- 以隐私安全之名 Android 11砍掉了第三方相机应用选择器
- Android端自动填充功能现支持生物识别 进一步提高安全性
- 谷歌呼吁Android开发者为5G时代的到来做好准备
- 谷歌Pixel 5和Pixel 4a(5G)真机实拍图泄露 规格得到确认
- Kotlin修炼指南(三)——奇技淫巧
- Android Camera内存问题剖析
- 即学即用Kotlin - 协程
- 抽丝剥茧Kotlin - 协程
- 小技巧 | 在 Android Studio 调试应用 (上)
- Android 11 开发者常见问题: 存储 | FAQ・第二期
- 在 Android 和 Hilt 中限定作用域
- ThreadTracker
thread tracing for android Android 线程追踪工具
- locus-android
An Awesome Kotlin Location library to retrieve location merely in 3 lines of code
- ZoomHelper
ZoomHelper will make any view to be zoomable just like Instagram pinch-to-zoom
- SealedSubclassInstantiator
Instantiates instances of subclasses of a sealed class (Kotlin)
- AXVideoTimelineView
AXVideoTimelineView - Video Cropper View - Android
- Roomigrant
Automated Android Room ORM migrations generator with compile-time code generation
- AXEmojiView
an advanced library which adds emoji,sticker,... support to your Android application.
- aaper
Ensure Android runtime permissions using annotations only
- wlmedia
Android 音视频播放SDK,几句代码即可实现音视频播放功能(支持:手机、电视盒子等设备。支持:http、https、rtsp、rtp、rtmp、byte[]、加密视频和各种文件格式视频;包含视频截图、音轨选择、字幕选择、循环播放、设置软解或硬解、自定义视频滤镜、变速变调、声道切换、无缝切换surface(surfaceview和textureview)、视频比例设置、多路音视频播放等。)
- refreshVersions
Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
- DynamicAmountEditText
Customizable EditText with runtime amount formatting. There's nothing extra. Supports different separator's types.
- native-utils
A simple library class which helps with loading dynamic JNI libraries stored in the JAR archive
- AwesomeDialog
A Beautiful Dialog Library for Kotlin Android
- GloballyDynamic
Dynamic Delivery everywhere through a common API
- satchel
A fast, secure and modular key-value storage with batteries-included for Android and JVM.
- WeiXinRecordedDemo
仿微信视频拍摄UI, 基于ffmpeg的视频录制编辑
- sceneviewer-intent-sample
Test different Scene Viewer intent settings for Android app
- Collaborate-Board
Realtime collaborate board based on Firebase developed and written in Kotlin.
- ChatAir-android
A highly advance featured chat app in android using Firestore
- TapTap
Port of the double tap on back of device feature from Android 11 to any Android 7.0+ device
- FunnyClips
一款Kotlin开发的谷歌material design 设计风格的短视频app
Create beautiful mobile & browser mockups from screenshots
- boil
Boil is a CLI companion to add boilerplate codes to your Gradle project
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