花数月时间,精心制作完成了《面向技术宅的 JVM 内幕》的 Safepoint 与 Threads Handshake 两节内容。是我现在能找到的全网最完整细致的 Safepoint 原理与实现分析。以下是节选内容。原文见:



见:《面向技术宅的 JVM 内幕》- Safepoint

Threads Handshake

Threads Handshake 是一种无需执行 Global VM Safepoint 即可在指定线程上执行 callback 的技术。使停止单个线程(而不是停止所有线程)变得可行且 light-weight。




  • 改进偏向锁撤销(biased lock revocation),只停止单个线程以撤销偏向,而不是所有线程。
  • 减少不同类型的可服务性查询 serviceability queries对 VM 整体延迟的影响,例如获取所有线程的堆栈跟踪 stack traces,这在具有大量 Java 线程的 VM 上可能是一项缓慢的操作。
  • 通过减少对信号 signals的依赖来执行更安全的堆栈跟踪采样。
  • 通过与 Java 线程进行握手,使用所谓的 Asymmetric Dekker Synchronization 技术消除一些内存屏障 memory barrier。例如,G1 与 CMS 均需要使用的 conditional card mark code 将不需要memory barrier。因此,可以优化 G1 post write barrier

所有这些都均通过减少 global safepoint 的数量来帮助 VM 实现更低的延迟。


handshake operation 是针对每个 JavaThread 执行的 callback,该 callback 在该线程处于 safepoint 时执行。 callback 由被 safepoint 挂起的 目标线程 本身或 VM thread 执行,同时保持 目标线程 处于 blocked state
safepointinghandshaking 之间的最大区别在于,每个(可以多个) 目标线程 的操作将尽快在 目标线程 上执行,并且它们将在自己的 callback 操作完成后立即恢复原程序的执行。如果已知 目标 JavaThread 正在运行,那么也可以与该目标 JavaThread 进行 handshaking

在初始实现中,同一时间点最多只能有一个 handshake operation 实例。但是,该 handshake operation 可以指定多个 目标 JavaThreadVM Thread 将通过一个 VM operation 协调 handshake operation ,这将有效地防止在执行 handshake operation 期间触发 global safepoint

当前的 safepoint 实现方案已修改为:
在每个线程中增加本地指针,执行间接寻址 polling page (将在下文说明),这使得可以指定单个线程的原程序,因访问了禁止访问的保护页面(trap on the guard page) 而中收到 SIGSEGV signal 并断切换到 signal handler 。本质上,始终会有两个 polling page :一个始终受保护(不能访问),另一个始终不受保护(可访问)。为了强制线程 让步(yield),VM 会更新 目标线程 的 polling page 指针以指向受保护的 page。

Thread-local handshakes 最初在 x64 和 SPARC 上实现。其他平台保持原有安全点。新 java 选项 -XX:ThreadLocalHandshakes(默认值为 true)允许用户在受支持的平台上选择原有安全点方案。


JavaThread - State

Safepoint 机制的实现依赖于 JavaThread


class JavaThread: public Thread {
  // Safepoint support
 public:                                                        // Expose _thread_state for SafeFetchInt()
  volatile JavaThreadState _thread_state;
  SafepointMechanism::ThreadData _poll_data;
  ThreadSafepointState*          _safepoint_state;              // Holds information about a thread during a safepoint
  address                        _saved_exception_pc;           // Saved pc of instruction where last implicit exception happened


// JavaThreadState keeps track of which part of the code a thread is executing in. This
// information is needed by the safepoint code.
// There are 4 essential states:
//  _thread_new         : Just started, but not executed init. code yet (most likely still in OS init code)
//  _thread_in_native   : In native code. This is a safepoint region, since all oops will be in jobject handles
//  _thread_in_vm       : Executing in the vm
//  _thread_in_Java     : Executing either interpreted or compiled Java code (or could be in a stub)
// Each state has an associated xxxx_trans state, which is an intermediate state used when a thread is in
// a transition from one state to another. These extra states makes it possible for the safepoint code to
// handle certain thread_states without having to suspend the thread - making the safepoint code faster.
// Given a state, the xxxx_trans state can always be found by adding 1.
enum JavaThreadState {
  _thread_uninitialized     =  0, // should never happen (missing initialization)
  _thread_new               =  2, // just starting up, i.e., in process of being initialized
  _thread_new_trans         =  3, // corresponding transition state (not used, included for completeness)
  _thread_in_native         =  4, // running in native code
  _thread_in_native_trans   =  5, // corresponding transition state
  _thread_in_vm             =  6, // running in VM
  _thread_in_vm_trans       =  7, // corresponding transition state
  _thread_in_Java           =  8, // running in Java or in stub code
  _thread_in_Java_trans     =  9, // corresponding transition state (not used, included for completeness)
  _thread_blocked           = 10, // blocked in vm
  _thread_blocked_trans     = 11, // corresponding transition state
  _thread_max_state         = 12  // maximum thread state+1 - used for statistics allocation

其中 class JavaThreadJavaThreadState _thread_state 字段记录了线程的状态。


图: JavaThread 状态机
用 Draw.io 打开

来自: HotSpot JVM Deep Dive - Safepoint

This is the state machine for the java thread and we can further classify it into the following categories:

  • mutable thread state it's a state in which the thread can mute it the java heap or its thread local gc routes
  • immutable thread states is a state where the threat can do none of these things
  • transition states which act like bridges between the mutable and the immutable states a transition state has a safe point check or a poll instruction together with appropriate fencing

这是 Java 线程的状态机,我们可以进一步将其分为以下类别:

  • mutable thread state 可变线程状态 线程可以修改 Java 堆或其线程本地 GC 数据
  • immutable thread states 不可变线程状态 不能修改 oop 的状态
  • transition states 过渡状态 充当mutable thread stateimmutable thread states 之间的桥梁,过渡状态具有 safe point check轮询指令 以及适当的隔离

来自: HotSpot JVM Deep Dive - Safepoint

Let's for example take a look at this situation:
we have a new thread comes into being it starts running in the VM state.
Let's say this thread now wants to execute some java code. In order to do that it will need to traverse a transition into the java state and as that the transition as we said contains a save point check. Some notable transitions here is that the java code(java state) can transition to VM state and to Native state without performing save point checks instead the save point check is performed when the thread returns to state java.

