

<img id="xneg" src="xneg.jpg">
<img id="xpos" src="xpos.jpg">
<img id="ypos" src="ypos.jpg">
<img id="zneg" src="zneg.jpg">
<img id="zpos" src="zpos.jpg">


前端学习交流圈:767273102 ,里面都是学习前端的从最基础的HTML+CSS+JS炫酷特效,游戏,插件封装,设计模式到移动端HTML5的项目实战的学习资料都有整理,送给每一位前端小伙伴。2019最新技术,与企业需求同步。好友都在里面学习交流,每天都会有大牛定时讲解前端技术!
function Water() {
  var vertexShader = '\
    varying vec2 coord;\
    void main() {\
      coord = gl_Vertex.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;\
      gl_Position = vec4(gl_Vertex.xyz, 1.0);\
  this.plane = GL.Mesh.plane();
  if (!GL.Texture.canUseFloatingPointTextures()) {
    throw new Error('This demo requires the OES_texture_float extension');
  var filter = GL.Texture.canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering() ? gl.LINEAR : gl.NEAREST;
  this.textureA = new GL.Texture(256, 256, { type: gl.FLOAT, filter: filter });
  this.textureB = new GL.Texture(256, 256, { type: gl.FLOAT, filter: filter });
  this.dropShader = new GL.Shader(vertexShader, '\
    const float PI = 3.141592653589793;\
    uniform sampler2D texture;\
    uniform vec2 center;\
    uniform float radius;\
    uniform float strength;\
    varying vec2 coord;\
    void main() {\
      /* get vertex info */\
      vec4 info = texture2D(texture, coord);\
      /* add the drop to the height */\
      float drop = max(0.0, 1.0 - length(center * 0.5 + 0.5 - coord) / radius);\
      drop = 0.5 - cos(drop * PI) * 0.5;\
      info.r += drop * strength;\
      gl_FragColor = info;\
  this.updateShader = new GL.Shader(vertexShader, '\
    uniform sampler2D texture;\
    uniform vec2 delta;\
    varying vec2 coord;\
    void main() {\
      /* get vertex info */\
      vec4 info = texture2D(texture, coord);\
      /* calculate average neighbor height */\
      vec2 dx = vec2(delta.x, 0.0);\
      vec2 dy = vec2(0.0, delta.y);\
      float average = (\
        texture2D(texture, coord - dx).r +\
        texture2D(texture, coord - dy).r +\
        texture2D(texture, coord + dx).r +\
        texture2D(texture, coord + dy).r\
      ) * 0.25;\
      /* change the velocity to move toward the average */\
      info.g += (average - info.r) * 2.0;\
      /* attenuate the velocity a little so waves do not last forever */\
      info.g *= 0.995;\
      /* move the vertex along the velocity */\
      info.r += info.g;\
      gl_FragColor = info;\
  this.normalShader = new GL.Shader(vertexShader, '\
    uniform sampler2D texture;\
    uniform vec2 delta;\
    varying vec2 coord;\
    void main() {\
      /* get vertex info */\
      vec4 info = texture2D(texture, coord);\
      /* update the normal */\
      vec3 dx = vec3(delta.x, texture2D(texture, vec2(coord.x + delta.x, coord.y)).r - info.r, 0.0);\
      vec3 dy = vec3(0.0, texture2D(texture, vec2(coord.x, coord.y + delta.y)).r - info.r, delta.y);\
      info.ba = normalize(cross(dy, dx)).xz;\
      gl_FragColor = info;\
  this.sphereShader = new GL.Shader(vertexShader, '\
    uniform sampler2D texture;\
    uniform vec3 oldCenter;\
    uniform vec3 newCenter;\
    uniform float radius;\
    varying vec2 coord;\
    float volumeInSphere(vec3 center) {\
      vec3 toCenter = vec3(coord.x * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, coord.y * 2.0 - 1.0) - center;\
      float t = length(toCenter) / radius;\
      float dy = exp(-pow(t * 1.5, 6.0));\
      float ymin = min(0.0, center.y - dy);\
      float ymax = min(max(0.0, center.y + dy), ymin + 2.0 * dy);\
      return (ymax - ymin) * 0.1;\
    void main() {\
      /* get vertex info */\
      vec4 info = texture2D(texture, coord);\
      /* add the old volume */\
      info.r += volumeInSphere(oldCenter);\
      /* subtract the new volume */\
      info.r -= volumeInSphere(newCenter);\
      gl_FragColor = info;\

Water.prototype.addDrop = function(x, y, radius, strength) {
  var this_ = this;
  this.textureB.drawTo(function() {
      center: [x, y],
      radius: radius,
      strength: strength

Water.prototype.moveSphere = function(oldCenter, newCenter, radius) {
  var this_ = this;
  this.textureB.drawTo(function() {
      oldCenter: oldCenter,
      newCenter: newCenter,
      radius: radius

Water.prototype.stepSimulation = function() {
  var this_ = this;
  this.textureB.drawTo(function() {
      delta: [1 / this_.textureA.width, 1 / this_.textureA.height]

Water.prototype.updateNormals = function() {
  var this_ = this;
  this.textureB.drawTo(function() {
      delta: [1 / this_.textureA.width, 1 / this_.textureA.height]

3.2k 声望791 粉丝

前端学习交流群:784783012 欢迎新手,进阶者