2023年12月6日晚,KCC@Singapore 与 Free and Open Source Singapore、Varnish software、Couchbase 和 openEuler ⼀起联合举办了本次开源小聚【Free and Open Source Singapore Year-end Mashup】。本次活动采取线上(直播)+线下(到会)的形式,邀请了傲空间团队项目发起人之一 & openEuler 社区社区技术委员会成员王建民、Varnish Software 社区亚太区解决方案工程师主管和高级架构师 Henry Choi 及 Couchbase 社区亚太区解决方案工程师 Kevin Johnson 参会并进行演讲。
Kevin Johnson:人工智能创新之路始于Couchbase
Kevin Johnson: The Path to Ai innovation starts with Couchbase
Kevin Johnson, Couchbase 亚太地区解决方案工程师
Kevin Johnson is a Solutions Engineer in the APAC region. He is the primary technical field expert where he supports clients on their understanding of NoSQL and how Couchbase can be used as a key solution in achieving business objectives. Kevin has an in-depth knowledge of the larger tech ecosystem from his experience in Cisco, Dell and Quest Software.
Kevin Johnson 是亚太地区的一名解决方案工程师。他是一位技术领域专家,提供 NoSQL 方面以及如何将 Couchbase 用作实现业务目标的解决方案。Kevin 在思科、戴尔和 Quest Software 工作过,对大技术生态系统有深入理解。
Kevin Johnson introduces himself as a decade-old engineer with experience in various companies. He discusses his involvement with Couchbase and explains that they are a no SQL data management solution. He emphasizes their ability to adapt to the changing landscape of application development and data management. He mentions their integrated coin and app services, which allow for easy data management and access on mobile devices.
He also talks about their AI capabilities and how they can be used to analyze and process data. Kevin highlights their goal of making data management more efficient and introduces their distributed architecture. He explains how their solution can incorporate artificial intelligence and improve application development. He encourages developers to try out Couchbase and provides resources for doing so.
Kevin Johnson,一位十年的工程师,在各种公司都有丰富的经验。他主要讲了他与 Couchbase 的合作,并解释说它们是一个主要提供 NoSQL 的数据管理解决方案的社区。他强调了它们具有应用程序开发和数据管理不断变化的环境的能力。他提到了他们集成的币和应用程序服务,这些服务允许在移动设备上轻松进行数据管理和访问。他还谈到了他们的 AI 能力以及如何使用它们来分析和处理数据。
Kevin 强调了他们使数据管理更加高效的目标,并介绍了他们的分布式架构。他解释了他们的解决方案如何结合人工智能并改进应用程序开发。他鼓励开发人员试用Couchbase,并愿意给他们提供资源。
Henry Choi: 引擎盖下:深入了解 Varnish Software 的 HTTP 加速器
Henry, 亚太区解决方案工程师负责人、高级架构师
Senior Solution Architect from Varnish Software, and many years experience of solution and engineering in CDN and digital content security and protection.
来自 Varnish Software 的高级解决方案架构师,在 CDN 、数字内容安全和保护方面有多年的工作经验。
This dialogue discusses various topics related to content delivery networks (CDN) and edge computing. It highlights the importance of CDN in delivering content locally closer to the user's location and the role of edge computing in improving performance and user experience. The dialogue also mentions a solution offered by a company called hTTd, which focuses solely on HTTP and involves building a CE m using open-source or enterprise versions. It explains the concept of edge computing and the capabilities of the core loss recorded machine.
Additionally, the dialogue discusses the ability to create your own state and manipulate cash with the back-end, as well as the characteristics of a dynamic CDN and a resale solution. It also presents the security features of a cloud storage solution and discusses the process of generating tokens and utilizing open-source projects. Lastly, the dialogue explores the architecture and efficiency of content delivery systems, including distribution of requests, caching, streaming, and content delivery frameworks.
本对话讨论了与内容交付网络(CDN)和边缘计算相关的话题。它强调了 CDN 在用户位置及本地交付上的重要性以及边缘计算在提高性能和用户体验方面的作用。对话还提到了一家名为 hTTd 的公司的解决方案,该解决方案仅专注于 HTTP,并涉及使用开源/企业版本构建 CEM,这解释了边缘计算的概念和核心损失记录机器的能力。此外,对话讨论了创建自己的状态和与后端操纵现金的能力,以及动态 CDN 和转售解决方案的特性。它还介绍了云存储解决方案的安全功能,并讨论了生成令牌和利用开源项目的过程。最后,对话探讨了内容交付系统的架构和效率,包括请求分发、缓存、流媒体和内容交付框架。
王建民:树莓派 vs 荔枝派:探索 ARM 和 RISC-V
王建民:openEuler 社区技术委员会成员
Wang Jianmin is a experienced software engineer who specializes in areas such as Java VM, Web Runtime, Virtualization, Embedded Systems, and data security. He is a member of technical committee in openEuler community, and is also responsible for maintaining the RaspberryPi, CloudNative, and Compat-winapp SIGs. In addition, he has been a strong advocate for promoting the establishment of the Summer-OSPP event to encourage more students to participate in open-source projects.
Wang Jianmin discusses the importance of single board computers, specifically the Raspberry Pi and the U-t Pi. They explain the features and benefits of these devices, as well as their use in various projects and industries. He also mentions the open source nature of these computers and the community that supports them. They highlight the development and improvement of risk architecture and its impact on the hardware and software industry. Wang Jianmin concludes by emphasizing the significance of the Risk 5 architecture and the need for further attention and support in the open source community.
Free and Open Source Singapore
a group of enthusiasts that aim to promote and support Free and Open Source Technology in Singapore. First it was the Linux User Group of Singapore (commonly known as LUGS), then Singapore Linux Meetup Group and now Free and Open Source Singapore.
Varnish software
Varnish Software is a pioneer in high-performance content delivery. Powered by a uniquely flexible caching technology, their solutions are the indispensable common denominator among the world’s most popular brands, such as Nikon, Sky, Emirates and Tesla. They are the company behind Varnish Cache, a caching technology trusted by more than 10+ million websites worldwide.
The cloud database platform for modern applications.Couchbase’s mission is to simplify how developers and architects develop, deploy and consume modern applications wherever they are. They have reimagined the database with our fast, flexible and affordable cloud database platform Capella, allowing organizations to quickly build applications that deliver premium experiences to their customers– all with best-in-class price performance. More than 30% of the Fortune 100 trust Couchbase to power their modern applications.
openEuler是由开放原子开源基金会 (OpenAtom Foundation) 孵化及运营的开源项目。openEuler 面向数字基础设施的操作系统。
KCC@Singapore, founded on July 20, 2023, is the first step in the open source community's global strategy. Our mission is to empower developers to embrace and contribute to open source.
Through partnerships with universities, tech companies, and government departments, we aim to promote open source adoption in Singapore's digital economy. Working closely with local open source communities and forging global connections, we amplify the voice of Chinese open source. Together, we empower open source for a brighter digital future.
Passcode: 4p+J43+z
作者 | KCC@新加坡
编辑 | 谢丹琪、胡欣元
相关阅读 | Related Reading
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开源社(英文名称为“KAIYUANSHE”)成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人志愿者,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成的开源社区。开源社始终维持 “厂商中立、公益、非营利” 的理念,以 “立足中国、贡献全球,推动开源成为新时代的生活方式” 为愿景,以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、项目孵化” 为使命,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态体系。
开源社积极与支持开源的社区、高校、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,同时也是全球开源协议认证组织 - OSI 在中国的首个成员。
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