Another important takeaway here is that code executing in state native is considered safe this means that during a safe point java threads can actually continue running native code and this also means that counter to the intuitive notion that a safe point involves blocking or halting all java threads it only means that they do not executein a sense a sensitive mutable state

关于 transition states 的作用 ,让我们看一下这种情况:
我们有一个新的线程出现,一开始在 VM state 中运行。
假设这个线程现在要执行一些 Java 代码。为了做到这一点,它将需要间接跳转到 java state ,这个跳转包含 safepoint check。 值得注意的是,Java 代码(Java state) 可以直接跳转到 VM statenative state无需 执行 safepoint check,但在线程返回到 Java state 时执行,需要 safepoint check 。

另一个要注意的是,在native state下执行的代码被认为是安全的,这意味着在安全点期间,java 线程实际上可以继续运行 native code ,这也意味着,与安全点会阻塞或停止所有 java 线程的直观想法相反,在安全点上的线程,只意味着不会执行敏感的 mutable state 操作。




图: Threads Handshake

用 Draw.io 打开

发起 Handshake 的线程叫 handshaker。它创建 HandshakeOperation 对象。
一个 HandshakeOperation 对象 对象可以对应多个目标线程,叫 handshakee 。只有所有 handshakeedo_thread 都运行过了,HandshakeOperation 才算完成。

Handshake 的过程分为以下几步:

  1. Handshakee 线程 Polling Safepoint
  2. Handshaker 发起 Handshake。有两种方式:

    • Handshake::execute(...)
    • VM_HandshakeAllThreads 是一个 VM_Operation ,过程经由 VM Thread 发起 global safepoint
  3. Arming Handshakee
  4. Handshakee check safepoint,执行 handshake closure
  5. Handshaker 结束

Handshake Arming


以下结合示例代码 SafepointGDB.java ,以及本书实验环境一节 用 VSCode gdb 去 debug JVM 的环境,来理论结合实验 fact check 分析一下内存分配失败后诱发 GC 的 Safepoint 流程。

由于 ZGC 重度使用 Handshake ,所以下面以 ZGC 为例。

bash -c 'echo $$ > /tmp/jvm-insider.pid && exec setarch $(uname -m) --addr-no-randomize /home/labile/opensource/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-slowdebug-hsdis/jdk/bin/java -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch  -Xms100m -Xmx100m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=5 -server -XX:+UseZGC  -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions "-Xlog:gc*=debug::tid" -Xlog:safepoint=debug::tid -cp /home/labile/pub-diy/jvm-insider-book/memory/java-obj-layout/out/production/java-obj-layout com.mygraphql.jvm.insider.safepoint.SafepointGDB'

ZGC XMark submit VM_HandshakeAllThreads VM_Operation :

libjvm.so!VM_HandshakeAllThreads::VM_HandshakeAllThreads(VM_HandshakeAllThreads * const this, HandshakeOperation * op) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:239)
libjvm.so!Handshake::execute(HandshakeClosure * hs_cl) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:349)
libjvm.so!XMark::flush(XMark * const this, bool at_safepoint) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:472)
libjvm.so!XMark::try_flush(XMark * const this, volatile size_t * nflush) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:483)
libjvm.so!XMark::try_proactive_flush(XMark * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:498)
libjvm.so!XMark::work_without_timeout(XMark * const this, XMarkContext * context) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:571)
libjvm.so!XMark::work(XMark * const this, uint64_t timeout_in_micros) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:647)
libjvm.so!XMarkTask::work(XMarkTask * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xMark.cpp:771)
libjvm.so!XTask::Task::work(XTask::Task * const this, uint worker_id) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/x/xTask.cpp:34)
libjvm.so!WorkerTaskDispatcher::worker_run_task(WorkerTaskDispatcher * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/workerThread.cpp:69)
libjvm.so!WorkerThread::run(WorkerThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/workerThread.cpp:196)
libjvm.so!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)
libjvm.so!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)

VM Thread Handle VM_Operation:

libjvm.so!VM_HandshakeAllThreads::doit(VM_HandshakeAllThreads * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:250)
libjvm.so!VM_Operation::evaluate(VM_Operation * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmOperations.cpp:71)
libjvm.so!VMThread::evaluate_operation(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:281)
libjvm.so!VMThread::inner_execute(VMThread * const this, VM_Operation * op) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:435)
libjvm.so!VMThread::loop(VMThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:502)
libjvm.so!VMThread::run(VMThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmThread.cpp:175)
libjvm.so!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)
libjvm.so!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)
class VM_HandshakeAllThreads: public VM_Operation {

  void doit() {
    jlong start_time_ns = os::javaTimeNanos();

    JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh;
    int number_of_threads_issued = 0;
    for (JavaThread* thr = jtiwh.next(); thr != nullptr; thr = jtiwh.next()) {
  • Common-Cleaner

threads call do_handshake() :

libjvm.so!HandshakeOperation::do_handshake(HandshakeOperation * const this, JavaThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:319)
libjvm.so!HandshakeState::process_by_self(HandshakeState * const this, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:562)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:159)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:83)
libjvm.so!ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<void (JavaThread*)>::~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess()(ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<void(JavaThread*)> * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp:218)
libjvm.so!ThreadBlockInVM::~ThreadBlockInVM(ThreadBlockInVM * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp:223)
libjvm.so!Parker::park(Parker * const this, bool isAbsolute, jlong time) (/src/hotspot/os/posix/os_posix.cpp:1741)
libjvm.so!Unsafe_Park(JNIEnv * env, jobject unsafe, jboolean isAbsolute, jlong time) (/src/hotspot/share/prims/unsafe.cpp:768)
[Unknown/Just-In-Time compiled code] (Unknown Source:0)
  • C2 CompilerThre

threads call do_handshake() :

libjvm.so!HandshakeOperation::do_handshake(HandshakeOperation * const this, JavaThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:319)
libjvm.so!HandshakeState::process_by_self(HandshakeState * const this, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:562)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:159)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:83)
libjvm.so!ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease>::~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess(ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess<InFlightMutexRelease> * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp:218)
libjvm.so!Monitor::wait(Monitor * const this, uint64_t timeout) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutex.cpp:255)
libjvm.so!MonitorLocker::wait(MonitorLocker * const this, int64_t timeout) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp:255)
libjvm.so!CompileQueue::get(CompileQueue * const this, CompilerThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp:414)
libjvm.so!CompileBroker::compiler_thread_loop() (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp:1907)
libjvm.so!CompilerThread::thread_entry(JavaThread * thread, JavaThread * __the_thread__) (/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerThread.cpp:58)
libjvm.so!JavaThread::thread_main_inner(JavaThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/javaThread.cpp:719)
libjvm.so!JavaThread::run(JavaThread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/javaThread.cpp:704)
libjvm.so!Thread::call_run(Thread * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/thread.cpp:217)
libjvm.so!thread_native_entry(Thread * thread) (/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:778)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)
  • PollinSafepoin // Java Thread running java app code

threads call do_handshake() :

libjvm.so!HandshakeOperation::do_handshake(HandshakeOperation * const this, JavaThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:319)
libjvm.so!HandshakeState::process_by_self(HandshakeState * const this, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/handshake.cpp:562)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:159)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested(JavaThread * thread, bool allow_suspend, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:83)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested_with_exit_check(JavaThread * thread, bool check_async_exception) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp:88)
libjvm.so!ThreadSafepointState::handle_polling_page_exception(ThreadSafepointState * const this) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:985)
libjvm.so!SafepointSynchronize::handle_polling_page_exception(JavaThread * thread) (/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepoint.cpp:778)
[Unknown/Just-In-Time compiled code] (Unknown Source:0)
  • main thread sleep in native thread state
libc.so.6!__GI___libc_read(size_t nbytes, void * buf, int fd) (read.c:26)
libc.so.6!__GI___libc_read(int fd, void * buf, size_t nbytes) (read.c:24)
libjava.so!handleRead(jint fd, void * buf, jint len) (/src/java.base/unix/native/libjava/io_util_md.c:188)
libjava.so!readBytes(JNIEnv * env, jobject this, jbyteArray bytes, jint off, jint len, jfieldID fid) (/src/java.base/share/native/libjava/io_util.c:109)
libjava.so!Java_java_io_FileInputStream_readBytes(JNIEnv * env, jobject this, jbyteArray bytes, jint off, jint len) (/src/java.base/share/native/libjava/FileInputStream.c:72)
[Unknown/Just-In-Time compiled code] (Unknown Source:0)



Java 线程会高频检查 safepoint flag(safepoint check/polling) ,当发现为 true(arm) 时,就到达(进入) safepoint 状态。

JVM 初始化

JVM 在启动时,就已经初始化了两个 Memory Page ,用于 safepoint 。一个 bad_page 不可读,如在它上执行 test x86指令,线程会因收到信号而挂起并跳转到信号处理器代码 。一个 good_page 可读,可正常执行 test x86指令:


libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::default_initialize() (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:68)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::pd_initialize() (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.hpp:56)
libjvm.so!SafepointMechanism::initialize() (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/safepointMechanism.cpp:171)
libjvm.so!Threads::create_vm(JavaVMInitArgs * args, bool * canTryAgain) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/threads.cpp:492)
libjvm.so!JNI_CreateJavaVM_inner(JavaVM ** vm, void ** penv, void * args) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp:3577)
libjvm.so!JNI_CreateJavaVM(JavaVM ** vm, void ** penv, void * args) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp:3668)
libjli.so!InitializeJVM(JavaVM ** pvm, JNIEnv ** penv, InvocationFunctions * ifn) (/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c:1506)
libjli.so!JavaMain(void * _args) (/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c:415)
libjli.so!ThreadJavaMain(void * args) (/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md.c:650)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)


uintptr_t SafepointMechanism::_poll_word_armed_value;
uintptr_t SafepointMechanism::_poll_page_armed_value;

//   const static intptr_t _poll_bit = 1;

void SafepointMechanism::default_initialize() {
  // Poll bit values
  _poll_word_armed_value    = poll_bit();
  _poll_word_disarmed_value = ~_poll_word_armed_value;

