在目标 JVM 上运行,并且完全非侵入式。图: 基于 SA API 的对象检视器(object inspector) 展示了基于 SA 的 API 构建的对象检查器。
与大多数动态语言调试器不同,SA 不需要在目标 JVM 中运行任何代码。此属性使它能够作为 JVM core dump file 的调试器。SA 还适用于更多情况,而不仅仅是调试 JVM。例如,最终用户可以使用它来编写堆分析器,这些分析器可以在生产 JVM 上运行,而无需重启 JVM。
SA 旨在诊断 JVM 故障。这一要求决定了几个设计决策,包括目标进程中不运行任何代码。SA 目前是一个仅用于检视的系统,这意味着它使用低级原语(如符号查找(symbol lookup)和从目标进程读取内存)来获取所有信息。这使得它既可以通过 attach 到正在运行的进程来工作,也可以通过读取 core dump file 来工作。它还可以在任意 JVM 中注入并运行其代码。
📖 本节的阅读方法:
本节贴了比较多代码。说实话,不讨厌在书中阅读代码,一般我会转成源码导航图,但这个 SA 的不好用图表达。下文的拆解的方法是按代码的依赖顺序,从底层到高层来解说。
建议电脑双屏阅读(其实整本书也是这个建议)。最少开两个窗口,同时阅读和引用回看不同部分的代码,除非你记忆力过人 😇
- 对 linux 可执行文件格式(ELF) 了解,如果未有,可读我的《ELF 格式简述 - eBPF基础知识 Part1》
- 对 Java 在 Linux 内存 mmap 内存区布局有了解,如果未有,可读我的《把大象装入货柜里——Java容器内存拆解》
- 对 OpenJDK 的 Oop 数据结构使用情况有了解
指运行调试器的进程,一般也可以叫debug client
指被调试者 。In debugging, the
is the process that is being debugged, while thedebugger
is the software tool that helps identify coding errors. Thedebuggee
includes the application being debugged, the VM running the application, and the debugger's back-end.在调试中,被调试者是被调试的进程,而调试器是帮助识别编码错误的软件工具。被调试者包括被调试的应用程序、运行应用程序的虚拟机和调试器的后端。
在本文 SA 的语境下:
是调用 SA API 并运行 SA implementation 的工具或进程 ;debuggee
是带有符合 SA metadata 规范数据的 Java 进程或 core dump file 。
Debuggee type database
debugger 要解释 debuggee 的数据结构,但又不能 hard code 数据结构的 memory layout,那么,只能在 debuggee 中嵌入(声明)其数据结构的 layout 了,我们把这个数据结构的声明叫 Type Database,有时叫 VMStruct,有时也叫 Metadata。
目标 JVM 镜像对象的解释,如何才能避免 hard code pointer offset ? 见 The HotSpot Serviceability Agent: An out-of-process high level debugger for a JVM - 中的 Describing C++ Types 。其实这个需求有点像 eBPF 的 BTF 。需要做的就是在程序中嵌入对象 memory layout meta-data 。
可以参考 Describing C++ Types 或 OpenJDK 源码 src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmStructs.hpp 与 src/jdk.hotspot.agent/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/ ,其中有大量注释讲解这个对象 Metadata database 的编写和生成原理。
src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmStructs.hpp 包含每个 HotSpot 类及其字段的 “声明”。
Debuggee Types
先看看 debuggee 中,需要 debugger inspect 的核心数据类型。
以下以 oopDesc
这个数据结构为例,说明 meta data 的编写原理。
// oopDesc is the top baseclass for objects classes. The {name}Desc classes describe
// the format of Java objects so the fields can be accessed from C++.
// oopDesc is abstract.
class oopDesc {
volatile markWord _mark;
union _metadata {
Klass* _klass;
narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
} _metadata;
class arrayOopDesc : public oopDesc {
// Accessors for array length. There's not a member variable for
// it; see length_offset_in_bytes().
int length() {...
class objArrayOopDesc : public arrayOopDesc {
Klass* element_klass();
Type database 构建
oop field offset 的计算公式:src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalDefinitions_gcc.hpp
// gcc warns about applying offsetof() to non-POD object or calculating
// offset directly when base address is null. The -Wno-invalid-offsetof
// option could be used to suppress this warning, but we instead just
// avoid the use of offsetof().
// FIXME: This macro is complex and rather arcane. Perhaps we should
// use offsetof() instead, with the invalid-offsetof warning
// temporarily disabled.
