《Operating System Concepts》学习第 4 天,p13-p16 总结,总计 4 页。
指令只能在 memory 上执行,所以要执行程序,那么就要加载到内存上。
2.primary storage
primary storage 包含下面这些分类:
(3)main memory
3.secondary storage
The most common secondary-storage devices are hard-disk drives (HDDs) and nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices, which provide storage for both programs and data.
(1)nonvolatile memory(如:NVM)
(2)HDDs(hard disk drives)
(1) tertiary: tert-("third")
adj. relating to a third level or stage.
示例:Tertiary storage(三级存储)——A type of storage that is slower and cheaper than main memory or secondary storage; frequently magnetic tape or optical disk(《Operating System Concepts》glossary G-36)。
(1)disparity: dis-("not") + par-("equal")
c/u. not equal or a difference(差距,差异)。
示例: Caches can be installed to improve performance where a large disparity in access time or transfer rate exists between two components(《Operating System Concepts》第 14 页)。
(1)landscape: land("land, soil(土壤), territory(领土)") + scape("-ship, shape, condition, state")
c. physical meaning: a large area of land, especially in relation to its appearance. Figurative meaning: The overall view, structure or environment of sth.
示例:On modern computers, from mobile devices to servers, multiprocessor systems now dominate the landscape of computing(《Operating System Concepts》第 16 页)。
上面这句话使用的就是 landscape 的比喻意义。
(1)incur: in-("into") + curtere("to run")
vt. Incur literally means "to run into", implying sth(usually negative) is brought about or bring upone oneself.
示例1:When multiple processors cooperate on a task, a certain amount of overhead is incurred in keeping all the parts working correctly(《Operating System Concepts》第 16 页)。
示例2:"He incurred a fine for speeding." (He brought the fine upon himself by speeding)(他因超速而被罚款)。
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1. 编程
(1) Abraham Silberschatz,Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne《Operating System Concepts》:https://book.douban.com/subject/30272539/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org
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