    // Polling page
    const size_t page_size = os::vm_page_size();
    const size_t allocation_size = 2 * page_size;
    char* polling_page = os::reserve_memory(allocation_size);
    os::commit_memory_or_exit(polling_page, allocation_size, false, "Unable to commit Safepoint polling page");
    MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_type((address)polling_page, mtSafepoint);

    char* bad_page  = polling_page;
    char* good_page = polling_page + page_size;

    os::protect_memory(bad_page,  page_size, os::MEM_PROT_NONE);
    os::protect_memory(good_page, page_size, os::MEM_PROT_READ);

    log_info(os)("SafePoint Polling address, bad (protected) page:" INTPTR_FORMAT ", good (unprotected) page:" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(bad_page), p2i(good_page));

    // Poll address values
    _poll_page_armed_value    = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bad_page); // <<<<<<<
    _poll_page_disarmed_value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(good_page); // <<<<<<<
    _polling_page = (address)bad_page; // <<<<<<<


真正 Polling



class JavaThread: public Thread {
  SafepointMechanism::ThreadData _poll_data;
  ThreadSafepointState*          _safepoint_state;              // Holds information about a thread during a safepoint
  address                        _saved_exception_pc;           // Saved pc of instruction where last implicit exception happened


class SafepointMechanism {
  static address _polling_page;
  struct ThreadData {
    volatile uintptr_t _polling_word;
    volatile uintptr_t _polling_page;

从上面代码,可以猜到 SafepointMechanism._polling_page 是个 Global var。对应着 Global Safepoint。 而 JavaThread._poll_data._polling_page 是 Thread Local 的,对应着 Thread-Local Handshakes 。

自从 OpenJDK10 的 JEP 312: Thread-Local Handshakes - 2017年 后,就有了非 JVM Global 的 Safepoint - Thread Safepoint 。而 JVM Global 的 Safepoint 好像也修改为基于 Thread-Local Handshakes 去实现,即对每一条 JavaThread 执行 Thread-Local Handshakes

在 OpenJDK10 时,可以通过 -XX:-ThreadLocalHandshakes 去禁用 ThreadLocalHandshakes ,但以下几个过程后就不可以禁用了:

  • Deprecated in JDK13
  • Obsoleted in JDK14
  • Expired in JDK15

原因当然是 OpenJDK 已经强依赖于这个特性了: Obsolete ThreadLocalHandshakes - bugs.openjdk.org .

JIT 编译后的 Polling

可以用下图说明 polling_page 的切换:


图: polling_page 的切换. Source: The Inner Workings of Safepoints 2023 - mostlynerdless.de


图: JavaThread 与 R15 寄存器. Source: Robbin Ehn: Handshaking HotSpot - Youtube Java Channel - 2020

上图意为,读取本线程对应的 JavaThread._poll_data(SafepointMechanism::ThreadData).polling_page 指向的地址。其中 R15 寄存器一般会指向本线程对应的 JavaThread。

// Generated poll in JIT 
// poll-offset: JavaThread._poll_data(SafepointMechanism::ThreadData).polling_page 在 JavaThread 的 offset
// thread_reg: 一般指 R15 寄存器,用于保存本线程对应的 JavaThread
mov poll-offset + thread_reg, reg 
test rax, reg

Source: Robbin Ehn: Handshaking HotSpot - Youtube Java Channel - 2020

上面显示需要两条机器指令,才能完成 polling。如果你看过 OpenJDK11 之前的资料,之前应该就一条机器指令就够了:

test   DWORD PTR [rip+0xa2b0966],eax  

主要原因是 OpenJDK11 默认启用 JEP 312: Thread-Local Handshakes 的设计,要求每条 Thread 有自己的 polling_page 指针,所以需要多一条机器命令来多一层寻址。

JIT Polling 实验

下面,用实验观察的方法 fact check 一下。直接采用本书的 Stack Memory Anatomy - 堆栈内存剖析 - Java Options 一节中的示例环境、程序、输出。尝试在 java ... -XX:+PrintAssembly ... -XX:LogFile=./round3/mylogfile.log 输出的 JIT 汇编 mylogfile.log 文件中,找出 Polling 指令。

  1. 启动 GDB Debugger,见 Stack Memory Anatomy - 堆栈内存剖析 - 启动 debugger 一节
  2. Inspect JavaThread object layout。详见 GDB JVM FAQ - Inspect Object Layout 一节
(gdb) ptype /xo 'Thread'
/* offset      |    size */  type = class Thread : public ThreadShadow {
                               static class Thread *_thr_current;
/* 0x0020      |  0x0008 */    uint64_t _nmethod_disarmed_guard_value;
...                             public:
/* 0x048c      |  0x0004 */    volatile enum JavaThreadState _thread_state;
/* 0x0490      |  0x0010 */    struct SafepointMechanism::ThreadData {
/* 0x0490      |  0x0008 */        volatile uintptr_t _polling_word;
/* 0x0498      |  0x0008 */        volatile uintptr_t _polling_page;

                                   /* total size (bytes):   16 */
                               } _poll_data;
/* 0x04a0      |  0x0008 */    class ThreadSafepointState *_safepoint_state;
/* 0x04a8      |  0x0008 */    address _saved_exception_pc;
  1. 找到 Poll 指令

可见,_polling_page 的 offset 为 0x0498,即 0x498 。于是,在 mylogfile.log 中找 0x498 。发现几百个,抽其中一个:

[Entry Point]
  # {method} {0x00007ffbf4249ab8} &apos;enqueue&apos; &apos;(Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionNode;)V&apos; in &apos;java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer&apos;
  # this:     rsi:rsi   = &apos;java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer&apos;
  # parm0:    rdx:rdx   = &apos;java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionNode&apos;
  #           [sp+0x40]  (sp of caller)
  0x00007fffed738747:   call   0x00007fffed1170a0           ; ImmutableOopMap {[0]=Oop [16]=Derived_oop_[0] [8]=Oop [24]=Oop }
                                                            ;*invokevirtual setPrevRelaxed {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                            ; - java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::enqueue@31 (line 614)
                                                            ;   {optimized virtual_call}
  0x00007fffed73874c:   nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x23c]  ;   {other}
  0x00007fffed738786:   mov    BYTE PTR [r9+r10*1],0x0      ;*ifeq {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                            ; - java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::enqueue@40 (line 615)
 ;; B8: #    out( B3 B9 ) &lt;- in( B7 B6 )  Freq: 8.17349
  0x00007fffed73878b:   mov    r10,QWORD PTR [r15+0x498]    ; ImmutableOopMap {rdx=Oop [0]=Oop r8=Derived_oop_[0] [24]=Oop }
                                                            ;*ifeq {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
                                                            ; - (reexecute) java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::enqueue@40 (line 615)
  0x00007fffed738792:   test   DWORD PTR [r10],eax          ;   {poll}
  0x00007fffed738795:   test   r11d,r11d
  0x00007fffed738798:   je     0x00007fffed738722


0x00007fffed73878b:   mov    r10,QWORD PTR [r15+0x498]
0x00007fffed738792:   test   DWORD PTR [r10],eax

即为 Safepoint polling。 上文已经介绍过, r15 寄存器保存 Thread Local 的 JavaThread 对象指针。还可以看到一些 OopMap 的身影。

Java 源码:


606:     final void enqueue(ConditionNode node) {
607:         if (node != null) {
608:             boolean unpark = false;
609:             for (Node t;;) {
610:                 if ((t = tail) == null && (t = tryInitializeHead()) == null) {
611:                     unpark = true;             
612:                     break;
613:                 }
614:                 node.setPrevRelaxed(t);        // <<<< Safe point polled after call
615:                 if (casTail(t, node)) { 
616:                     t.next = node;
617:                     if (t.status < 0)         
618:                         unpark = true;
619:                     break;
620:                 }
621:             }
622:             if (unpark)
623:                 LockSupport.unpark(node.waiter);
624:         }
625:     }
  1. 进一步探索

这时,再看看 JavaThread 的属性。要知道 JavaThread 的属性,首先要知道 JavaThread 的地址。这时用 jhsdb:

hsdb> threads
513811 main
Stack in use by Java: 0x00007ffff5285740 .. 0x00007ffff5285830
Base of Stack: 0x00007ffff5287000
Last_Java_SP: 0x00007ffff5285740
Last_Java_FP: null
Last_Java_PC: 0x00007fffed72c9af
Thread id: 513811

hsdb> threadcontext 513811
Thread "main" id=513811 Address=0x00007ffff002b3c0

可见,main JavaThread 的地址为 Address=0x00007ffff002b3c0 。hsdb inspect 一下:

hsdb> inspect 0x00007ffff002b3c0
Type is JavaThread (size of 1904)
oop ThreadShadow::_pending_exception: null
char* ThreadShadow::_exception_file: char @ null
int ThreadShadow::_exception_line: 0
ThreadLocalAllocBuffer Thread::_tlab: ThreadLocalAllocBuffer @ 0x00007ffff002b580
jlong Thread::_allocated_bytes: 0
ResourceArea* Thread::_resource_area: ResourceArea @ 0x00007ffff0018ba0
LockStack JavaThread::_lock_stack: LockStack @ 0x00007ffff002bae8
OopHandle JavaThread::_threadObj: OopHandle @ 0x00007ffff002b770
OopHandle JavaThread::_vthread: OopHandle @ 0x00007ffff002b778
OopHandle JavaThread::_jvmti_vthread: OopHandle @ 0x00007ffff002b780
OopHandle JavaThread::_scopedValueCache: OopHandle @ 0x00007ffff002b788
JavaFrameAnchor JavaThread::_anchor: JavaFrameAnchor @ 0x00007ffff002b798
oop JavaThread::_vm_result: null
Metadata* JavaThread::_vm_result_2: Metadata @ null
ObjectMonitor* JavaThread::_current_pending_monitor: ObjectMonitor @ null
bool JavaThread::_current_pending_monitor_is_from_java: 1
ObjectMonitor* JavaThread::_current_waiting_monitor: ObjectMonitor @ null
uint32_t JavaThread::_suspend_flags: 0
oop JavaThread::_exception_oop: null
address JavaThread::_exception_pc: address @ 0x00007ffff002b918
int JavaThread::_is_method_handle_return: 0
address JavaThread::_saved_exception_pc: address @ 0x00007ffff002b868
JavaThreadState JavaThread::_thread_state: 10
OSThread* JavaThread::_osthread: OSThread @ 0x00007ffff002d9a0
address JavaThread::_stack_base: address @ 0x00007ffff002b718
size_t JavaThread::_stack_size: 1048576
vframeArray* JavaThread::_vframe_array_head: vframeArray @ null
vframeArray* JavaThread::_vframe_array_last: vframeArray @ 0x00007ffff031da90
JNIHandleBlock* JavaThread::_active_handles: JNIHandleBlock @ 0x00007ffff01686f0
JavaThread::TerminatedTypes JavaThread::_terminated: 57002

还是 gdb 的信息会比 hsdb 多:

$1 = (class JavaThread *) 0x7ffff002b3c0
(gdb) p *((JavaThread*)0x00007ffff002b3c0)
$2 = {<Thread> = {<ThreadShadow> = {<CHeapObj<(MEMFLAGS)2>> = {<No data fields>}, _vptr.ThreadShadow = 0x7ffff7b4c4c8 <vtable for JavaThread+16>, _pending_exception = 0x0, _exception_file = 0x0, _exception_line = 0}, _nmethod_disarmed_guard_value = 1, ...