#define offset_of(klass,field) \
([]() { \
char space[sizeof (klass)] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED(16); \
klass* dummyObj = (klass*)space; \
char* c = (char*)(void*)&dummyObj->field; \
return (size_t)(c - space); \
对应于 src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmStructs.hpp 的声明如下:
// This table encapsulates the debugging information required by the
// serviceability agent in order to run. Specifically, we need to
// understand the layout of certain C data structures (offsets, in
// bytes, of their fields.)
// There are alternatives for the design of this mechanism, including
// parsing platform-specific debugging symbols from a debug build into
// a program database. While this current mechanism can be considered
// to be a workaround for the inability to debug arbitrary C and C++
// programs at the present time, it does have certain advantages.
// First, it is platform-independent, which will vastly simplify the
// initial bringup of the system both now and on future platforms.
// Second, it is embedded within the VM, as opposed to being in a
// separate program database; experience has shown that whenever
// portions of a system are decoupled, version skew is problematic.
// Third, generating a program database, for example for a product
// build, would probably require two builds to be done: the desired
// product build as well as an intermediary build with the PRODUCT
// flag turned on but also compiled with -g, leading to a doubling of
// the time required to get a serviceability agent-debuggable product
// build. Fourth, and very significantly, this table probably
// preserves more information about field types than stabs do; for
// example, it preserves the fact that a field is a "jlong" rather
// than transforming the type according to the typedef in jni_md.h,
// which allows the Java-side code to identify "Java-sized" fields in
// C++ data structures. If the symbol parsing mechanism was redone
// using stabs, it might still be necessary to have a table somewhere
// containing this information.
// Do not change the sizes or signedness of the integer values in
// these data structures; they are fixed over in the serviceability
// agent's Java code (for bootstrapping).
typedef struct {
const char* typeName; // The type name containing the given field (example: "Klass")
const char* fieldName; // The field name within the type (example: "_name")
const char* typeString; // Quoted name of the type of this field (example: "Symbol*";
// parsed in Java to ensure type correctness
int32_t isStatic; // Indicates whether following field is an offset or an address
uint64_t offset; // Offset of field within structure; only used for nonstatic fields
void* address; // Address of field; only used for static fields
// ("offset" can not be reused because of apparent solstudio compiler bug
// in generation of initializer data)
} VMStructEntry;
typedef struct {
const char* typeName; // Type name (example: "Method")
const char* superclassName; // Superclass name, or null if none (example: "oopDesc")
int32_t isOopType; // Does this type represent an oop typedef? (i.e., "Method*" or
// "Klass*", but NOT "Method")
int32_t isIntegerType; // Does this type represent an integer type (of arbitrary size)?
int32_t isUnsigned; // If so, is it unsigned?
uint64_t size; // Size, in bytes, of the type
} VMTypeEntry;
// This class is a friend of most classes, to be able to access
// private fields
class VMStructs {
// The last entry is identified over in the serviceability agent by
// the fact that it has a null fieldName
static VMStructEntry localHotSpotVMStructs[];
// The last entry is identified over in the serviceability agent by
// the fact that it has a null typeName
static VMTypeEntry localHotSpotVMTypes[];
* Table of addresses.
static VMAddressEntry localHotSpotVMAddresses[];
// This utility macro quotes the passed string
#define QUOTE(x) #x
// VMStructEntry macros
// This macro generates a VMStructEntry line for a nonstatic field
#define GENERATE_NONSTATIC_VM_STRUCT_ENTRY(typeName, fieldName, type) \
{ QUOTE(typeName), QUOTE(fieldName), QUOTE(type), 0, offset_of(typeName, fieldName), nullptr },
// VMTypeEntry macros
#define GENERATE_VM_TYPE_ENTRY(type, superclass) \
{ QUOTE(type), QUOTE(superclass), 0, 0, 0, sizeof(type) },
{ QUOTE(type), nullptr, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(type) },
- 注意上面的 static 声明。
- 每个 SA 需要解释的 JVM 对象将会映射到一个
- 每个 SA 需要解释的
的 field 将会映射到一个VMStructEntry
对应于 src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmStructs.cpp 的定义上面 Object 的 Meta-data 的代码如下:
// This list enumerates all of the fields the serviceability agent
// needs to know about. Be sure to see also the type table below this one.
// NOTE that there are platform-specific additions to this table in
// vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp.
