【5 kyu】Largest 5 digit number in a series

阅读 1 分钟
In the following 6 digit number:28391091 is the greatest sequence of 2 digits.

【5 kyu】计算N的阶乘末尾几个0,Number of trailing zeros of N!

阅读 1 分钟
Write a program that will calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number.

【5 kyu】Who Is Next?( Double Cola )

阅读 2 分钟
Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Rajesh and Howard are in the queue for a "Double Cola" drink vending machine; there are no other people in the queue. The first one in the queue (Sheldon) buys a can, drinks it and doubles! The resulting two Sheldons go to the end of the queue. Then the next in the queue ...

【7 kyu】Sum of two lowest positive integers

阅读 2 分钟
Create a function that returns the sum of the two lowest positive numbers given an array of minimum 4 integers. No floats or empty arrays will be passed. For example, when an array is passed like [19,5,42,2,77], the output should be 7. [10,343445353,3453445,3453545353453] should return 3453455. H...

【7 kyu】Descending Order

阅读 2 分钟
Your task is to make a function that can take any non-negative integer as a argument and return it with it's digits in descending order. Essentially, rearrange the digits to create the highest possible number. Examples:Input: 21445 Output: 54421Input: 145263 Output: 654321Input: 1254859723 Output...