(gdb) p /x ((JavaThread*)0x00007ffff002b3c0)->_poll_data._polling_page
$4 = 0x7ffff7fa1000

然后,在 这前 pmap 的输出文件 pmap.txt 中找到:

         Address Perm   Offset Device    Inode     Size     Rss     Pss Referenced Anonymous LazyFree ShmemPmdMapped FilePmdMapped Shared_Hugetlb Private_Hugetlb Swap SwapPss Locked THPeligible Mapping

    7ffff7fa1000 ---p 00000000  00:00        0        4       0       0          0         0        0              0             0              0               0    0       0      0           0 
    7ffff7fa2000 r--p 00000000  00:00        0        4       0       0          0         0        0              0             0              0               0    0       0      0           0 

可见,在 core dump 时,thread local 的 _polling_page 指向了 bad page(没有 r Perm) 。即是 arming 状态。

再好奇一下 SafepointMechanism 的 static page 指针。

p/x SafepointMechanism::_poll_page_armed_value
$5 = 0x7ffff7fa1000 (Perm:---p)
p/x SafepointMechanism::_poll_page_disarmed_value
$6 = 0x7ffff7fa2000 (Perm:r--p)
p/x SafepointMechanism::_polling_page
$7 = 0x7ffff7fa1000
更多 JIT Polling 实现方式

以上是 JIT Polling 方式的一个重要实现方式,JIT 对于不同类型的场景,可能会使用不同的方式。如: //TBD .

Non-JIT Polling



Reach and handle

在 VMThread arm safepoint (详见本书的 Safepoint - Arm Safepoint - 标记所有线程) 后。polling 的应用线程最终会感知到 safepoint 的聚集要求(arming)。

  • 对于 绿色 immutable thread state 状态的 JavaThread:

    vm thread 通过 arm Java 线程的 polling page,这实际上在 arm safepoint 期间阻止了线程从所有绿色 immutable thread state 中唤醒/返回后,转换到任何红色 unsafe mutable thread state 。见 src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp

    // Each state has an associated xxxx_trans state, which is an intermediate state used when a thread is in
    // a transition from one state to another. These extra states makes it possible for the safepoint code to
    // handle certain thread_states without having to suspend the thread - making the safepoint code faster.


图: 当 JavaThread 被 arm polling page 后的状态机变化
用 Draw.io 打开

  • 对于 红色 mutable thread state 状态的 JavaThread:

    vm thread 通过 arm Java 线程的 polling page, 触发 Java 线程从 mutable thread state 转换为 immutable thread state 状态。并且作为此转换的结果,线程本地 GC 树被同步到 JavaThread 对象。

    对于 VM state 的线程,这意味着需要等待线程自行完成转换。VM state 中只有少数几个地方显式执行安全点检查。例如,在争夺 VM mutex 互斥锁VM monitor 时。此设计的前提是 Java 线程应尽可能少地处于 VM state。但对于在 state java 下运行的线程,情况有所不同。

下图举一个例子,尝试说明在几种线程状态和操作系统调度环境下,线程到达 Safepoint (GetStackTrace 需要 Stop The World) 的情况。


图: 几种状态和系统调度环境下,线程到达 Safepoint 的情况. Source: Safepoints: Meaning, Side Effects and Overheads - psy-lob-saw.blogspot.com

  • 绿色箭头:java state thread and running on CPU
  • 黄色箭头:java state thread and off CPU (因 CPU 资源不足等原因)
  • 红色箭头:JNI state thread

从 VMThread arm safepoint 到 应用线程 Reach Safepoint 的延迟,叫 Time To Safe Point(TTSP)

每个线程在进行 safepoint check 时如发现 safepoint arming 都会进入安全点。但到达 safepoint check 前需要执行机器指令的数量不是固定的。上图中,我们可以看到:

  • J1 直接命中安全点轮询并被暂停。J2 和 J3 正在争夺可用的 CPU 时间。J3 抢占了一些 CPU 时间,将 J2 推入运行队列,但 J2 并未进入安全点。J3 到达安全点并暂停,从而腾出内核,让 J2 取得足够的进展,进入安全点轮询。
  • J4 和 J5 在执行 JNI 代码(JNI state)时属于Immutable thread state,它们不受 Safepoint 挂起影响。请注意,J5 在 Stop The World 执行到一半时试图离开 JNI,并在恢复执行 Java 代码前被暂停。重要的是,我们观察到不同线程到达安全点的时间各不相同,有些线程暂停的时间比其他线程长,Java 线程花很长时间到达安全点可能会耽误其他线程。

OpenJDK9 前,用 -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime 可以打印出 TTSP 。OpenJDK9 后,由于采用了 Unified Logging for GC logging 的设计,配置修改成:

Signal Handle

JVM 启动初始化时,安装了JVM 自用的 Signal Handler :

