在写单元测试时,有时候需要测试A class 的 protected or private method,可以使用 Class Reflection 来做,而不是去改成public,破坏封装

laravel 的 abstract TestCase class 中添加一个方法就行:

     * Call protected or private method of a class.
     * @param object $object      instantiated object that we will run method on.
     * @param string $method_name method name to call
     * @param array  $parameters  array of parameters to pass into method.
     * @return mixed Method return.
    protected function invokeNonPublicMethod($object, string $method_name, ...$parameters)
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
        $method     = $reflection->getMethod($method_name);

        return $method->invokeArgs($object, $parameters);

然后在 test case 中这样写测试就行:

final AccountTest extends TestCase
    public function testValue()
        $account = new Account()
        // actual
        $values = $this->invokeNonPublicMethod($account, 'privateMethod', [1, 2, 3]);
        // $values = $this->invokeNonPublicMethod($account, 'protectedMethod', [2, 3, 4]);
        // assert


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