#define VM_STRUCTS(nonstatic_field, \
static_field, \
static_ptr_volatile_field, \
unchecked_nonstatic_field, \
volatile_nonstatic_field, \
...) \
/******************************************************************/ \
/* OopDesc and Klass hierarchies (NOTE: MethodData* incomplete) */ \
/******************************************************************/ \
volatile_nonstatic_field(oopDesc, _mark, markWord) \
volatile_nonstatic_field(oopDesc, _metadata._klass, Klass*) \
volatile_nonstatic_field(oopDesc, _metadata._compressed_klass, narrowKlass) \
// This list must enumerate at least all of the types in the above
// list. For the types in the above list, the entry below must have
// exactly the same spacing since string comparisons are done in the
// code which verifies the consistency of these tables (in the debug
// build).
// In addition to the above types, this list is required to enumerate
// the JNI's java types, which are used to indicate the size of Java
// fields in this VM to the SA. Further, oop types are currently
// distinguished by name (i.e., ends with "oop") over in the SA.
// The declare_toplevel_type macro should be used to declare types
// which do not have a superclass.
// The declare_integer_type and declare_unsigned_integer_type macros
// are required in order to properly identify C integer types over in
// the SA. They should be used for any type which is otherwise opaque
// and which it is necessary to coerce into an integer value. This
// includes, for example, the type uintptr_t. Note that while they
// will properly identify the type's size regardless of the platform,
// since it is does not seem possible to deduce or check signedness at
// compile time using the pointer comparison tricks, it is currently
// required that the given types have the same signedness across all
// platforms.
// NOTE that there are platform-specific additions to this table in
// vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp.
#define VM_TYPES(declare_type, \
declare_toplevel_type, \
declare_oop_type, \
declare_integer_type, \
declare_unsigned_integer_type, \
declare_c1_toplevel_type, \
declare_c2_type, \
declare_c2_toplevel_type) \
... \
/******************************************/ \
/* OopDesc hierarchy (NOTE: some missing) */ \
/******************************************/ \
declare_toplevel_type(oopDesc) \
declare_type(arrayOopDesc, oopDesc) \
declare_type(objArrayOopDesc, arrayOopDesc) \
declare_type(instanceOopDesc, oopDesc) \
// Instantiation of VMStructEntries, VMTypeEntries and VMIntConstantEntries
// These initializers are allowed to access private fields in classes
// as long as class VMStructs is a friend
VMStructEntry VMStructs::localHotSpotVMStructs[] = {
VMTypeEntry VMStructs::localHotSpotVMTypes[] = {
extern "C" {
JNIEXPORT VMStructEntry* gHotSpotVMStructs = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMStructs;
JNIEXPORT VMTypeEntry* gHotSpotVMTypes = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMTypes;
以上使用了 C Macro
/ C Preprocessor
的编写方法,人要从这些参数化+多层嵌套的程序中看到生成的代码有困难。没事,我们直接让 gcc 在编译时保存一下这些 C Preprocessor
生成的中间代码。生成方法见:探视 C Preprocessor 生成代码 。生成后的文件:hotspot/variant-server/libjvm/objs/vmStructs.ii
VMStructEntry VMStructs::localHotSpotVMStructs[] = {
{"oopDesc", "_mark", "markWord", 0,
char space[sizeof (oopDesc)] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
oopDesc* dummyObj = (oopDesc*)space;
char* c = (char*)(void*)&dummyObj->_mark;
return (size_t)(c - space);
}()),//call a lamda expression to get offset of field within structure
{"oopDesc", "_metadata._klass", "Klass*", 0, ([](){ char space[sizeof (oopDesc)] __attribute__((aligned(16))); oopDesc* dummyObj = (oopDesc*)space; char* c = (char*)(void*)&dummyObj->_metadata._klass; return (size_t)(c - space); }()),
{"oopDesc", "_metadata._compressed_klass", "narrowKlass", 0, ([](){ char space[sizeof (oopDesc)] __attribute__((aligned(16))); oopDesc* dummyObj = (oopDesc*)space; char* c = (char*)(void*)&dummyObj->_metadata._compressed_klass; return (size_t)(c - space); }()),
VMTypeEntry VMStructs::localHotSpotVMTypes[] = {
{"oopDesc", nullptr, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(oopDesc)},
{"arrayOopDesc", "oopDesc", 0, 0, 0, sizeof(arrayOopDesc)},
{"objArrayOopDesc", "arrayOopDesc", 0, 0, 0, sizeof(objArrayOopDesc)},
{"instanceOopDesc", "oopDesc", 0, 0, 0, sizeof(instanceOopDesc)},
{"ArrayKlass", "Klass", 0, 0, 0, sizeof(ArrayKlass)},
{"ObjArrayKlass", "ArrayKlass", 0, 0, 0, sizeof(ObjArrayKlass)},
extern "C" {
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) VMStructEntry *gHotSpotVMStructs = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMStructs;
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) VMTypeEntry *gHotSpotVMTypes = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMTypes;
可见,为 jdk build 生成的目标 ./jdk/lib/server/ 增加了 gHotSpotVMStructs 这个全局变量 symbol。
readelf -s ./jdk/lib/server/ | egrep -C10 'gHotSpotVMStructs|gHotSpotVMTypes'
630672: 000000000290a228 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 gHotSpotVMTypes
630673: 000000000290a220 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 gHotSpotVMStructs
这个 gHotSpotVMTypes
symbol 后面会使用到。
hsdb> vmstructsdump
type instanceOopDesc oopDesc false false false 16
type oopDesc null false false false 16
type arrayOopDesc oopDesc false false false 16
type objArrayOopDesc arrayOopDesc false false false 16
field oopDesc _mark markWord false 0 0x0
field oopDesc _metadata._klass Klass* false 8 0x0
field oopDesc _metadata._compressed_klass narrowKlass false 8 0x0
特定 CPU / OS
特定 cpu 架构 / OS 相关的项(例如寄存器、sizeof 类型等)的声明,例如:
// These are the CPU-specific fields, types and integer
// constants required by the Serviceability Agent. This file is
// referenced by vmStructs.cpp.