Stack :

libjvm.so!PosixSignals::install_sigaction_signal_handler(sigaction * sigAct, sigaction * oldSigAct, int sig, sa_sigaction_t handler) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/posix/signals_posix.cpp:900)
libjvm.so!set_signal_handler(int sig) (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/posix/signals_posix.cpp:1271)
libjvm.so!install_signal_handlers() (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/posix/signals_posix.cpp:1313)
libjvm.so!PosixSignals::init() (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/posix/signals_posix.cpp:1855) // <<<<----
libjvm.so!os::init_2() (/jdk/src/hotspot/os/linux/os_linux.cpp:4613)
libjvm.so!Threads::create_vm(JavaVMInitArgs * args, bool * canTryAgain) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/runtime/threads.cpp:482)
libjvm.so!JNI_CreateJavaVM_inner(JavaVM ** vm, void ** penv, void * args) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp:3577)
libjvm.so!JNI_CreateJavaVM(JavaVM ** vm, void ** penv, void * args) (/jdk/src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp:3668)
libjli.so!InitializeJVM(JavaVM ** pvm, JNIEnv ** penv, InvocationFunctions * ifn) (/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c:1506)
libjli.so!JavaMain(void * _args) (/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c:415)
libjli.so!ThreadJavaMain(void * args) (/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md.c:650)
libc.so.6!start_thread(void * arg) (pthread_create.c:442)
libc.so.6!clone3() (clone3.S:81)


// install signal handlers for signals that HotSpot needs to
// handle in order to support Java-level exception handling.
void install_signal_handlers() {
  set_signal_handler(SIGSEGV); // <<<<<<<

void set_signal_handler(int sig) {
  struct sigaction sigAct;
  int ret = PosixSignals::install_sigaction_signal_handler(&sigAct, &oldAct,
                                                           sig, javaSignalHandler); // <<<<----

// Entry point for the hotspot signal handler.
static void javaSignalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* context) {
  // Do not add any code here!
  // Only add code to either JVM_HANDLE_XXX_SIGNAL or PosixSignals::pd_hotspot_signal_handler.
  (void)JVM_HANDLE_XXX_SIGNAL(sig, info, context, true);

int JVM_HANDLE_XXX_SIGNAL(int sig, siginfo_t* info,
                          void* ucVoid, int abort_if_unrecognized)
  // Call platform dependent signal handler.
  if (!signal_was_handled) {
    JavaThread* const jt = (t != nullptr && t->is_Java_thread()) ? JavaThread::cast(t) : nullptr;
    signal_was_handled = PosixSignals::pd_hotspot_signal_handler(sig, info, uc, jt); // <<<<----

Signal Handler 实现:


bool PosixSignals::pd_hotspot_signal_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info,
                                             ucontext_t* uc, JavaThread* thread) {
    pc = (address) os::Posix::ucontext_get_pc(uc); // <<<<< 引发 SIGSEGV 的机器指令地址

    if (sig == SIGSEGV && info->si_addr == 0 && info->si_code == SI_KERNEL) {
      // An irrecoverable SI_KERNEL SIGSEGV has occurred.
      // It's likely caused by dereferencing an address larger than TASK_SIZE.
      return false;

    // Handle ALL stack overflow variations here
    if (sig == SIGSEGV) {
      address addr = (address) info->si_addr; // <<<<< 引发 SIGSEGV 的寻址地址                                             
    if (thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_Java) {
      // Java thread running in Java code => find exception handler if any
      // a fault inside compiled code, the interpreter, or a stub

      if (sig == SIGSEGV && SafepointMechanism::is_poll_address((address)info->si_addr)) {  // <<<<< 引发 SIGSEGV 的寻址地址是 JVM自己初始化时建立的 bad page
        stub = SharedRuntime::get_poll_stub(pc); //  <<<<----
      } else ...
    } else ...
    // jni_fast_Get<Primitive>Field can trap at certain pc's if a GC kicks in
    // and the heap gets shrunk before the field access.
    if ((sig == SIGSEGV) || (sig == SIGBUS)) {
      address addr = JNI_FastGetField::find_slowcase_pc(pc);
      if (addr != (address)-1) {
        stub = addr;
  if (stub != nullptr) {
    // save all thread context in case we need to restore it
    if (thread != nullptr) thread->set_saved_exception_pc(pc);

    os::Posix::ucontext_set_pc(uc, stub); // <<<<---- 直接修改 PC 寄存器,goto 跳到上面获取的 SafepointBlob Stub 机器码中
    return true;


SafepointBlob Stub 机器码获取 - poll_stub


address SharedRuntime::get_poll_stub(address pc) {
  address stub;
  // Look up the code blob
  CodeBlob *cb = CodeCache::find_blob(pc);

  // Should be an nmethod
  guarantee(cb != nullptr && cb->is_compiled(), "safepoint polling: pc must refer to an nmethod");

  // Look up the relocation information
      "safepoint polling: type must be poll at pc " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc));
  bool at_poll_return = ((CompiledMethod*)cb)->is_at_poll_return(pc);
  bool has_wide_vectors = ((CompiledMethod*)cb)->has_wide_vectors();
  if (at_poll_return) {
    assert(SharedRuntime::polling_page_return_handler_blob() != nullptr,
           "polling page return stub not created yet");
    stub = SharedRuntime::polling_page_return_handler_blob()->entry_point();
  } else if (has_wide_vectors) {
    assert(SharedRuntime::polling_page_vectors_safepoint_handler_blob() != nullptr,
           "polling page vectors safepoint stub not created yet");
    stub = SharedRuntime::polling_page_vectors_safepoint_handler_blob()->entry_point();
  } else {
    assert(SharedRuntime::polling_page_safepoint_handler_blob() != nullptr,
           "polling page safepoint stub not created yet");
    stub = SharedRuntime::polling_page_safepoint_handler_blob()->entry_point(); // <<<<<<<
  log_debug(safepoint)("... found polling page %s exception at pc = "
                       INTPTR_FORMAT ", stub =" INTPTR_FORMAT,
                       at_poll_return ? "return" : "loop",
                       (intptr_t)pc, (intptr_t)stub);
  return stub;

