如果为ID getElementById处理
如果为calss getElementsByClassName处理
如果为tagName getElementsByTagName处理
非但选择器 querySelectorAll处理
zepto.qsa = function (element, selector) {
var found,
maybeID = selector[0] == '#',
maybeClass = !maybeID && selector[0] == '.',
nameOnly = maybeID || maybeClass ? selector.slice(1) : selector, // Ensure that a 1 char tag name still gets checked
isSimple = simpleSelectorRE.test(nameOnly)
return (element.getElementById && isSimple && maybeID) ? // Safari DocumentFragment doesn't have getElementById
((found = element.getElementById(nameOnly)) ? [found] : []) :
(element.nodeType !== 1 && element.nodeType !== 9 && element.nodeType !== 11) ? [] :
isSimple && !maybeID && element.getElementsByClassName ? // DocumentFragment doesn't have getElementsByClassName/TagName
maybeClass ? element.getElementsByClassName(nameOnly) : // If it's simple, it could be a class
element.getElementsByTagName(selector) : // Or a tag
element.querySelectorAll(selector) // Or it's not simple, and we need to query all
zepto.Z 函数
返回new Z函数
zepto.Z = function (dom, selector) {
return new Z(dom, selector)
Z函数 返回数组
function Z(dom, selector) {
var i, len = dom ? dom.length : 0
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) this[i] = dom[i]
this.length = len
this.selector = selector || ''
isZ 判断是否是Z函数
zepto.isZ = function (object) {
return object instanceof zepto.Z
zepto.init 初始化函数
zepto.init = function (selector, context) {
var dom
// If nothing given, return an empty Zepto collection
if (!selector) return zepto.Z()
// Optimize for string selectors
else if (typeof selector == 'string') {
selector = selector.trim()
// If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
// Note: In both Chrome 21 and Firefox 15, DOM error 12
// is thrown if the fragment doesn't begin with <
if (selector[0] == '<' && fragmentRE.test(selector))
dom = zepto.fragment(selector, RegExp.$1, context), selector = null, console.log(dom)
// If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
// nodes from there
else if (context !== undefined) return $(context).find(selector)
// If it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
else dom = zepto.qsa(document, selector), console.log(dom, 123123);
// If a function is given, call it when the DOM is ready
else if (isFunction(selector)) return $(document).ready(selector)
// If a Zepto collection is given, just return it
else if (zepto.isZ(selector)) return selector
else {
// normalize array if an array of nodes is given
if (isArray(selector)) {
dom = compact(selector)
// Wrap DOM nodes.
else if (isObject(selector))
dom = [selector], selector = null
// If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
else if (fragmentRE.test(selector))
dom = zepto.fragment(selector.trim(), RegExp.$1, context), selector = null
// If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
// nodes from there
else if (context !== undefined) return $(context).find(selector)
// And last but no least, if it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
else dom = zepto.qsa(document, selector)
// create a new Zepto collection from the nodes found
return zepto.Z(dom, selector)
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