#define VM_STRUCTS_CPU(nonstatic_field, static_field, unchecked_nonstatic_field, volatile_nonstatic_field, nonproduct_nonstatic_field, c2_nonstatic_field, unchecked_c1_static_field, unchecked_c2_static_field) \
volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor, _last_Java_fp, intptr_t*)
// These are the OS-specific fields, types and integer
// constants required by the Serviceability Agent. This file is
// referenced by vmStructs.cpp.
#define VM_STRUCTS_OS(nonstatic_field, static_field, unchecked_nonstatic_field, volatile_nonstatic_field, nonproduct_nonstatic_field, c2_nonstatic_field, unchecked_c1_static_field, unchecked_c2_static_field)
// These are the OS and CPU-specific fields, types and integer
// constants required by the Serviceability Agent. This file is
// referenced by vmStructs.cpp.
#define VM_STRUCTS_OS_CPU(nonstatic_field, static_field, unchecked_nonstatic_field, volatile_nonstatic_field, nonproduct_nonstatic_field, c2_nonstatic_field, unchecked_c1_static_field, unchecked_c2_static_field) \
/******************************/ \
/* Threads (NOTE: incomplete) */ \
/******************************/ \
nonstatic_field(OSThread, _thread_id, OSThread::thread_id_t) \
nonstatic_field(OSThread, _pthread_id, pthread_t)
HotSpot JVM 为每个Java 线程在内存中维护着一个 flag ,指明每个 Java 线程正在执行哪种代码:
- JVM 内部代码
- “native”代码
- Java 代码。
由于本小节参考文章 The HotSpot Serviceability Agent: An out-of-process high level debugger for a JVM - 是 2001 年的旧文,本小节部分内容可能已经在 2024 年有大变化。但 SA 的设计细想和原理基本不变。
以下以 遍历目标 JVM 的线程列表 为例,说明 SA 的实现原理:
图: SA 中 JVM 数据结构的镜像说明(基于 2001 年的 JVM 版本)
- (A) JVM 的 JavaThread class C++ 代码,包括线程的状态 JavaThread 的 volatile JavaThreadState _thread_state 以 线程列表等数据结构。
enum JavaThreadState 的定义如下:
// JavaThreadState keeps track of which part of the code a thread is executing in. This
// information is needed by the safepoint code.
enum JavaThreadState {
_thread_uninitialized = 0, // should never happen (missing initialization)
_thread_new = 2, // just starting up, i.e., in process of being initialized
_thread_new_trans = 3, // corresponding transition state (not used, included for completeness)
_thread_in_native = 4, // running in native code
_thread_in_native_trans = 5, // corresponding transition state
_thread_in_vm = 6, // running in VM
_thread_in_vm_trans = 7, // corresponding transition state
_thread_in_Java = 8, // running in Java or in stub code
_thread_in_Java_trans = 9, // corresponding transition state (not used, included for completeness)
_thread_blocked = 10, // blocked in vm
_thread_blocked_trans = 11, // corresponding transition state
_thread_max_state = 12 // maximum thread state+1 - used for statistics allocation
- (B) 说明了此数据结构在 JVM 地址空间中的内存布局;从全局线程列表开始,JavaThread 对象链接在一起(基于 2001 年的 JVM 版本)
(C) 访问这些 JavaThread C++ 数据结构的 SA 映射代码 sun/jvm/hotspot/runtime/ 。
SA 采用镜像 JVM C++ 数据结构的方法。当 SA 要创建
目标 JVM 的对象
的镜像对象时,它会使用Address 抽象对象
从目标地址中获取数据,该Address 抽象对象
包含上图的 method 以及数据结构,以及Java 原始数据。
Debugger 解释对象
Attach 到目标 JVM 进程
有兴趣知道 SA 是如何 attach 到 JVM 的读者,见:src/jdk.hotspot.agent/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/linux/ 中的 void attach(int processID)
以及其对应的 JNI native 代码:src/jdk.hotspot.agent/linux/native/libsaproc/LinuxDebuggerLocal.cpp
Native debug 层,类似 gdb 的行为,如 ptrace_attach(pid)
发生在 src/jdk.hotspot.agent/linux/native/libsaproc/ps_proc.c 的 Pgrab(pid_t pid, ...)