// JVM 启动初始化时,SafepointBlob Stub 机器码生成
static  _polling_page_safepoint_handler_blob = generate_handler_blob(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SafepointSynchronize::handle_polling_page_exception), POLL_AT_LOOP); // <<<<<<<<<
static  _polling_page_return_handler_blob    = generate_handler_blob(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SafepointSynchronize::handle_polling_page_exception), POLL_AT_RETURN);

JVM 启动初始化时,SafepointBlob Stub 机器码生成:


// Generate a special Compile2Runtime blob that saves all registers,
// and setup oopmap.
SafepointBlob* SharedRuntime::generate_handler_blob(address call_ptr, int poll_type) {
  assert(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry() != nullptr,
         "must be generated before");

  ResourceMark rm;
  OopMapSet *oop_maps = new OopMapSet();
  OopMap* map;

  // Allocate space for the code.  Setup code generation tools.
  CodeBuffer buffer("handler_blob", 2048, 1024);
  MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&buffer);

  address start   = __ pc();
  address call_pc = nullptr;
  int frame_size_in_words;
  bool cause_return = (poll_type == POLL_AT_RETURN);
  bool save_wide_vectors = (poll_type == POLL_AT_VECTOR_LOOP);

  if (UseRTMLocking) {
    // Abort RTM transaction before calling runtime
    // because critical section will be large and will be
    // aborted anyway. Also nmethod could be deoptimized.
    __ xabort(0);

  // Make room for return address (or push it again)
  if (!cause_return) {
    __ push(rbx);

  // Save registers, fpu state, and flags
  map = RegisterSaver::save_live_registers(masm, 0, &frame_size_in_words, save_wide_vectors);

  // The following is basically a call_VM.  However, we need the precise
  // address of the call in order to generate an oopmap. Hence, we do all the
  // work ourselves.

  __ set_last_Java_frame(noreg, noreg, nullptr, rscratch1);  // JavaFrameAnchor::capture_last_Java_pc() will get the pc from the return address, which we store next:

  // The return address must always be correct so that frame constructor never
  // sees an invalid pc.

  if (!cause_return) {
    // Get the return pc saved by the signal handler and stash it in its appropriate place on the stack.
    // Additionally, rbx is a callee saved register and we can look at it later to determine
    // if someone changed the return address for us!
    __ movptr(rbx, Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::saved_exception_pc_offset()));
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, wordSize), rbx);

  // Do the call
  __ mov(c_rarg0, r15_thread);
  __ call(RuntimeAddress(call_ptr));

  // Set an oopmap for the call site.  This oopmap will map all
  // oop-registers and debug-info registers as callee-saved.  This
  // will allow deoptimization at this safepoint to find all possible
  // debug-info recordings, as well as let GC find all oops.

  oop_maps->add_gc_map( __ pc() - start, map);

  Label noException;

  __ reset_last_Java_frame(false);

  __ cmpptr(Address(r15_thread, Thread::pending_exception_offset()), NULL_WORD);
  __ jcc(Assembler::equal, noException);

  // Exception pending

  RegisterSaver::restore_live_registers(masm, save_wide_vectors);

  __ jump(RuntimeAddress(StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry()));

  // No exception case
  __ bind(noException);

  Label no_adjust;
  if (!cause_return) {
    Label no_prefix, not_special;

    // If our stashed return pc was modified by the runtime we avoid touching it
    __ cmpptr(rbx, Address(rbp, wordSize));
    __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, no_adjust);

    // Skip over the poll instruction.
    // See NativeInstruction::is_safepoint_poll()
    // Possible encodings:
    //      85 00       test   %eax,(%rax)
    //      85 01       test   %eax,(%rcx)
    //      85 02       test   %eax,(%rdx)
    //      85 03       test   %eax,(%rbx)
    //      85 06       test   %eax,(%rsi)
    //      85 07       test   %eax,(%rdi)
    //   41 85 00       test   %eax,(%r8)
    //   41 85 01       test   %eax,(%r9)
    //   41 85 02       test   %eax,(%r10)
    //   41 85 03       test   %eax,(%r11)
    //   41 85 06       test   %eax,(%r14)
    //   41 85 07       test   %eax,(%r15)
    //      85 04 24    test   %eax,(%rsp)
    //   41 85 04 24    test   %eax,(%r12)
    //      85 45 00    test   %eax,0x0(%rbp)
    //   41 85 45 00    test   %eax,0x0(%r13)

    __ cmpb(Address(rbx, 0), NativeTstRegMem::instruction_rex_b_prefix);
    __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, no_prefix);
    __ addptr(rbx, 1);
    __ bind(no_prefix);
    // r12/r13/rsp/rbp base encoding takes 3 bytes with the following register values:
    // r12/rsp 0x04
    // r13/rbp 0x05
    __ movzbq(rcx, Address(rbx, 1));
    __ andptr(rcx, 0x07); // looking for 0x04 .. 0x05
    __ subptr(rcx, 4);    // looking for 0x00 .. 0x01
    __ cmpptr(rcx, 1);
    __ jcc(Assembler::above, not_special);
    __ addptr(rbx, 1);
    __ bind(not_special);
    // Adjust return pc forward to step over the safepoint poll instruction
    __ addptr(rbx, 2);
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, wordSize), rbx);

  __ bind(no_adjust);
  // Normal exit, restore registers and exit.
  RegisterSaver::restore_live_registers(masm, save_wide_vectors);
  __ ret(0);


  // Make sure all code is generated

  // Fill-out other meta info
  return SafepointBlob::create(&buffer, oop_maps, frame_size_in_words);


83 声望21 粉丝

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