Type database 的解释
Type database 的入口地址定位
如果你对 SA 如何读取目标 JVM 内存有兴趣。如何用到 .so/ELF 文件 的 symbol table。下面就是相关的核心 JAVA 代码的调用 stack。
HotSpotTypeDataBase.readVMStructs() (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HotSpotTypeDataBase.HotSpotTypeDataBase(MachineDescription, VtblAccess, Debugger, String[]) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HotSpotAgent.setupVM()(4 usages) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HotSpotAgent.go() (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HotSpotAgent.attach(int) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HSDB.attach(int) (sun.jvm.hotspot) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
HSDB.main(String[]) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
SALauncher.runHSDB(String[]) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
SALauncher.toolMap (sun.jvm.hotspot)
SALauncher.main(String[]) (sun.jvm.hotspot)
- sun/jvm/hotspot/
- sun/jvm/hotspot/
- src/jdk.hotspot.agent/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/debugger/linux/
- src/jdk.hotspot.agent/linux/native/libsaproc/LinuxDebuggerLocal.cpp
而 SA 的实现就是通过 ELF symbol offset 定位目标 VM 内存地址的:
readelf -s ./jdk/lib/server/ | egrep -C10 'gHotSpotVMStructs|gHotSpotVMTypes'
630672: 000000000290a228 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 gHotSpotVMTypes
630673: 000000000290a220 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 gHotSpotVMStructs
然后看 src/jdk.hotspot.agent/share/classes/sun/jvm/hotspot/
/** <P> This is the cross-platform TypeDataBase used by the Oop
hierarchy. The decision was made to make this cross-platform by
having the VM export the necessary symbols via a built-in table;
see src/share/vm/runtime/vmStructs.[ch]pp for more details. </P>
<P> <B>WARNING</B>: clients should refer to this class through the
TypeDataBase interface and not directly to the HotSpotTypeDataBase
type. </P>
<P> NOTE: since we are fetching the sizes of the Java primitive types
public class HotSpotTypeDataBase extends BasicTypeDataBase {
private void readVMTypes() {
// Get the variables we need in order to traverse the VMTypeEntry[]
// Fetch the address of the VMTypeEntry*. We get this symbol first
// and try to use it to make sure that symbol lookup is working.
Address entryAddr = lookupInProcess("gHotSpotVMTypes");
// System.err.println("gHotSpotVMTypes address = " + entryAddr);
// Dereference this once to get the pointer to the first VMTypeEntry
// dumpMemory(entryAddr, 80);
entryAddr = entryAddr.getAddressAt(0);
private void readVMStructs() {
// Fetch the address of the VMStructEntry*
Address entryAddr = lookupInProcess("gHotSpotVMStructs");
// Dereference this once to get the pointer to the first VMStructEntry
entryAddr = entryAddr.getAddressAt(0);
就是在目标 JVM 内存中,根据 ELF symbol 与 mmap ,定位 gHotSpotVMTypes / gHotSpotVMStructs 两个全局变量了。
读取对象内 offset
public class Oop {
static {
VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object data) {
private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException {
Type type = db.lookupType("oopDesc");
mark = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_mark"), 0);
klass = new MetadataField(type.getAddressField("_metadata._klass"), 0);
compressedKlass = new NarrowKlassField(type.getAddressField("_metadata._compressed_klass"), 0);
headerSize = type.getSize();
private static CIntField mark;
private static MetadataField klass;
private static NarrowKlassField compressedKlass;
TypeDataBase db
就是上面的 HotSpotTypeDataBase
Stack 还原
见 [The HotSpot Serviceability Agent: An out-of-process high level debugger for a JVM -] 中的 Traversing the Stacks 。这个有点复杂,需要大量背景知识,有兴趣的读者还是自己阅读吧。
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